Sunday, January 29, 2023

Book Review - 100 Things to Know About Architecture - By Louise O'Brien - Publication Date: 31 January 2023


A young academically-minded reader will be enthused and easily engrossed in this wonderful compilation of things that spell 'architecture,' I believe.  Various aspects such as the history of buildings; world-famous architects, symmetry; light; Lego; pyramids and environmentally congruent edifices that blend into their surrounds with finesse, can be learned about. 

There is so much more, that can be discovered within the pages of this educational children's book.  Each entry is short and to the point and accompanied by lovely pictures to illustrate.  Each aspect is well contained so a reader can stop and start to consider without feeling rushed.  It's something like Lego pieces themselves.  The interested reader can take his or her time to build one bit of knowledge one piece at a time, constructing and grasping in their minds, the individual subject matter that will fit together with the next and the next, pieces.  I believe this would be a great gift for any child who yearns for scientific input.

                                                   ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              December 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.


Saturday, January 28, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Sanctified By Truth

The Lord's prayer is such a comforting prayer.  The prayer where Jesus is talking with His Holy Father, that is - not the prayer He taught His disciples.

If you read through John 17 from verse six all the way through verse 26, you can notate all the things Jesus told His Father He had done for those people His Father had given Him.  He also prayed for those future ones who would believe their message on down the line.

Jesus said He'd 'revealed God' to His disciples and had given them the words God had given Him to reveal.  He told His Father that He was praying for His disciples and asked His Holy Father to protect them by the power of His name.

Furthermore, He said He had protected them thus far and kept them safe by His name, in a kind of benediction akin to what Aaron prayed over the Israelites, nightly (see Numbers 6:22-27).  That was like a bedtime prayer for them then but now Jesus' prayer is more, "I'm going away prayer and Father, I hand them over to Your hands for safe keeping in My absence," kind of prayer.

Jesus went on to tell His Father He had given them His words and to please sanctify them with these words.  The Word of the Lord that is quick and powerful (Hebrews 4:12), can keep His followers 'set apart for holy use,' when they are obeyed.

The disciples needed this prayer and we still do in our day.  Jesus' parting words spoken directly to His disciples as we read in Matthew 28:18-20 was to go out into all the world with the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ.  They were to make disciples and teach them to obey, observing all Jesus' teachings - those precious words of life He had taught.

These words would sanctify them, protect them and give them the ability to be one in Christ and with each other.   Jesus wanted them to be able to be with Him, and to see His glory.  The disciples had seen His manhood so it was Jesus' desire that they would see His 'glory,' His divine -ness.  Jesus did all this in obedience to His Father's will and out of His love for those initial disciples but also for all disciples down through the ages to today.    Can you see how this is a timeless prayer, a blessing, that will continue throughout all generations to come, until Jesus comes to call us all home?

Righteous Father, we humbly bow our heads in Your Holy presence, giving You our thanks and praise for sending Your Fatithful One, our Lord Jesus Christ.  We are so grateful for all He did for us in earning our salvation.  It touches our hearts too that He would care so much for us, that He blessed us with His continuing care through this prayer in John 17.

Now we, Your sanctified children of today, have gathered together this Lord's Day to remember all of Your care, love and protection we have through Jesus and His powerful name.  We gratefully pass and partake of the broken bread and drink from the cup of wine in thankful remembrance.  

We pray all this in the name of Jesus who has protected us and kept us safe with the Name you gave Him.  Thank you for making yourself known to us through Him.  We revere you in our hearts as we are sanctified by your Truth.

                                                     ~ERC  January 2023~

Based on John 17:6-26 NIV/ESV.

Sing, Wonderful Words of Life, along with Islington Baptist Church.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Prayer Coverage

 It's a wonderful thing to know someone is praying for you, that they've promised to to do so indefinitely.  Parent's do so naturally and it's a blessing for those children who have such covering from godly parents on a daily basis.  I have felt this in my family.

When my husband and I got married one dear brother and sister-in-Christ couple pledged to pray for us.  Each time they saw one of us, even after many year's absence from their area, the wife would refresh that promise reminding us we were still in their prayers.  It really touches ones' heart to know of such consistency and care.

When the apostle Paul told the Philippian believers he was praying  for them, it must have been a boon to their collective souls.  It was a prayer of depth too.  It wasn't just that they'd have journeying mercies or good physical health and enough food.  No, it was much more.

His prayer for them was that,

"...your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight..." (Philippians 1:9 NIV).

Unpack that.

Yesterday a brother shared about 'God is love' and that followers of Jesus Christ should love one another (1 John 4:7-12).

"The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell," as one song puts it.  It goes beyond all our imagination.  God's love is giving, sacrificial, and enduring.  This is why we can begin and continue to abound in it.  We will never run out of gaining knowledge and depth of insight into God's love and how it has blessed us in the here and now and will continue into eternity.

Where and how do we discover this knowledge?  Knowledge of God and His ways flood the pages of Scripture.  Reading God's Word and hiding it in our hearts is a big step in gaining this knowledge of God's love.  Trusting Him and obeying Him is the 'how' that carries the impact.

