Saturday, May 2, 2015


An "angel" gave me a very hot pink notebook that tells me to "keep calm and write on".  It's great.  I use it to scribble down my thankfulness-es that meet me every day.  I want to record them to help remind me to see the more positive side of life, not to always be critical and negative.  It's helping.

Ha, ha...yesterday's thankfulness was to start this blog.  Have been wanting to do so for some time.  Now I need to learn how to make it more attractive, wouldn't you say!?

Like how to get pictures from my own albums...

Some months later....P.S.  I found out how to do it...thankful for that!

1 comment:

  1. If you have been reading any of the other blogs you see that getting the pictures from my own albums got figured out as well as from the internet. :)
