What do shamrocks and the Trinity have in common? One sister wrote in one of 'Our Daily Bread" entries that a shamrock is
"a helpful symbol because it's one plant made of the same substance with three distinct leaves".
Isn't that so simple yet profound! God created flora to help us understand Him and His persons of the Trinity for us. Other people like scientists dealing in chemistry may use H2O as a symbol. In its three states of solid, liquid and gas a.k.a. ice, water and steam, its composition is still H2O. At least, that's what I learned in school.
When Jesus came up out of the baptismal waters, He was still God the Son. God the Holy Spirit was seen coming down from hearven "like a dove," wrote the Daily Bread sister, and God the Father's voice was heard saying, "You are my Son".
It rejoices my heart to ponder upon my Heavenly Father God, His Son Jesus, who is my Savior and His Holy Spirit who indwells me and leads, guides and counsels me.
Almighty God and Father, in You I put my trust. Thank You for Your Son Jesus who is my Savior and Friend. Indeed, I'm so grateful for Your Holy Spirit too, who guides and counsels me when my ear is obediently attuned to His leading. Thanks too for the 'symbols' inserted in nature to help us limited human beings understand You better. In Jesus' name I give You my thanks. Amen.
~ ERC January 2025 ~
Based on Mark 1:1-11 and Our Daily Bread Sept/Oct/Nov 202 - 2 Sept entry by Lisa M. Samra.
Sing, Three In One, along with Sovereign Grace.
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