Monday, May 11, 2015

"Who? Me!!?" Chapter 1


Don't you just love it when you call someone for help & they answer, "Sure thing!"  It's a great feeling to have them come to your SOS call for help.  God says, "Call on ME and I will answer." (Jeremiah 33:3).  That's wonderful too!  So then, when God calls for OUR help, why are we so reluctant to give HIM aid?

Moses thought he wasn't ready when God asked him for help.  God did get upset with him.  In the end, Moses, although he did comply, didn't get the full benefit of what God had to offer; entry into the promised land was denied. 

It took Moses years and years to get ready....

The first forty years of his life he became very well educated in Egyptian culture, language and etc.  He believed he was someone very special.  After all his Mom thought he was.  So did Pharaoh's daughter.

Moses needed knocking down a peg or two and so God compelled him into the wilderness.  There he learned he wasn't really as super special as he had thought.  A well educated man, tending sheep in extreme rural places!!!?  All the sheep could say was, "Baaaaaaa!"

God did know what He was doing though and among other lessons in "God's University", Moses learned the in's and out's of shepherding: the nature and character of sheep, and their care.  Nibble, nibble here; nibble, nibble there; here a nibble, there a nibble, everywhere a nibble-nibble and soon those sheep had gone off into the danger zone. Lots of careful tending needed:  still waters for drinking; plenty of grass for nibbling; protection from beasts of prey; "hair" cuts and last, but not least, watchful eyes keeping them from going astray.  When Moses was at last "fit for the Master's use" at the tender age of 80, he no doubt realized the semblance of sheep and human kind character.  

Praise the Lord, Moses was now humbly ready for a grueling 40 year commitment of service to His God; the mission of leading the children of Israel through the wilderness (the very 'University" he had 'graduated' from).  This route led them all to their God-promised land.  Heady stuff!

Those 40 years in "University" had taught Moses much but he was now no longer "a Spring chicken". However, by God's limitless grace, Moses had His strength to rely upon.  Supernatural power for climbing mountains on an empty stomach.  (He was fasting.  He fasted 40 days the first round up Mt. Sinai, came down, then straight back up again for another 40, fasting all the while.)

He had to carve out stone tablets for the second round of commandment writing but even before he had gotten to the wilderness, he'd had a showdown with Pharaoh--his adoptive grandfather.  That must have been nerve-wracking if not for God's mighty arm helping.

Among other incidents, Moses barely escaped being stoned to death by the Israelites; had his authority questioned by his own siblings; snake-bite remedies to procure; hunger and thirst to satisfy; grumblings and complaining to address, and run-ins with other people groups with whom to contend. All in a days' work for him, all the while depending on God for His aid. (Exodus 1-40)

The point is, commitment to God involves time, energy and perseverance; and many dangers and discouragements to face along the way.  Triumphs, of course.  Just think of how joyous it must have been to finally escape Pharaoh's and the Egyptian's clutches.

It was imperative Moses look up, literally, to God daily, for his daily bread all those 40 yrs of wanderings with the Israelites.  Hand-to-mouth existence was their lot.  Who would enjoy that?!  That was asked of Moses and was part and parcel of his life in God's service--total dependence on God unquestionably needed.

Praise the Lord!  Moses stuck with it to the grand age of 120.  He then climbed his last mountain to meet his Maker and Master.

God calls us to the same level of commitment to Himself and His service; no matter at what age He calls us.  Do not underestimate the senior citizens among you.  Indeed, seniors, don't underestimate yourselves.  God prepared you for a good work for Him.  "Who?  Me?!"...."Yes, you!"  Go for it!!

Younger people, you are not exempt.  What is it that stands in your way?  Your dreams?  Your riches?  Your career?  So many things...when our hearts have priorities set in the sight of God, commit yourselves to Him.  Think of all Moses accomplished.  When God calls for your help, answer, "Yes, me, Lord!  At your service."

May God give one and all an exciting, adventurous life as you dedicate your lives to His service.  Amen.

 be continued...Chapter 2                                                       

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