Our 'depth of insight' will deepen as we do, living holy lives, 

"discerning what is best" (vs 10)
 and to be 

"pure and blameless" (vs 10).  

For how long?...

"until the day of Christ."

As we discover more of God's love, we can then begin to love Him more.  That sharing brother said, its "a two-way street".  We love God because He first loved us ( 1 John 4:19).

We can then turn this love towards others.  An application of this is to be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ.  That is, supporting others in mission work even going personally to do so.  It may be going to an area that is already nominally Christian, to encourage the pastor and spiritual leaders in the area.  Also to give whatever would be helpful to the church or assembly either in spiritual. physical and/or financial currency.

The words that caught my attention when coupled with "for the day of Christ," are the words 'remain' and 'continue'.  Drop down to verse 25 to see them.

"I know that I will remain and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith."

Paul made a determined choice; he wrote,

"I will,"

twice.  He would remain and continue.  He didn't want to do it by himself though.  He wanted to partnership with the Philippians.  He told them,

"I will remain and continue with all of you..."

Isn't that precious!  What encouragement and support especially as they were going through tough times.  Even in such times he didn't want them to be stagnant in their faith.  He wanted progress and joy for him and them.

Talk about showing God's love in action!  This prayer is a powerful example.

My parents and that couple are all with Christ now in glory.  I felt really sad for this loss in general and even for the prayer covering loss.  I felt adrift.  Yet, the Lord reminded me of Jesus' prayer for His disciples as seen in John 17.  Furthermore, He declared,

"My prayer is not for them alone, I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message..." (John 17:20 NIV).

Don't you just love this!?  It's great!  

If we are to love as God did and as Jesus did and does, we will love others as He has done in the past and is still doing at present, until He comes.  Let us each remain and continue in God's love and also reach out to others.  

The least we can do is pray for them.

                                                       ~ERC  January 2023~

Based on Philippians 1:9-11 and 25; John 17:20 NIV.

Sing, Abide With Me, along with Matt Redman and The Mission, along with Steve Green.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Prayer - Opportunities For Sharing Christ


Father God, we lift up our voices and give you praise.  Praise for opportunities to share the message of Jesus, to encourage and build up other brothers and sisters-in-Christ in their most holy faith or to explain the Way more perfectly to meet and engage their understanding.

Understanding, that is, of Who You are and Your goodness, love, righteousness, and their need to be reconciled to You, seeking your forgiveness through faith in Jesus and then engage in holy Christian living.  May this understanding come to fruition in those lives touched by the Light of Jesus.

I ask in Jesus Name, Amen.

                                                            ~ERC  January 2023~

Chosen For All This


It's a pleasant thing to listen to a valley village awaking.  Soft and gentle at first, with birds twittering, calling "Good Morning" to each other; roosters crowing, peoples' muted voices and rustlings, preparing themselves for the day.  As the sun timidly warms the earth the mist lifts from the surrounding mountains revealing the green grandeur of their stature.  Village houses still with porch light gleaming, still still within, but one can detect some emanating knockings and foot patterings beginning the business of the day.

The village kitchen's pit fire burns and smokes from the community chefs' breakfast ministrations.  These blessed folks have been up way before the sun, but quiet as mice.  I'm grateful as I'm one of the beneficiaries for their sustenance offerings.  

By contrast, just think of that awful morn in which Jesus was to be crucified.  Think of it.  Imagine it out.  It's gut wrenching isn't it!  At first, the ordinary people roused to what they thought would be an ordinary day, just like this morning has been.  Oh, but then...

As always, God turned what Satan meant for harm, into phenomenal blessing!  Did you read Ephesians 1:3-14?  Some of it reads,

"God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,...blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ" (v. 3).

Praise God!

The holy and blameless One took the fall for us all.  On top of that, predestined us for adoption as He wished and pleased.

What glorious grace!

He wanted to unite heaven and earth under Christ.  Heaven and Earth had once been united under God until Adam and Eve sinned.  Then they were separated from God.  God's remedy was to unite all His adopted earthly children through their faith in Jesus Christ, back under Christ's authority, power and blessing.  Heaven and Earth united under Christ - isn't this wondrous blessing?  Access to the Father through Jesus our Savior, the Mediator.

Praise the Lord.

Now we have hope in Christ since we believed the

 "message of truth, the gospel of our salvation" (v. 13).  

We were given the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of our inheritance and redemption.  We were chosen for this!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Our first love in Christ was glorious.  Let's check ourselves to see if  this love has somewhat diminished and become veiled in the night and mist of our daily lives.  It's like when the power went off last night out in the village.  We were far from the city's glow so there was only the light of the moon and stars, which was grand.  There were also flashlight flashings as we clumsily crept about in the dark seeking our way about an unfamiliar territory.  Thank God for at least these bits of light!

When complacency enters into our daily Christian living, it can well turn to lethargy.  If left too long we can become comatosed believers.  Our light will be all but dimly visible.  That's why when we open up our Bibles to Ephesians 5:13 we read,

"Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you" (NIV).

We need a blast in our ears from a shofar.  


