Saturday, July 8, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - Jesus Forever Superior


Lord, your love has sought and found me in this world where everyone wants to be a hero and superior to others.  But, You are the one who is Superior to all!

Those idols we chase cannot ever compare to You oh Lord God.  Old shoes and broken down toys can be thrown out, new ones bought, only to be run down again.  You never grow old.  You never change.  You are always and forever the same - superior to all.

You are infinite times superior - better than any other religion or god.  Whether it's the gods of other religions or idols we set up, other than You, in our hearts, You are still superior, even when we don't acknolwedge You.

Angels are wonderfully fascinating creatures Lord.  Some people even worship them.  However, they are only creatures - created beings as You are their Creator!  Therefore, You are superior to them.

The prophets of old were great and godly men who were mostly obedient to You and feared You.  They spoke your messages of warning, terror-to-come, repentance and more, even at detriment to themselves.  Honorable and noble men, yet, You created them too.  Jesus, You are still superior to them.

Old Testament (OT) heroes were amazing chaps who did what they did in God Your Father's name.  Moses, leading the children of Israel through the desert for 40 years was no walk in the park!  The story of David the then shepherd boy, rescuing his people with one small, smooth stone, against the arrogant giant Goliath, has been told and retold for thousands of years already.  These men too, were created by you Lord.  They are not to be worshipped.  You are!  This is because Jesus, You are Superior to all.

The high priests of Israel's worship were in a high position to mediate between Your Father, God and men.  This too was such a solemnly responsible task set before them.  Some of them were very disciplined, God-fearing men, yet they were human beings whom You, their Creator made in His image, yes, but still creatures of Your handiwork.   Jesus, You are superior to them.

Worship in Old Testament times was good because Your Father instituted it.  Yet time and again the people had to sacrifice many animals for the forgiveness of their sins.

BUT JESUS ... Jesus, You were the perfect and final sacrifice, once for all time, for all people, for all sins.  Your work is complete, perfect, and final unlike the OT sacrifices, which needed to be repeated yearly and therefore incomplete.  Indeed, Lord Jesus, You are superior to all.

We must live aright with this knowledge, putting it into practice so it is not just a wonderful theory we think about.

NO.  To know You are superior to all, Lord Jesus, can give us spiritual spine and growth.  When difficulties in life come, we can rely on You, focus on You and not on the difficulties.  We can expand and stretch our faith, the faith that depends on You, from start to finish.

You are superior to all and as we're told in Hebrews 13:8,

"Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever."

Jesus, You are forever superior to all.  I give you my offering of praise and commitment to You.  I may falter and fail but I wish to pledge my allegiance to You, the God of gods and Lord of lords.  I wish to have no other gods before you.  I say this in your superior name Lord Jesus.

And so we remember You in Your death and resurrection, that power to save, as we reach for the bread and wine.  We give you our thanks and praise.  By faith we look up to you Lord Jesus, our Superior One, and worship You alone for You are better than any other!  In You alone, we can put our trust.

                                                     ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Kawan Grace Resource P4b, Lesson 8 - Jesus Is Superior to All, Hebrews 1-2; esp Hebrews 1:1-4 and 8:13.

Sing, Jesus Is Better, along with Austin Stone.

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