Friday, January 31, 2025

Sensitive to the Counselor's Leading


When the buzzer begins to sound it alerts the potential receivers.  They need to be aware of the shorts, the longs, the number of buzzes and in incessantness of the buzzes.  "Message" received, the recipients must act upon it.  The listeners must also be alert for whom the particular message tolls.

This is similar to listening to the Holy Spirit's message.  What is He saying and for whom is the message?  Another name for the Holy Spirit is 'Counselor'.  When counseling a friend in need, the believing counselor-friend must be sensitive to the counselor's guidance in any one particular situation with one's friend.

Counseling ones friend in need from a Biblical standpoint is the criteria for a believer.  Our Holy Spirit Counselor will direct the believer to God's Word - hopefully the believer has prayed and sought His guidance beforehand but certainly can ask again during a time of listening to the friend.  In addition to being directed to a passage from God's Word, the Holy Spirit Counselor can help the human counselor friend to a particular element and/or root cause in the friend in need's situation that could help unlock the troubles needing to be addressed.

A root cause may well be a sin in a person's life.  This is essential to discover if one is to effectively help and counsel.  If there is a long-standing (or even a short one) root cause that perhaps has even been masked for the friend in need, ferreting out and dealing with such causes will begin to bring better understanding and healing.

Hopefully ones' medical doctor will not just deal with symptoms but will test and examine possible sources of those symptoms.  For example, for a broken leg, the doctor won't just give painkillers.  No, he will take an x-ray, set the bones as best he can in proper alignment and apply a plaster cast to keep the bones as immobile as possible until healing can take place.

As for the physical body, so too for the soul and spiritual health of any given person.

Having said all this, I certainly believe that a Christian counselor will be able to enable a more positive outcome for his or her friend.  If you want a soul and spirit solution, God's Word and the Holy Spirit are the convicting 'tools' to be applied to the root causes.

However, I do concede that not all the friend's needs are due to particular sin in their life but it is a good place to start and consider.  But cautiously.  There could have been abuse caused by another person's sin perpetrated upon that friend.  Empathy and patience is of utmost need.

Listening to the friend's story, having empathy, praying and listening for the Holy Spirit Counselor's leading are vitally indispensable to the human, lay-person counselor.  When one's friend in need speaks of relationship problems, problems with the emotions and/or addictive behavior, find your counseling guidelines from God's Word and sensitivity to the Counselor He gave you.  Then pray for good success in your friend's healing process.  May our Heavenly Father bless your efforts as you work together with your friend in need.

Father God, we always need Your help in any one given human situation.  We are weak but You are strong and know everything about each and every one of us.  You know what we need to help our healing.  Give us the will and perseverance to not just talk about healing but to actually actively work towards that healing.  Thanks so very much for the gift of Your Holy Spirit and Word of God who gives us the help.  Give us the wisdom and discernment we need to help our friends in need.  I ask in Your Son Jesus' most precious name, amen.

                                               ~ ERC January 2025 ~

Based on Chapter 6 - Counseling "By The Book" or By THE Book? in Counseling Friends in Need by Harold J. Sala and Hebrews 4:12 and John 14:16.  This entry is somewhat of a summary of the Chapter 6 as well as answering discussion questions that come at each chapter's end.  A helpful way to review what was read and hopefully find 'digestion'.

Sing, Come All You Heavey Laden, along with Engage Worship.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Shamrocks and the Trinity

What do shamrocks and the Trinity have in common?  One sister wrote in one of 'Our Daily Bread" entries that a shamrock is 

"a helpful symbol because it's one plant made of the same substance with three distinct leaves".

Isn't that so simple yet profound! God created flora to help us understand Him and His persons of the Trinity for us.  Other people like scientists dealing in chemistry may use H2O as a symbol.  In its three states of solid, liquid and gas a.k.a. ice, water and steam, its composition is still H2O.  At least, that's what I learned in school.

