Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Clear Conscience (Hebrews 13:18)

 I don't know about you, but when I want to swim in a pool, which ahem, is not so often, but when I do, I like to inspect it first.  I think, "Hmm, what is the cleanliness quotient level at?"

"Is there any algae or fungus-like growth around the sides of the pool; are there leaves, grass or other debris floating in the water or even a cluster of frogs' eggs attached to the pool wall?" I ask myself.   If the pool is well cleaned, the aqua-marine colors reflected from the sky will look very clear through sparkling clear water.  That is a very inviting prospect into which to dive and splash about.

Having a clear conscience is like that water in a sparkling clean swimming pool.  When the conscience tells us we are doing something wrong or right we can address what needs the attention.

The writer of Hebrews asked his readers to pray for him on this account.  He wrote about his desire to...

"...have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way" (Hebrews 13:18).

This involves holy living.  As a child of God in His unshakeable kingdom we need to reflect His righteousness, like the clear pool water reflects the beauty of the sky.  When we read the Word of God - that double-edged sword - the Holy Spirit will convict us in our conscience as needed, reminding us of God's way.

For example, the Holy Spirit may call our attention something like this,

"Hey, are you being obedient to this?" Or, "Are you deliberately sinning?" Or "Are you doing good and sharing with others?"  How about, "Are you remembering to sing praise?"

Giving the Lord praise is a type of sacrifice - did you know?

When the Holy Spirit convicts our conscience, then we have the choice to do something about it.  It's like when you get out the equipment to clean the algae and leaves from the pool.  When we repent of and confess our wrongs (see 1 John 1:9), our conscience will become clear.

Let's pray for one another to have and maintain a clear conscience and to live honorably in every way before the Lord, the Righteous One.

Father God, I humbly bow before You, seeking You, asking You for the Holy Spirit and Your Word to keep my consceince clear to live an honorable, holy life.  I want others to see You through my clean, clear living that will invite others to come to Jesus and into Your kingdom that cannot be shaken.  I ask in Jesus' name, amen.

                                                     ~ ERC  May 20924 ~

Based on Hebrews 13:16-18 NIV.

Sing, Beauty of the Cross (Preston Wood Choir), with Worship World.

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