It's a pleasant thing to listen to a valley village awaking. Soft and gentle at first, with birds twittering, calling "Good Morning" to each other; roosters crowing, peoples' muted voices and rustlings, preparing themselves for the day. As the sun timidly warms the earth the mist lifts from the surrounding mountains revealing the green grandeur of their stature. Village houses still with porch light gleaming, still still within, but one can detect some emanating knockings and foot patterings beginning the business of the day.
The village kitchen's pit fire burns and smokes from the community chefs' breakfast ministrations. These blessed folks have been up way before the sun, but quiet as mice. I'm grateful as I'm one of the beneficiaries for their sustenance offerings.
By contrast, just think of that awful morn in which Jesus was to be crucified. Think of it. Imagine it out. It's gut wrenching isn't it! At first, the ordinary people roused to what they thought would be an ordinary day, just like this morning has been. Oh, but then...
As always, God turned what Satan meant for harm, into phenomenal blessing! Did you read Ephesians 1:3-14? Some of it reads,
"God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,...blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ" (v. 3).
Praise God!
The holy and blameless One took the fall for us all. On top of that, predestined us for adoption as He wished and pleased.
What glorious grace!
He wanted to unite heaven and earth under Christ. Heaven and Earth had once been united under God until Adam and Eve sinned. Then they were separated from God. God's remedy was to unite all His adopted earthly children through their faith in Jesus Christ, back under Christ's authority, power and blessing. Heaven and Earth united under Christ - isn't this wondrous blessing? Access to the Father through Jesus our Savior, the Mediator.
Praise the Lord.
Now we have hope in Christ since we believed the
"message of truth, the gospel of our salvation" (v. 13).
We were given the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of our inheritance and redemption. We were chosen for this!
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Our first love in Christ was glorious. Let's check ourselves to see if this love has somewhat diminished and become veiled in the night and mist of our daily lives. It's like when the power went off last night out in the village. We were far from the city's glow so there was only the light of the moon and stars, which was grand. There were also flashlight flashings as we clumsily crept about in the dark seeking our way about an unfamiliar territory. Thank God for at least these bits of light!
When complacency enters into our daily Christian living, it can well turn to lethargy. If left too long we can become comatosed believers. Our light will be all but dimly visible. That's why when we open up our Bibles to Ephesians 5:13 we read,
"Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you" (NIV).
We need a blast in our ears from a shofar.
That's a long, loud sounding - awaking us, calling us to attention for an important message and mission. It can awaken us to alertness and to being on guard to live holy, pro-active Christian lives.
Think back to all the blessing we have in Christ. Think of all the light of Christ that is shining on us. The days are dark and evil. We need to 'get with it' and be wise,
"understanding what the Lord's will is (see Ephesians 5:15-17).
We need to be lighting up the earth with the Light of Christ, engaging in evangelism as much as possible.
After all, He has blessed us with so many spiritual blessings in Christ. We need to share the message so others too, will be blessed. Forgiveness of sins and everlasting life, as opposed to the alternative, are imperative blessings with which to begin.
He chose you and He chose me long before the dawn of time. Let us be obedient children of God and live holy lives and shine His light for all to see. In so doing, let us draw all men, women and children to Christ; as many as we can and have opportunity to do.
There's still ever so many people in the dark. Let's bring them into the glorious Son Light of Christ, uniting them, along with those of us who already belong to Him here on earth, with Christ in Heaven.
The awakenings may be soft and gentle at first, until the light explodes upon our day, when the Son, in all His glory, can shine upon us.
To God be the glory for all His grace and mercy. Let us begin to love Him again as we did at first, until we hear His shout and trumpet call. Live as children of the light (Ephesians 5:8 NIV).
You were chosen for it.
~ERC January 2023~
Based on Ephesians 1:3-14; 5:8, 13, 15-17 NIV.
Sing, Two Hands One Heart, along with Don Moen.
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