When Jesus came up out of the baptismal waters, He was still God the Son.  God the Holy Spirit was seen coming down from hearven "like a dove," wrote the Daily Bread sister, and God the Father's voice was heard saying, "You are my Son".

It rejoices my heart to ponder upon my Heavenly Father God, His Son Jesus, who is my Savior and His Holy Spirit who indwells me and leads, guides and counsels me.

Almighty God and Father, in You I put my trust.  Thank You for Your Son Jesus who is my Savior and Friend.  Indeed, I'm so grateful for Your Holy Spirit too, who guides and counsels me when my ear is obediently attuned to His leading.  Thanks too for the 'symbols' inserted in nature to help us limited human beings understand You better.  In Jesus' name I give You my thanks.  Amen.

                                                  ~ ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on Mark 1:1-11 and Our Daily Bread Sept/Oct/Nov 202 - 2 Sept entry by Lisa M. Samra.

Sing, Three In One, along with Sovereign Grace.


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Lord's Day Devotion - Kindness

We always want people to be kind to us.  It touches our heartstrings when they are.

King David was very kind to Mephibosheth.  He was his best friend Jonathan's son.  He was also his worst enemy King Saul's grandson.  By rights, for those ancient times, all of the previous king's progeny would be extramininated.

However, due to David and Jonathan's promise to each other, David showed kindness upon kindness to Mephibosheth.  Not only did he keep Mephibosheth alive, he brought him to Jerusalem, allowed him to sit at his table as if he was one of the king's sons, and he restored his lands among other kindnesses.

Mercy and grace joined hands once again in David's actions of kindness.  It often takes that for us to be kind.  We are asked to be kind to one another.  Humility, love, mercy and forgiveness are often intertwined when it comes to being kind.  It's not aways so easy to do.

The apostle Paul, who wrote much of the New Teatament, penned to the Ephesians,

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you" (Ephesians 4:32 ESV).

Ah, that's the key for us followers of Jesus Christ ... "... as God in Christ forgave you ...."  Jesus is always our perfect, exemplary example of how to live kindness.

To Titus, Paul wrote,

"But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, He saved us ..." (Titus 3:4 & 5).

In humility, Jesus came from heaven to earth, suffered, bled and died to bear the penalty of our sins.  His mercy and grace prepared the way for God to forgive those of us who by faith, repented of our sins and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives.  God's goodness and kindness in action.  He took my (and your) place on the cross.  Jesus is our hiding place, made so by His kindness towards us.

Praise and thank our Lord and Savior for His extreme kindness this Lord's Day as you partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine in rememberance of Jesus' death and resurrection on our behalf.  Then go out to show our gartitude by being kind (and including all that entails), to another borther or sister-in-Christ, and to all you meet in the run of a day until He comes.  Perhaps, today.

Thank You, Jesus.  Your loving kindness is better than any human life and love that could ever be bestowed upon me.  

                                                       ~ ERC January 2025 ~ 

Based on 2 Samuel 2 and 9; Ephesians 4:32 and Titus 3:4-5 ESV.

Sing, Thy Loving Kindness is Better Than Life, along with Maranatha Singers and Hiding Place, along with Desparation Band.

Friday, January 24, 2025

A Better Listener

Listening is so important when another person is sharing deeply about personal issues and situations.  Listening, not only with your ears but also with your eyes and mind.  The heart needs to be engaged,  showing your care, respect, compassion and empathy by listening intently.

If your mind is wandering, wondering when the person will be finished, or of what to cook for dinner or where you will go for a drive on the weekend, you are hearing the sound of your friend's voice but you are not listening.

When the listener is using her eyes she will be able to discern whether the sharer is happy, sad, angry, in pain, irritated and so on.  Maintaining eye contact will show the sharer you are indeed listening and do care.

