Friday, August 23, 2024

The Living God's City


When the dark of night settles in, in a rural area or even in a city when the power goes off, and given a cloudless night, look wa-a-ay up at the sky.  What do you see?  A bright shining moon?  Twinkling stars, or perhaps even a shooting star?  The Northern Lights?

It can be most amazing to see; even breath-taking.  Just think, that's just like the bottom of heaven.  Imagine what it must look like above, to be in God's heavenly city!  It shines with the glory of God, like a very precious jewel (see Revelation 21:1).  

The great streets of the city were of pure gold (see Revelation 21:21).  It must be so glorious!  BUT, the best part of this city of the living God is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb, Jesus our Sacrifice who is there (Revelation 21:22-23).  No lamps or lights are needed because Jesus is our Light.  There, there is absolutely no need to depend upon generator sets nor of city electricity.  Isn't that a wonder! 

Earthly cities can be destroyed but God's city - the heavenly Jerusalem where our Lamb and Light is, will endure forever.  It's unshakeable.

The Israelites of the Old Testament (OT) had an earthly city called Jerusalem.  It got destroyed in 587 or 586 BC, and again in AD70.  It did not endure despite being rebuilt.  Even today it is under attack.  Not so our Heavenly Jerusalem.  All followers of Jesus Christ can look forward to going there and being forever with Jesus, our living God in His forever city.

Remember kingdoms come and kingdoms go but not the kingdom of God as it is unshakeable.  The Kingdom of God is the kingdom that cannot be shaken and the one all who believe will receive.  Let us be thankful to our unshakeable living God and worship Him in reverence and awe.  He must be truly breath-taking.

Will you come and go with me to this city of the living God?


"Oh, Lamb of God, I come...I come just as I am because You have made it possible."

Lord God Almighty, it's exciting to think of going to Your astounding sounding city of the Living God.  Come soon and bring all of us who have trusted in Jesus up to Your Heavenly Jerusalem which endures for ever.

In Jesus' name I ask, amen.

                                                  ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on Hebrews 12:22-29 and 13:14 and Revelation 21.

Prayfully sing,  Just As I Am, along with Charles Szabo.

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