Saturday, January 28, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Sanctified By Truth

The Lord's prayer is such a comforting prayer.  The prayer where Jesus is talking with His Holy Father, that is - not the prayer He taught His disciples.

If you read through John 17 from verse six all the way through verse 26, you can notate all the things Jesus told His Father He had done for those people His Father had given Him.  He also prayed for those future ones who would believe their message on down the line.

Jesus said He'd 'revealed God' to His disciples and had given them the words God had given Him to reveal.  He told His Father that He was praying for His disciples and asked His Holy Father to protect them by the power of His name.

Furthermore, He said He had protected them thus far and kept them safe by His name, in a kind of benediction akin to what Aaron prayed over the Israelites, nightly (see Numbers 6:22-27).  That was like a bedtime prayer for them then but now Jesus' prayer is more, "I'm going away prayer and Father, I hand them over to Your hands for safe keeping in My absence," kind of prayer.

Jesus went on to tell His Father He had given them His words and to please sanctify them with these words.  The Word of the Lord that is quick and powerful (Hebrews 4:12), can keep His followers 'set apart for holy use,' when they are obeyed.

The disciples needed this prayer and we still do in our day.  Jesus' parting words spoken directly to His disciples as we read in Matthew 28:18-20 was to go out into all the world with the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ.  They were to make disciples and teach them to obey, observing all Jesus' teachings - those precious words of life He had taught.

These words would sanctify them, protect them and give them the ability to be one in Christ and with each other.   Jesus wanted them to be able to be with Him, and to see His glory.  The disciples had seen His manhood so it was Jesus' desire that they would see His 'glory,' His divine -ness.  Jesus did all this in obedience to His Father's will and out of His love for those initial disciples but also for all disciples down through the ages to today.    Can you see how this is a timeless prayer, a blessing, that will continue throughout all generations to come, until Jesus comes to call us all home?

Righteous Father, we humbly bow our heads in Your Holy presence, giving You our thanks and praise for sending Your Fatithful One, our Lord Jesus Christ.  We are so grateful for all He did for us in earning our salvation.  It touches our hearts too that He would care so much for us, that He blessed us with His continuing care through this prayer in John 17.

Now we, Your sanctified children of today, have gathered together this Lord's Day to remember all of Your care, love and protection we have through Jesus and His powerful name.  We gratefully pass and partake of the broken bread and drink from the cup of wine in thankful remembrance.  

We pray all this in the name of Jesus who has protected us and kept us safe with the Name you gave Him.  Thank you for making yourself known to us through Him.  We revere you in our hearts as we are sanctified by your Truth.

                                                     ~ERC  January 2023~

Based on John 17:6-26 NIV/ESV.

Sing, Wonderful Words of Life, along with Islington Baptist Church.

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