Saturday, May 16, 2015

"Who? Me!!?" Chapter 3

In more than twenty years worth of listening to sermons in South East Asia (SEA), I've encountered sporadic references to western missionaries who go, of course, to other lands and cultures NOT their own.  Mention of them has, more often than not, been in the negative light; telling us that those western missionaries liked to live "a good life" and/or "to force their culture on the converts in their respectively chosen mission fields.

Living a "good life" implied, living significantly above the status and standard of living of those they had come to serve.  The culture, and maybe even the specific denominational dogmas imposed over and above God's Word and/or from a western interpretation, disregarding the local culture.

Yes, missionaries are human beings and although that is NO reason for an excuse, it is a sad fact of life that that can occur.  However, there are reams of books about numerous missionaries and those who've served the Lord Jesus in foreign lands that gave their "all" for Him and their adopted peoples.

Hundreds of them gave their lives.  Their very act of even voicing their desire to serve the Lord in a foreign land was tantamount to a death sentence; literally.

Many of those didn't even make it to the chosen mission field but died en route.  They died of disease, lack of medical attention; murder even by those they had come to serve and even endured imprisonments; to name some of the many hardships encountered.  They exhausted themselves in unrelenting service; losing themselves among the natives.

Their commitments were not just for two weeks; three months or two year minimum service stints.  Theirs was true, full-fledged, all out, lifetime commitment!

Some of those speakers heard criticizing the western missionaries either have not been enlightened or have chosen to overlook these facts.  They themselves may well be indebted to these westerners for bringing the message of Jesus to their ancestors or even directly to themselves.

It is imperative for the Christians of SEA to seriously think in terms of this type of service to the Lord!  Not just to think, but to ACT, accepting their call to such a committed privilege.  Your own country needs you!  The interior is full of people who need you!  They need you to bring Christ to them.  The Lord gives that inheritance to you wherever you set your feet in His service.  Go for it!!

Once again.... be continued....Chapter 4....

                                                               ~ERC   2015~

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