Sunday, July 23, 2023

Lord's Day Devotional - Prayer - Rainbow Promise

 Blessed be Your name, oh Lord!  We can trust in You.  Your Word and promises are sure.  We can be certain of it.  We put our faith and hope in You.  You gave Noah the rainbow promise and to this day, about 4000 or more years later, You are still faithfully keeping Your promise, so we do indeed put our hope in Your unfailing Holy Word.

You saved us by your power and love in action through Jesus.  You have accepted our repentance and  forgiven us making us righteous in Your sight.   Now we trust You to bring us all the way to Your Home in Heaven to be with You there - forever.

We, Your children give you praise and show our grateful thanksgiving through the breaking of bread and drinking of the cup.  Thanks be to Jesus who showed us the way through His last supper with His disciples.  Jesus sacrifcie has made us whole and His promises endure forever.  In Him we put our hope.

Blessed be Your name oh Lord God!

                                                  ~ERC  July 2023~

Sing, Blessed Be the Name, along with Matt Redman.

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