Monday, January 9, 2023

Blessing of Peace and Ceasefire

 Father God, You bless Your people with peace.  It's the kind of peace in our hearts and minds afforded through our trust and faith in Jesus, our Prince of Peace and Savior.  You are majestic and Your voice thunders over the waters.  You are great, greater than all else in this world and universe You've placed us in.  Thank-You for this blessing of peace.

May there also be peace for the Ukrainians and Russians.  Father, it really sickens me to think of all the death and destruction.  There's so many lives being hurtled unceremoniously into eternity.  Many of them say there is no God because of the ideology fed to them by their country's SOP in regards to religion and relationship with You.  On the other hand, there are those whose god has been materialistic and only nominally Christian.

Father, forgive them.  Have mercy upon them.  Intervene, letting them know that You DO exist, that You 'are'.  That You are love and love them.

I weep Father, over this carnage of lives - body parts splattered here and there; scorched, singed, maimed; mental and emotional anguish; scarred for life, at least for those who survive.  There's no peace Father, unless You will bring it about.

May Your people bring the peace of Jesus that surpasses all understanding that will keep the hearts and minds of the survivors.  Lord, You are the One sitting enthroned over all and can give Your people strength.  Bless them with Your peace today.  Bless them with this peace and the peace that can come from "ceasefire!"

I beg You in Jesus' name.  Amen and Amen.

                                                ~ERC  January 2023~

Based on Psalm 29:7-11.

Sing, The Lord Will Bless His People With Peace, by Michael Bulaong.

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