The listener will be able to discern to a certain extent how much truth there is in the person's story.  Is the person's problem physical, emotional or spiritual or a combination thereof?  The observant, listening couselor a.k.a. friend, who has prayed and asked the Lord to give her wisdom before hearing out her friend, will be Spirit - led, most often, towards a discerning diagnosis.

God has a plan for each of our lives.  When we run counter to it, trouble will inevitably ensue.  Our sin will find us out (see Numbers 32:23).  

Godly counsel is needed to help the friend in need to find God's will in the midst of their pain and consequences.  Although I'm quick to insert here, not all suffering is the consequence of our particular sin but of The Fall, in general.  Or, it could have been from someone else's sin against the one telling the 'story'.

If it has been from sin in the person's life then guidance towards repentance will be needed.  Counciling from God's perspective and Word rather than society's 'fixes' and general beliefs, and although some of them could also be helpful, the God-centered guidance is best.  This can set the person in stress, distress and angst on the road to greater healing and health.

A personal relationship with Jesus Christ is a good place to start.  Repentance in general and then specific scenario.  Remember that as Harold J. Sala remarks in his book Counseling Friends In Need that the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of a human being inter-relate and spill over into each other similarly as to how osmosis operates.

When a person is sick physically, the emotions often become affected.  This in turn affects the spiritual.  And so it spirals round and round and down.  So as one listens to one's friend, ask the Lord to show you where and/or how this vicious cycle started.  Finding the root cause will help.

Alluding to society's thoughts, is this person thinking money, power or sex or other such desires are solutions?  Has the fulfillment of a dream that is important to him or her become elusive?  They had been promised dream fulfillment was important and well, fulfilling.  Alas, it had all been a disappointing illusion for them.

There are many facets to listening intently to your friend in need.  May our Lord guide you into all truth for the good of your friends as you become a better and better listener.

                                                ~ ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on Chapter 5 - Diagnose the Problem But Treat the Whole Person from the book Counseling Friends In Need by Harold J. Salas.  See also Proverbs 19:20, Matthew 11:15 and Revelation 2:29 and 3:22.  If you have ears to hear, let them hear.

Sing, I'm Listening, along with Chris McClarney and The Jesus Way, along with Phil Wickham.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Cross-Cultural Angst


Are you a thorn in the flesh or an odd one out in a group you join regularly?  Do they have to accommodate you to some extent?  Is the effort for joining that group worth it, to begin with?  Why do you stay if it is SO difficult, angst producing and certian ones even criticize you for your clumsiness and supposed lack of participation in the group?  What is your motivation for even being there?  Does it outway the negative input?

So many questions flit through the mind.  Missions and cross-cultural missions are a tough call - to say the least.  Peter made it look easy when he got his call to go to Caesarea to visit Cornelius the Gentile.

He had visions and the timing of Cornelius' men knocking at Simon the Tanner's door in Joppa clinched any of Peter's hesitation.  It dovetailed.  Peter lets them in, gives them food and a night's lodging.  Jew meets and greets Gentiles up close and friendly.  

Bing!  Bang!  Boom!

This was HUGE!  A cross-cultural, mammoth breakthrough spearheaded by Peter the Jew.

Peter goes to Cornelius' house where so many more Gentiles await him.  Cornelius explains why he summoned Peter.  Peter explains the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Cornelius and those in the household accept Christ.  The Holy Spirit automatically comes upon them.  Peter orders them to be baptised.

In reality most such experiences are not so 'easy'.  It's tough, teeth-gritting work, full of misunderstanding on the part of both parties.  On top of that there is often the spiritual warfare aspect as the believer trods upon Satan's territory.  

But for the sake of the gospel, here's another question to ask:  In what ways can I become involved in the advancement of the gospel worldwide that could be considered going to "the ends of the earth"?

Pray for God's guidance, and your willingness and obedience to go as Peter did.  Persevere no matter the odds.  God's got you covered.

                                                     ~ ERC January 2025 ~

Based on Acts 10.

