Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Doing God's Will (Hebrews 13)

 Whenever we feel like we've bombed out in our Christian living and that we've really made a hopeless mess, the mess of all messes and things are hopeless, through repentance, we can actually have a new beginning.  A new beginning to make things right with the Lord and others as needed.  Then we can pick up the pieces and continue doing God's will.

I don't know how many have the You Version of the Bible on your phones (and no I'm not adverstising here), but I have this on my phone.  It's great accountablility to being sure to read every day.  There are occasions though that I read  from my actual hands-on Bible and get to feel the literal pages of God's Good Book.  YouVersion will then remind me to continue my streak or else I'll have such a number of streaks to start counting all over again.  So I pick up and continue, creating a new streak of days.

The reminders can be annoying at times, for sure, especially when I really have read God's Word, just not from the Bible phone app.  Our living for Christ on a daily basis can be something like this.  We may falter and fail, but we can pick up and begin again creating a new streak of living for Him, doing His will.

Some may ask, 

   "What is doing God's will??

Well, when we do good and share with others, sacrificing our time, energy and even our allowance and more, God is pleased.  When we obey and honor our parents and leaders He has placed over us in positions of authority, God is pleased.  When we learn new skills, skills and talents that help us in the Great Commission and to live holy lives, teaching others about Jesus, God is pleased.  God's will has been put into action and it pleases Him.

God's will is good, pleasing and perfect (see Romans 12:2).  The results of doing God's will are that we won't simply follow whatever everyone else in the world thinks is ok.  

For instance, when they think gambling, slander, adultery, lying, drinking, abortion and more are ok, what will you think?  What will you do?  Test it by reading God's Word and Holy Spirit's guidance, asking yourself the Question, 

"Are they good, pleasing to God and perfect?"  


"Based on God's Word would I have a clear conscience if I do this or that?"

May the grace of God be with you all, blessing you and keeping you.  May you always hang tightly to our unshakeable Savior, Jesus Christ and depend upon Him all the days of your life until He comes to bring all His children to His City of the Living God, to be with Him forever.

Heavenly Father, I appreciate You and all You've done for me.  Help me in the days and years ahead to learn what Your will is for me and to do it, so that I may please You with the way I live my life.  May I be forever faithful to You who are so faithful and unshakeable to me.  In Jesus' name I give You my thanks and praise.  All glory be to God. Amen.

                                                       ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on Hebrews 13:15-16, 20-21 and Romans 12:1-2.

Sing, This is the Will of God, along with Forever Be Sure.

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