Sunday, July 2, 2023

Book Review - Out of the Fires - By Carrie Lara - Publication Date: 4 July 2023

 In the aftermath of tragedies such as wildfires that destroy homes and even entire neighborhoods; or floods that drown them out, it is good to have help emotionally and mentally for one and all, even for children.  This is why I believe this children's book, although labelled as fiction,  would be a great boon for children overtaken by such scenarios.  It's good for them to know that when they are scared and have angry feelings and so on, that there are safe ways to express them as revealed in this book, and they can move through and out the other side of horrendous natural disasters with resiliency.  

I feel that this book is written in a very caring, tender manner and will definitely be healing salve for hurting hearts.  There are ideas for coping, such as with emotions, self-care and helping others.  There's a list of additional resources that could be of help for those caught in traumas and their fallout. 

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/ Blogger~

                                                         November 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the Publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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