Sing, For the Cause, along with Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Fallow Fields


"Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the LORD, that He may come and rain righteousness upon you"  (Hosea 10:12 ESV).

Commands for the people of Hosea's day were to sow, reap, and break up fallow ground because it was time to do so.  This was not ordinary fallow ground.  I believe it was the peoples' hearts.  The 'seeds' to be sown were 'righteousness'.  They would then reap 'steadfast love'.  It seems the people had neglected to seek the LORD so had to be told to do so.  The benefits were that He would come and rain righteousness upon them.

In the middle of farm country where I once took some daily strolls, there was a huge field lying fallow.  My walking companion who had some memory issues, would repeatedly ask, "Why isn't the farmer planting that field?"  It really irritated him that the farmer was being seemingly slack.

But what farmer needs to be told to sow, reap or even the time to do so?  They have their reasons for letting a field be fallow.  Reasons such as allowing the soil to replenish its fertility, to raise soil pH and even to break pest and disease lifecycles.  If you research it on the internet you'll see some other reasons as well.  There is one warning-like precaution, however.  If the ground is left fallow for too long, the soil can turn to dirt.  It becomes useless and unproductive.

I believe this is what God was getting at through Hosea to His people Israel.  The more wealth they had, the more they let the things of God go fallow.  Their material wealth showed more and more but evil increased.  There was corruption, evil and even hatred in the house of God (see Hosea 9:8 ESV).

God had done so much for Israel, bringing them out of Egyption slavery, through the wilderness wanderings and gave them their gift of the Promised Land.  He had nurtured them, wanting His chosen people to be a righteous nation.  A nation that all other nations would look up to and respect, drawing them to the God the Israelites worshiped.

BUT, look at them now in Hosea's time.  They were immersed in luxury but also evil.  They had turned to dirt - so to speak.  

God tries again and again.  Fallow land is land that has actually been plowed and readied for sowing.  It was like God had done the plowing and readying but the people of Israel had to do the sowing.  

Note God's sovereignty vs man's responsibility here.  Our heavenly Father does not force us to do what He commands.  He wants willing hearts.  Sadly, the people were not interested.  There was no righteousness being sown, nor steadfast love being reaped, even though it was past time to do so.  There were none, or at least precious few, like Hosea, who were seeking the Lord.  If only there were, righteousness would then have rained down upon them!

Instead the very opposite had rained upon them.

Our day and age is similarly going to dirt but we personally do not need to let our lives as individuals, or as a Christian household or as a church, go to dirt.  No, we can be the watchmen, or like the prophet Hosea who continued to seek the Lord and His righteousness even though it seemed no one else was.

Don't let the fallow fields of our hearts turn to dirt.

Abba Father, may I always seek You because I know then, that I'll find You.  In times of rest and fallowness, may I remember to sow and reap at the right time.  May Your righteousness rain upon me.  I ask in Jesus' name.  Amen.

                                                   ~ ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on Hosea 10:12 ESV.

Sign, Hymn of Heaven, along with Phil Wickham.

Lord's Day Devotion - Salvation Belongs to the LORD


David's mockers said there was "no salvation for him in God".  What a taunt when David was down and out, and vulnerable once again.  This time he was fleeing from his own son Absalom.

Absalom, who was attempting a coup to take over the throne of David, his father.  David was no longer a spring chicken by this time, unlike when King Saul was seeking his demise years earlier.

It wasn't that David didn't fear for his life this round.  He did.  That's why he fled but reading Psalm 3 shows how he put his trust in God.

He penned that the LORD was a shield to him.  He also cried aloud to Him.  If you are a fugitive, trying to hide, you don't make loud noises.

But he believed God had him covered.  He had peace and confidence that the LORD heard his cries.  He had entrusted his plight and put it into the LORD's hands so then He could rest.  He could sleep and awake refreshed because "the LORD sustained" him.

Even though so many were against him and his living conditions were definitely NOT up to palace standards he believed God would save him.

