Saturday, May 30, 2015

White, Gray, Black-Part 1

"Live in the white; always go back to the white."  That was the earnest advice of a seminar speaker I heard some time ago.  This was in connection to living our Christian lives, not just at church, but in the marketplace (work place) as well; to live in such a way so as to transform it.

Do staff members sneak around, laze around; take stuff home; or have bad tempers?  Do you?  Transform oneself before "doing surgery" on other individuals and ultimately in the atmosphere of your workplace.  Hone in first, however, on oneself.

White and black are generally obvious.  The Bible gives many specifics: "thou shalts" and "thou shalt nots".  However, there are dubious areas where one may not be so sure; those are called the "gray areas".

It's kind of like the dilemma of knowing whether or not to take your umbrella out with you on an overcast day.  To bring, or not to bring; that is the question.  When in doubt, bring it.  Better to be safe than to be sorry.

Similarly, when in doubt about lifestyle or decisions in general, when God's Word doesn't definitely say, "Thou shalt..." or "Thou shalt not..." we can look for general principles gleaned from Biblical examples of folks back then.  How do we get a 'feel' for that?  The answer is, "by reading God's Word thoroughly".

Stuff like income tax when we feel the government isn't using our money prudently or Scripturally; do we still pay?

How about a doctor, for example, who usually earns so much and at the end of a workday takes a handful of the earnings and leaves the remainder to be declared?  After all, who will know?  The government doesn't always spend wisely so why should I give it all it's due?

This is gray area for some people.  But if we, as God's children, will live with integrity in every aspect of our lives as much as possible, we will not drift in the current to the gray and eventually black areas of life.

Why?  When we live in the gray, the fine lines between what's right and what's not become more and more obliterated.  We rationalize.  We no longer see clearly.  The gray fog gets thicker; gray becomes black and we don't even realize it.

Another example is when an engineer and the contractor are in cahoots.  They skimp on building materials, cut corners here and there to earn just that bit more of a greater profit for their own pockets.  Who will realize?  The client?  Not likely.  When the building collapses, the contractor and engineer are long gone.

Or you start a social drink here.  A social drink there.  Soon the social drink turns anti-social and you're drinking at home.  A lot!  Before you know it you're an alcoholic.

A little pet here, a little pet there with your girl/boy friend.  Who would know?  And've gone too far...

Guard yourselves against these things.  "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God." (Matthew 5:8).

Ask a spiritual friend which zone they think you are inhabiting.  Be honest.  Find your way back into the white zone.  Do whatever it takes.

Always go back to the white areas.  People will begin to notice.  You become trusted by others:  bosses; spouse; co-workers; neighbors and hopefully even those nearest and dearest to you; your family.

In God's eyes you will also find favor.  Your conscience will be tender and sensitive to God's ways.  You will know more instinctively what's right--what pleases Him.  Let us all be "white collar" Christians, transforming not only ourselves but ever increasingly and radiating out, to others.  So help us, God!

--To be continued...(Part 2)...

                                                          ~ERC   2015~


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