Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Good Book - Spiritual Care - A Guide for Caregivers - By Judith Allen Shelly


It's been said that caregivers need caregivers as caregivers are very often 24/7 - on the job, often for years and years at a stretch.  The stress, trauma, isolation and exhaustion, all add up.  Reprieve is a must.

Reprieve can come from other family members but also from the family of God within the given local church.  Care, physically, mentally, emotionally and just as importantly - spiritually.  This is what this book's angle addresses.

There are three parts to this instructive book; they are:  "What is Spiritual Care?", "Doing Spiritual Care" and "Caring for the Caregiver".  Those who care for caregivers will be well helped for reading through this book. Those who haven't thought about needing to care for caregivers may well find a new avenue of ministry, not only for the family of God,  but for neighbors (love them as yourself), and friends who find themselves tied to home and in general isolation.  Brothers and sisters-in-Christ let us see how we can reach out in the living hope of God to demonstrate our faith with acts of love, grace, mercy and tender loving care.  A good place to start could well be reading this book. 😊

The authoress talks about the church community caring but also mentoring:  showing by action, "the caught not just taught," practice even engaging children.  Praying, listening, caring and visiting and being sure of appropriate words of Scripture and sharing are usually most helpful.  Find out what is needed but not by interrogation.  Prayer is a major part of the equation.  Ask and it shall be given.  

Caregivers are encouraged to accept caregiving bestowed upon them.  But would-be carers or caregivers need to be sensitive and not pushy.  Caregivers be givers as well as receivers in this sense in order to maintain good health care even in the spiritual realm when a person is in crisis especially during extended periods of time.  

                                                     ~ERC  July 2023~

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