"Fools and bairns see unfinished work" is a saying I've heard from my mother on more than a few occasions. This is what comes to mind when I consider Philippians 1:6 (ESV).
"And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."
What a relief! The work is good and once it's started it will be completed! A lifetime process but one that will be brought to completion.
It would be a mistake to judge the 'good work' before it's finished. This ongoing good work is found IN us. The Holy Spirit's work and empowerment will bring forth His fruit between now and the day Jesus Christ comes for us.
There are times when we feel tired, exhausted, discouraged and overwhelmed yet this assurance of there being good work done can be uplifting. At times we may feel nothing good is being done. However, God's Word is emphatic that something is happening and it is good. Furthermore, it will be finished work.
But what is the good work being done? If you take the verse in context, you'll see Paul's prayer is that the Philippians'
"love will abound more and more,"
right along side
"knowledge and all discernment".
This is a boon for me. So many times I feel inadequate in general and even in particular. Nevertheless to know I shouldn't judge myself too harshly in the middle of the process because the good work towards these mature attainments is assured.
The "fruit of righteousness"
is also being grown in me. This too is a relief. The unfinished work can be discouraging but to realize it is being grown since it was sown helps one to persevere knowing one does not have to go-it alone. The Lord will bring it all to complete maturity. Verse 11 says I'd be "filled" with the fruit of righteousness. How blessed is that!
For followers of Jesus Christ who have the Holy Spirit and walk in the fear of the Lord, we will know God's graciousness towards us as He does His good work in us as we actively pursue it.
If you read the whole of the letter to these Philippian believers, you'll see other aspects of Christian living that will be brought to completion as well for which we can get the stamp of approval and excellence.
For instance, standing firm in their faith, in one spirit and mind for the sake of the gospel. this despite the ongoing persecution they were patiently enduring.
Humility - learning to have this same attitude as Christ's. It can be a toughie but as we ponder on what our Savior and Lord has done and submit to Him, we can learn to develop some humility.
Obedience - also an ongoing charactistic being worked at to do both God's will and work. Again, obedience for those of us who our own will, may find it difficult to submit even to our Heavenly Father's will at times and go kicking and screaming, so to speak, but do in the end obey.
Like yesterday, I did not want to go and join a cross-cultural mission event but while doing a Bible study on missions and cross-cultural missions that very morning, I felt the hand of the Lord compeling me to go despite the barriers that needed break-through. In the end, there was a 'saving grace' the Lord gave me. It made me feel grateful to Him. Thank You, Father.
God's 'work' for the sake of the gospel and/or all humanity is a work-in-progress too. No doubt it can be tough work with obstacles at every hand but again, the assurance that it is HE who works in us who will bring this work to completion can be burden-relieving in one's mind. The outcome is in His hands. The good work in us can then be an outpouring to do good work for Him, which can motivate us towards the maturity He so desires for us, should we choose to accept His mission. He'll be faithful complete us.
So let us rejoice and not be anxious. Let us pray and give Him our thanksgiving, making our requests known to the Lord. He's there for us. May God's peace flood the hearts and minds of each and every follower of Jesus Christ.
Because He lives, we can face today and tomorrow. Because He works good work in us, we will be brought to completion in our spiritual lives as indviduals and as a church, as did for the Philippians. In whatever good work He gives our hand to do, let's give of our best to the Lord. Let's put our hands in the hand of our Master, walk with Him because He'll make His work in us excellent and complete.
Praise the Lord!
Father God, we humbly come to You giving our thanksgiving for the good work You faithfully do in each of us. You do not give up on us, for this we are eternally grateful. In You we trust through our Lord Jesus Christ and it is in His name we pray and praise and give our thanks. Amen.
~ ERC January 2025 ~
Based on Philippians 1:6-11 ESV.
Sing, He Who Began a Good Work in You, along with Steve Green.
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