This psalm does not touch on David's actual rescue but you can see the trust he put in the LORD that his enemies would be struck on the cheek and that his salvation did indeed belong to the LORD.

Through Jesus, we in our day, can be saved through similar faith and confidence in Him.  He is Someone who has earned our trust, so to speak.  We can rely on Him even in dangerous situations or through other troubles we may face.

Certainly our salvation does come from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household" (Acts 16:31 ESV), Paul and Silas told the Philippian jailer.

Those of us who have done just that and have become followers of Jesus Christ know personally, that our salvation comes through Him.  We now have forgiveness of sins, everlasting life and a bright future with Him in glory to look forward to.

However, as we journey through life, we can experience other times that salvation belongs to the LORD as David did, over and over again.

As we sit around the table this Lord's Day, reaching for the broken bread and drinking from the cup of wine in remembrance of Jesus' action that brought and bought our salvation on the cross, give thanks, as you remember salvation certainly does belong to Him.

It may well be easier said than done but let's realize He is worthy of our trust, so trust Him.

                                                   ~ ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on Psalm 3 (ESV).

Sing, Thou Art Worthy, along with Blood Covenant and Salvation Belongs To Our God, along with Christ Covenant Church (Jeremy Fisher).

Friday, January 17, 2025

Excellent Completion


"Fools and bairns see unfinished work" is a saying I've heard from my mother on more than a few occasions.  This is what comes to mind when I consider Philippians 1:6 (ESV).

"And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."

What a relief!  The work is good and once it's started it will be completed!  A lifetime process but one that will be brought to completion.

It would be a mistake to judge the 'good work' before it's finished.  This ongoing good work is found IN us.  The Holy Spirit's work and empowerment will bring forth His fruit between now and the day Jesus Christ comes for us.

There are times when we feel tired, exhausted, discouraged and overwhelmed yet this assurance of there being good work done can be uplifting.  At times we may feel nothing good is being done. However, God's Word is emphatic that something is happening and it is good.  Furthermore, it will be finished work.

But what is the good work being done?  If you take the verse in context, you'll see Paul's prayer is that the Philippians' 

"love will abound more and more," 

right along side 

"knowledge and all discernment".

This is a boon for me.  So many times I feel inadequate in general and even in particular.  Nevertheless to know I shouldn't judge myself too harshly in the middle of the process because the good work towards these mature attainments is assured.

The "fruit of righteousness

is also being grown in me.  This too is a relief.  The unfinished work can be discouraging but to realize it is being grown since it was sown helps one to persevere knowing one does not have to go-it alone.  The Lord will bring it all to complete maturity.  Verse 11 says I'd be "filled" with the fruit of righteousness.  How blessed is that!

For followers of Jesus Christ who have the Holy Spirit and walk in the fear of the Lord, we will know God's graciousness towards us as He does His good work in us as we actively pursue it.

If you read the whole of the letter to these Philippian believers, you'll see other aspects of Christian living that will be brought to completion as well for which we can get the stamp of approval and excellence.

For instance, standing firm in their faith, in one spirit and mind for the sake of the gospel.  this despite the ongoing persecution they were patiently enduring.

Humility - learning to have this same attitude as Christ's.  It can be a toughie but as we ponder on what our Savior and Lord has done and submit to Him, we can learn to develop some humility.

Obedience - also an ongoing charactistic being worked at to do both God's will and work.  Again, obedience for those of us who our own will, may find it difficult to submit even to our Heavenly Father's will at times and go kicking and screaming, so to speak, but do in the end obey. 

Like yesterday, I did not want to go and join a cross-cultural mission event but while doing a Bible study on missions and cross-cultural missions that very morning, I felt the hand of the Lord compeling me to go despite the barriers that needed break-through.  In the end, there was a 'saving grace' the Lord gave me.  It made me feel grateful to Him.  Thank You, Father.

