Sunday, January 5, 2025

For Those Who Fear Him

 There is a verse that's been stuck in my mind for the past few weeks.  It's about God's mercy.  You can find it in Luke 1:50 NIV.

"His mercy extends to those who fear Him..."

This is the part that keeps swirling around.

Just why this gets to me, I'm not too sure but its time to examine it.  What does it mean?

Mercy is not getting what a person deserves - generally speaking - in regards to getting some form of punishment that could be bordering on severe.  At many points in our lives, we do need His mercy.

I like that God's mercy, extends ....

I get a mental picutre of a holding out of His scepter, extending it to the one who dared to enter into His presence uninvited - much like the incident of Queen Esther.  Everyone, including the Queen, had been holding their breath when she entered.  The mercy was extended towards her.

In the case of our key verse, look who gets the mercy extended to them and what is the nature of it.  It's to those who fear Him.  When a person walks in the fear of the Lord, they will be shown mercy.  Mercy will be extended to them.

The biggest mercy extended would be having been rescued from God's wrath that is to come.  When a person accepts Jesus Christ as Savior, they've been rescued from an eternity without Christ in that place of fire and brimstone, otherwise known as Hell.

Throughout a follower of Jesus Christ's life on earth, the mercy will be extended.  He does not revoke the scepter of mercy to those who fear Him.  Spiritually speaking, we can grow closer to Him even in the midst of any chaos that could be happening in our lives.  His mercy helps us to forge through as He opens the way for us.

The way for us to forgive others.  For us to share the message of Jesus with others.  For us to show mercy to others - as we have received, freely give (see Matthew 10:8).  Give without payback in other words.  No doubt, you can think of many more 'for us-es'.

This mercy is far-reaching.  Read the rest of the verse to see where Jesus' mercy extends.  It's

"from generation to generation"!

When we fear God, and King Jesus who this verse refers to, our descendants also receive mercy.

What a wonderful, merciful Father and Savior we have!

Thank You Heavenly Father for sending Jesus to earth for us that we might receive the mercy of your salvation through Him. May all of Your children continue to live and walk in the fear of Jesus to have His mercy extended towards us, even to our next generations through us, as You did for Queen Esther, and for King David, the man after Your own heart.

When we read Jesus' geneology in Matthew chapter 1, we actually see a few rogues but when they turned back towards You in sincere repentance, Your mercy was so much more.  Then You blessed us with Jesus.

Forever grateful, I give You praise and thanks in Jesus' name.  Amen.

                                                 ~ ERC  December 2024 ~

Based on Luke 1:50.  See also, Esther 8:4 and Matthew 1.

Sind, His Mercy Is More, along with Keith & Kristyn Gettty.

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