Monday, June 1, 2015

White, Gray, Black-Part 2

Are you a melting pot or a tossed salad?  Are you just a "good-living person" like most others or can people tell you actually belong to Christ?    

It has been said  that the USA was a "melting pot" of peoples.  The people who had immigrated from so many different places forged the new nation together, relinquishing their distinguishing cultures for the new and the good of their adoptive country.  Generally, and eventually, you couldn't tell one from the other.  They had blended, or "melted" together to become "American".

Nowadays folks like to go back to their roots reviving and maintaining culture and traditions which in and of itself is fine.  They are becoming/have become more of a "tossed salad"; able to differentiate the "ingredients".  This redefining may possibly be at the expense of "one nation, under God, indivisible".  

This analogy is good in a sense in that it can show us consequences of compromises in our Christian life; we will "melt in" to the general status quo of society at large.  However, when we stand up fully, with courage for God's principles and standards, we can be recognized as God's children.  Tweak yourself away from the gray; live in the white. Make a difference.  Transform yourself with the Holy Spirit's help, for God.   Let the world know, that 'yes', you do belong to the God of the universe and love Him enough to live by His status quo.

                                                                     ~ERC  2015~



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