God's 'work' for the sake of the gospel and/or all humanity is a work-in-progress too.  No doubt it can be tough work with obstacles at every hand but again, the assurance that it is HE who works in us who will bring this work to completion can be burden-relieving in one's mind.  The outcome is in His hands.  The good work in us can then be an outpouring to do good work for Him, which can motivate us towards the maturity He so desires for us, should we choose to accept His mission.  He'll be faithful complete us.

So let us rejoice and not be anxious.  Let us pray and give Him our thanksgiving, making our requests known to the Lord.  He's there for us.  May God's peace flood the hearts and minds of each and every follower of Jesus Christ.

Because He lives, we can face today and tomorrow.  Because He works good work in us, we will be brought to completion in our spiritual lives as indviduals and as a church, as did for the Philippians.  In whatever good work He gives our hand to do, let's give of our best to the Lord.  Let's put our hands in the hand of our Master, walk with Him because He'll make His work in us excellent and complete.

Praise the Lord!

Father God, we humbly come to You giving our thanksgiving for the good work You faithfully  do in each of us.  You do not give up on us, for this we are eternally grateful.  In You we trust through our Lord Jesus Christ and it is in His name we pray and praise and give our thanks.  Amen.

                                                   ~ ERC  January 2025 ~ 

Based on Philippians 1:6-11 ESV.

Sing, He Who Began a Good Work in You, along with Steve Green.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Book Review - This Work of Darkness - By Lucretia Grindle - Publication Date: 16 January 2025

 My heart was in my throat the whole way through this book.  It is not for the faint-hearted reader!  I wanted to tell my mind that this is only fiction.  However, much of the narrative was based on true, historical events.  That is, the witch hunts in Salem Village, and Salem, Massechusetts (1692-1693), with many of the trials held in Boston.

Superstitious Puritans lost reason and hunted down supposed witches on the say-so of very young girls they termed, 'the afflicted'.  Afflicted, that is, by 'witches'.  The story centers around Resolve Hammond, the Englishes, Ned Morrill, Abigail Hobbs, Mercy Lewis, the Putnams and others.

I found the author of This Work of Darkness to be very masterful, as despite it taking me time to read through the story, it strongly held my attention when I was reading.  I'd definitely say it's a page turner that could keep a reader up all night in suspense of what would happen next.  Those happenings with twists, turns and plots that galvanize the reader to the next page.

Truly a very worthwhile read in my opinion.  I give this author a 5 Star rating and thumbs up!  I hope to read more of her work in the future.

                                            ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                         January 2025

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Reviving the Soul

 Not only when meeting together with other believers do we find the refreshing or reviving of our souls.  The Psalmist David wrote,

"The Law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul ..."

He added that they,

"[rejoice] the heart ..."


"enlighten the eyes ..."

So when we feel disheartened and discouraged or dragged out from a day at work or school, why not find a passage of Scripture upon which to meditate.

When I read Psalm 19:7-12 I feel light-hearted.  Partly it brings back memories from childhood days when we were tasked to memorize these verses.  But more than that, we sang them.  They truly did rejoice my heart.

God's Word is perfect when so much else is not.  When we lack wisdom, God's sure word can make us wise.  There is so much that is impure in the world but God's Word is pure and enlightens the eyes.  Sound a bit like cleansing after having to walk through many impurities of the day?  Those who fear the LORD will be made clean.

God's Word is true, righteous and sweet.  We hear a lot of evil communication and corrupt speech, again, as we go through our day.  A lot of 'mud' splatters onto us.  Meditating and even just reading God's Word can revive us.

Let's keep God's Word as our most prized go-to for reviving our souls and communing with the Lord until He comes.

Lord Jesus, we often feel down and tired but You and Your Word can truly lift us up.  Revive our souls oh Lord!  Amen.

