Monday, May 4, 2015

God to Earth, "Hello?"

At the building of the Tower of Babel God confused languages and separated peoples into various language groups.  And thus it was. 

God being gracious, kind and good, "undid" these language (Lg) barricades when He sent the Holy Spirit to indwell His children on the day of Pentecost.

Previously uneducated men, could suddenly speak languages of the then known world, fluently.  The gospel of Jesus rang out.  God's bridge, healing of the divides between lg groups, had spawned.  Cataclysmic!  (Will scientists still complain that God never "contacts" human beings in a decisive way?  What further evidence do they need?!)

Isn't it marvelously amazing!?

Speaking of God "Contacting" earthlings---John 14:15-21 is of great interest, esp vs 17.  Many non-Christian scientists can't believe GOD IS; nor can they accept creation.  They've got to have hard evidence; facts, before belief.

"The world cannot accept the "Spirit of Truth" because it can't see Him.  Because they can't see Him with their naked physical eyes, nor use any of their other four senses to detect Him nor with powerful telescopes; they don't/wont' believe and they don't know God.

They have reckoned without faith.  We who do accept and know God, know Him because He is with us and in us; therefore we know Him and His influence in our lives.

We have that faith--that spiritual sense and therefore the benefit of the Spirit of Truth of God teaching and guiding us ever more as we obey and follow Him.  That's why we can have peace and our hearts are not troubled.  (John 14:25-27).

                                                                ~ERC  2015~

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