Friday, January 31, 2025

Sensitive to the Counselor's Leading


When the buzzer begins to sound it alerts the potential receivers.  They need to be aware of the shorts, the longs, the number of buzzes and in incessantness of the buzzes.  "Message" received, the recipients must act upon it.  The listeners must also be alert for whom the particular message tolls.

This is similar to listening to the Holy Spirit's message.  What is He saying and for whom is the message?  Another name for the Holy Spirit is 'Counselor'.  When counseling a friend in need, the believing counselor-friend must be sensitive to the counselor's guidance in any one particular situation with one's friend.

Counseling ones friend in need from a Biblical standpoint is the criteria for a believer.  Our Holy Spirit Counselor will direct the believer to God's Word - hopefully the believer has prayed and sought His guidance beforehand but certainly can ask again during a time of listening to the friend.  In addition to being directed to a passage from God's Word, the Holy Spirit Counselor can help the human counselor friend to a particular element and/or root cause in the friend in need's situation that could help unlock the troubles needing to be addressed.

A root cause may well be a sin in a person's life.  This is essential to discover if one is to effectively help and counsel.  If there is a long-standing (or even a short one) root cause that perhaps has even been masked for the friend in need, ferreting out and dealing with such causes will begin to bring better understanding and healing.

Hopefully ones' medical doctor will not just deal with symptoms but will test and examine possible sources of those symptoms.  For example, for a broken leg, the doctor won't just give painkillers.  No, he will take an x-ray, set the bones as best he can in proper alignment and apply a plaster cast to keep the bones as immobile as possible until healing can take place.

As for the physical body, so too for the soul and spiritual health of any given person.

Having said all this, I certainly believe that a Christian counselor will be able to enable a more positive outcome for his or her friend.  If you want a soul and spirit solution, God's Word and the Holy Spirit are the convicting 'tools' to be applied to the root causes.

However, I do concede that not all the friend's needs are due to particular sin in their life but it is a good place to start and consider.  But cautiously.  There could have been abuse caused by another person's sin perpetrated upon that friend.  Empathy and patience is of utmost need.

Listening to the friend's story, having empathy, praying and listening for the Holy Spirit Counselor's leading are vitally indispensable to the human, lay-person counselor.  When one's friend in need speaks of relationship problems, problems with the emotions and/or addictive behavior, find your counseling guidelines from God's Word and sensitivity to the Counselor He gave you.  Then pray for good success in your friend's healing process.  May our Heavenly Father bless your efforts as you work together with your friend in need.

Father God, we always need Your help in any one given human situation.  We are weak but You are strong and know everything about each and every one of us.  You know what we need to help our healing.  Give us the will and perseverance to not just talk about healing but to actually actively work towards that healing.  Thanks so very much for the gift of Your Holy Spirit and Word of God who gives us the help.  Give us the wisdom and discernment we need to help our friends in need.  I ask in Your Son Jesus' most precious name, amen.

                                               ~ ERC January 2025 ~

Based on Chapter 6 - Counseling "By The Book" or By THE Book? in Counseling Friends in Need by Harold J. Sala and Hebrews 4:12 and John 14:16.  This entry is somewhat of a summary of the Chapter 6 as well as answering discussion questions that come at each chapter's end.  A helpful way to review what was read and hopefully find 'digestion'.

Sing, Come All You Heavey Laden, along with Engage Worship.

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