                                                   ~ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on Psalm 19.7-11 (ESV)

Song, Psalm 19 - The Law of the Lord is Perfect, along with Nina Vera.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Philemon Refreshes the Saints


Philemon, the "beloved fellow worker" of Paul amazes me.  I had been blithely seeing the fact that he used his house for the church that would meet in his house but forgot about his caring personality.

While writing for a devotional for children about walking in the fear of the Lord with a sub-theme about the fearing the Lord as a family, there was a question I asked myself.  Where are there such examples in the Bible?  

Of course, Romans 16 has a few mentions of households that were greeted and those whose homes or households, were used for the church to meet .  Paul commended them.

In the book of Acts, Peter knew where he could find praying saints, that is at Mary's house.  They must have met there regularly, so that was the first place Peter visited after the angels got him out of jail (see Acts 12:12-16).

Then I found Philemon.  After reading what Paul commended him for, I found that Philemon really lived up to his name.  One of the meanings is "affectionate" and another, "loving".  

Have a read of Philemon.  It's only one chapter but once you spot the ancecdotes about him, you'll see his loving and caring character.

First off, he uses his home, presumably along with his wife Apphia and son Archippus.  Then Paul mentions Philemon's love and faith towards 'all the saints', those followers of Jesus Christ.  He thanks God for this and remembers Philemon in his prayers.

Paul, who was writing from prison as a prisoner for Christ Jesus,

 "derived much joy and comfort from the love Philemon showed to the saints".
  The results of Philemon's care was that 

"the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through [him]" (see vs 7 of Philemon).

Many times we may feel discouraged by life but we can thank the Lord for those who refresh us.  It does lift up our spirits.  Since the saints met in Philemon's home, he had much opportunity to refresh the saints.

Mostly, when I've read the letter to Philemon, I focused on the exciting story part of his runaway slave that obviously was by God's appointment and good sense of humor, that slave Onesimus bumped into Paul somehow or other, in prison, I'm guessing.

Through Paul, Onesimus comes to Christ.  Paul sends Onesimus back to his master Philemon to bear the further consequences of the error of his ways.  However, Paul appeals to Philemon's heart and the brotherhood of being in the family of God.

Paul beseeches Philemon to forgive Onesimus and to see him now as a brother-in-Christ.  Actual punishment for caught runaways slaves was whipping.  If that didn't kill them, they would likely be manacled in chains to discourage running away again.

We don't really know if Philemon took Paul up on his offer to repay any of Onesimus' debts but we do learn that he must have forgiven him.  Look in Colossians 4:9.  It reads,

"... and with him Onesimus, our faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you."

Amazing grace.  I find this very endearing.  Of course Paul had some strong points laid out in his appeal.  He wanted Philemon to "refresh [his] heart in Christ" by actions of forgiving (see vs20).

Normally, if a person wants to stay at their friend's house, they will ask if it is ok first.  Here in the letter to Philemon, Paul doesn't ask, he just states, as if it's a foregone conclusion that he'd be accepted.  It's almost like an order.  He tells Philemon to 

"prepare a guest room for me ..."

Talk about inviting yourself!  Ha, ha!

But Paul's friendship and partnership as a fellow worker in Christ, allowed him to count on Philemon for all of this.  Philemon's character allowed for great hospitality, not just for refreshing the regular saints who met in his home, but also for longer-stay guests.

This gift of hospitality of Philemon's encompassed not just letting his home be used for church, but he reached out to and spotted those who needed extra care, thus refreshing them.

No doubt this created extra work for his wife, son and as he seems to have been a man of means, his servants and slaves; indeed for his whole household, in general.

To me, this shows his commitment to it.  I like to believe that his motivation was that he feared the Lord and walked in His ways.  What's more, that his wife and son were with him in this so that they feared the Lord, together, as a family.

And a family who fears the Lord creates a household that serves the Lord.  I further believe that God loves to see this and uses households to help and refresh the believers and to bring many more sons and daughters into God's household.

Ask yourself, what do you, as a believer in Christ, use your home for?  Let's learn to refresh the saints as much as we can.

