Sunday, July 16, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Dutch Windmills


I have never seen a Dutch windmill up close and friendly, although I wish I could.  The idea of them fascinates me.  Besides that they appear to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

The secret of a windmill's power (physics aside) is the wind.  The wind, which can't be seen is the driving force power that makes the windmill work.  The blades a.k.a wings, of the windmill scoop up the wind and spin.

Originally, this wind energy converted to, shall we say, rotation power, to give pumping power.  The Dutch purpose was to ... 

"... pump water out of the lowlands back into the rivers ... so farmers could farm the land."*1

Ingenius.  I once read about the chap who tried to introduce the use of windmills into Holland.  His ideas were at first frustratingly rejected.  Obviously, they were eventually found to have merit, so much so, people the world over may believe windmills were invented there and the Dutch have a monoploy on them, which is ok with me.  Ha, ha.  History, however, actually points to a Greek named Tesibus (285-222 BC) as the ancient inventor. *2 

Nevertheless, let's not roam off on a tanget.  The point is about the wind energy which is the power source to drive the windmill to kick in and make it work.  

Can you see where this is going?

For followers of Jesus Christ, our power comes from God.  He is our source of power through the Holy Spirit.  We can be reminded of this to count on God's power and not our own as we journey through life.

A friend recently shared this with me.  It was her Sunday School lesson that God is our great and almighty God.  He is the one who will be coming back to earth as Judge.  Every eye will see Him then.  They'll see His nail-pierced hands and feet.  They'll see His spear-pierced side.  They'll mourn because of Him (see Revelation 1:5-8).

He is,

"the Alpha and the Omega ... who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." (Revelation 1:8).

This is our God.  This is our Father.  We can rely on Him and His dynamic Holy Spirit power to help us do the work He has given us to do for Him.  

Work, such as:  evangelizing, caring for one another; forgiving even the worst of sins against us; loving as God has loved us.  The list could go on but each one knows what we respectively need His power for.  By God's grace and mighty power we can fulfil His purposes He has for each of us in our lives moving forward.

He is the Alpha and Omega and the same yesterday, today and forever (see Hebrews 18:8).  We can certainly rely on Him!

Let us give Him our thanks and praise as we remember Jesus' death and resurrection in the breaking of bread and drinking of the cup this Lord's Day.

Thank Him for all He has done for you.  When you think of Dutch windmills, be reminded of God's power within you and that you can fully rely upon Him.  In Jesus' name give Him thanks and fulfil your God-given purpose.

                                                       ~ERC  July 2023~

Based on Revelation 1:4-8 NIV.

Sing, I Sing the Mighty Power of God, along with SE Samonte.


*1 Dutch Windmills/Attractions and Sightseeing in thie Netherlands.

*2 History and Development - Ancient Engineering Technologies - Windmills in the Netherlands

Disclaimer:  I am not an expert on Dutch Windmills, nor windmills in general.  If I have any erroneous information here please feel free to say and give reference.  Thanks.

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