Sunday, January 29, 2023

Book Review - 100 Things to Know About Architecture - By Louise O'Brien - Publication Date: 31 January 2023


A young academically-minded reader will be enthused and easily engrossed in this wonderful compilation of things that spell 'architecture,' I believe.  Various aspects such as the history of buildings; world-famous architects, symmetry; light; Lego; pyramids and environmentally congruent edifices that blend into their surrounds with finesse, can be learned about. 

There is so much more, that can be discovered within the pages of this educational children's book.  Each entry is short and to the point and accompanied by lovely pictures to illustrate.  Each aspect is well contained so a reader can stop and start to consider without feeling rushed.  It's something like Lego pieces themselves.  The interested reader can take his or her time to build one bit of knowledge one piece at a time, constructing and grasping in their minds, the individual subject matter that will fit together with the next and the next, pieces.  I believe this would be a great gift for any child who yearns for scientific input.

                                                   ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              December 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.