Father God, thank You for bringing me into Your household through faith in Jesus Christ.  May all Your children learn to practice hospitality as a family, using their possessions as Philemon once did because they fear the Lord.  Those possessions, which actually come from You in the first place, be used to refresah the saints.  In Jesus' name I ask, Amen.

                                                    ~ ERC  January 2025 ~

Based on Philemon 1:2, 7, 20, 22 and Colossians 4:9.

Sing, Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone), along with Michael W. Smith.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

For Those Who Fear Him

 There is a verse that's been stuck in my mind for the past few weeks.  It's about God's mercy.  You can find it in Luke 1:50 NIV.

"His mercy extends to those who fear Him..."

This is the part that keeps swirling around.

Just why this gets to me, I'm not too sure but its time to examine it.  What does it mean?

Mercy is not getting what a person deserves - generally speaking - in regards to getting some form of punishment that could be bordering on severe.  At many points in our lives, we do need His mercy.

I like that God's mercy, extends ....

I get a mental picutre of a holding out of His scepter, extending it to the one who dared to enter into His presence uninvited - much like the incident of Queen Esther.  Everyone, including the Queen, had been holding their breath when she entered.  The mercy was extended towards her.

In the case of our key verse, look who gets the mercy extended to them and what is the nature of it.  It's to those who fear Him.  When a person walks in the fear of the Lord, they will be shown mercy.  Mercy will be extended to them.

The biggest mercy extended would be having been rescued from God's wrath that is to come.  When a person accepts Jesus Christ as Savior, they've been rescued from an eternity without Christ in that place of fire and brimstone, otherwise known as Hell.

Throughout a follower of Jesus Christ's life on earth, the mercy will be extended.  He does not revoke the scepter of mercy to those who fear Him.  Spiritually speaking, we can grow closer to Him even in the midst of any chaos that could be happening in our lives.  His mercy helps us to forge through as He opens the way for us.

The way for us to forgive others.  For us to share the message of Jesus with others.  For us to show mercy to others - as we have received, freely give (see Matthew 10:8).  Give without payback in other words.  No doubt, you can think of many more 'for us-es'.

This mercy is far-reaching.  Read the rest of the verse to see where Jesus' mercy extends.  It's

"from generation to generation"!

When we fear God, and King Jesus who this verse refers to, our descendants also receive mercy.

What a wonderful, merciful Father and Savior we have!

Thank You Heavenly Father for sending Jesus to earth for us that we might receive the mercy of your salvation through Him. May all of Your children continue to live and walk in the fear of Jesus to have His mercy extended towards us, even to our next generations through us, as You did for Queen Esther, and for King David, the man after Your own heart.

When we read Jesus' geneology in Matthew chapter 1, we actually see a few rogues but when they turned back towards You in sincere repentance, Your mercy was so much more.  Then You blessed us with Jesus.

Forever grateful, I give You praise and thanks in Jesus' name.  Amen.

                                                 ~ ERC  December 2024 ~

Based on Luke 1:50.  See also, Esther 8:4 and Matthew 1.

Sind, His Mercy Is More, along with Keith & Kristyn Gettty.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Book Review - The House of Second Chances - By Lauren Westwood - Publication Date: 1 January 2025


The House of Second Chances was just that and that's what made the read satisfying.  It was also intriquing.  The secrets lent mystery and suspense to the story, keeping my curiosity simmering thoughout.  I found Estate Agent Amy Wood to be a fun, yet serious and unique character.  Through all odds against her, she attempts with varying success to match a house with prospective buyer.

With the particular crumbling estate she trys to protect is a mansion of great historical value - to her.  She sleuths out and unfolds a secret of magnitude on several levels.  Romance sugar coats it all peculiarly, I found.

In my opinion, anyone with a love of ancient historical properties needing restoration will be able to relate well with Amy and the narrative.

                                            ~ Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger ~

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.