Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Book Review - Walking Free - By Micah Tyler - Publication Date: 24 January 2023

 The impression I got from reading this book is that the objective is to lead and guide an individual step-by-step from a position of down and out brokeness, to uplifted freedom living in Christ.  Brokeness from addictions and/or criminal activities, or even from life's severe difficulties that weigh a person down.  Readers will be able to see that Jesus cares as does the author, Micah Tyler.  

I like that this author chooses examples from the Scriptures, drawing the reader in to relate to a particular aspect he wishes to expound upon that can potentially help a person towards sustained transformation in Christ and through the Holy Spirit.  Transformation from what one was and how they'd been living, towards "walking free" of ones' baggage.

Each chapter is actually called a "Step".  At the end of each step are "think-about-it" questions, which Tyler terms, "Next-Step Questions"!  I'd suggest to the serious reader who wishes to transform, that he or she write these questions into a journal and answer each question as honestly as possible.  Don't rush through. From time to time, the author asks the reader to retrace their steps.  If one has journaled along the way, then he/she would be able to see their transformational growth better.

Additionally, some of the steps include tidbits of autobiography of Micah Tyler, a singer, songwriter, as well as book author.  He refers to some of his songs and relates the background story of how and/or why he wrote them.  I've listened to some of these and found that they can be very healing to listen to and to ponder upon.  No wonder he shared them.

I'm going to give this author a 5-Star commendation.  I feel thankful and privileged to have been able to read and review this "grow" book.  I strongly believe many readers and their families will be helped along life's way to freedom by applying the many suggested steps, to their lives.  May God bless each one who does.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                       December 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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