That's a long, loud sounding - awaking us, calling us to attention for an important message and mission.  It can awaken us to alertness and to being on guard to live holy, pro-active Christian lives. 

Think back to all the blessing we have in Christ.  Think of all the light of Christ that is shining on us.  The days are dark and evil.  We need to 'get with it' and be wise, 

"understanding what the Lord's will is (see Ephesians 5:15-17).  

We need to be lighting up the earth with the Light of Christ, engaging in evangelism as much as possible.

After all, He has blessed us with so many spiritual blessings in Christ.  We need to share the message so others too, will be blessed.  Forgiveness of sins and everlasting life, as opposed to the alternative, are imperative blessings with which to begin.

He chose you and He chose me long before the dawn of time.  Let us be obedient children of God and live holy lives and shine His light for all to see.  In so doing, let us draw all men, women and children to Christ; as many as we can and have opportunity to do.

There's still ever so many people in the dark.  Let's bring them into the glorious Son Light of Christ, uniting them, along with those of us who already belong to Him here on earth, with Christ in Heaven.

The awakenings may be soft and gentle at first, until the light explodes upon our day, when the Son, in all His glory, can shine upon us.

To God be the glory for all His grace and mercy.  Let us begin to love Him again as we did at first, until we hear His shout and trumpet call.  Live as children of the light (Ephesians 5:8 NIV).  

You were chosen for it.

                                                ~ERC  January 2023~

Based on Ephesians 1:3-14; 5:8, 13, 15-17 NIV.

Sing, Two Hands One Heart, along with Don Moen.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Book Review - Walking Free - By Micah Tyler - Publication Date: 24 January 2023

 The impression I got from reading this book is that the objective is to lead and guide an individual step-by-step from a position of down and out brokeness, to uplifted freedom living in Christ.  Brokeness from addictions and/or criminal activities, or even from life's severe difficulties that weigh a person down.  Readers will be able to see that Jesus cares as does the author, Micah Tyler.  

I like that this author chooses examples from the Scriptures, drawing the reader in to relate to a particular aspect he wishes to expound upon that can potentially help a person towards sustained transformation in Christ and through the Holy Spirit.  Transformation from what one was and how they'd been living, towards "walking free" of ones' baggage.

Each chapter is actually called a "Step".  At the end of each step are "think-about-it" questions, which Tyler terms, "Next-Step Questions"!  I'd suggest to the serious reader who wishes to transform, that he or she write these questions into a journal and answer each question as honestly as possible.  Don't rush through. From time to time, the author asks the reader to retrace their steps.  If one has journaled along the way, then he/she would be able to see their transformational growth better.

Additionally, some of the steps include tidbits of autobiography of Micah Tyler, a singer, songwriter, as well as book author.  He refers to some of his songs and relates the background story of how and/or why he wrote them.  I've listened to some of these and found that they can be very healing to listen to and to ponder upon.  No wonder he shared them.

I'm going to give this author a 5-Star commendation.  I feel thankful and privileged to have been able to read and review this "grow" book.  I strongly believe many readers and their families will be helped along life's way to freedom by applying the many suggested steps, to their lives.  May God bless each one who does.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                       December 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Book Review - Windfall - By Erika Bolstad - Publication Date: 17 January 2023


No doubt Erika Bolstad, the author, did painstaking research for too many hours and years to count, from various sources on the ground and in archives, and although few in number, her own family's records; however, to be frank, this memoir was really not for me.  The idea about searching back through records about ones' ancestor, IS appealing but all the in depth "facts and figures" about oil, and all that entails and attaches itself onto that industry, certainly does not.  No doubt, I probably should be interested due to the affect of this industry's "don't really care" attitudes on the environment, which Bolstad unveils, that are evident even in today's world but sorry to say, I found it rather dry reading.

The connection to the two (Anna and Erika) though, was through the hopeful Anna-the-homesteader's claim to mineral rights that produced sporadic, minimal "windfall" for her descendants two to three generations down line (Erika is one of them), from an oil company paying out for the lease thereof.  Those who do like to watch North Dakota crude oil prices fluctuate per barrel, from month-to-month and year after year, (in this book from December 2009 to June 2021) and talk about oil boom and bust cycles and major politicians who get involved, may find the book interesting.

                                         ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                         July 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and Source Books (publisher).

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - The Courtship Plan (An Amish of Marigold Novel) - By Kathleen Fuller - Publication Date: 17 January 2023


Following Charity's bumbling machinations to "get a man and keep him" is totally hilarious!  I laughed and laughed, so I'm rather sold on this clean, Christian romance novel.   There is an Amish setting co-mingled with "The English," which adds twist and humor.  Enter Jesse, who got what he deserved and more.  Oh dear, I'm laughing again just thinking about it!  Perhaps you can read and develop your own "courtship plan" and see what comes of it.  BEWARE...Snicker, snicker.

                                            ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                            August 2022

Disclaimer:   I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Read review on Goodreads.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Book Review - No Quiet Water - By Shirley Miller Kamada - Publication Date: 15 January 2023


Injustice reigned in America during the 1942 - 1945 years at the behest of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.  World War II struck on multiple planes, one of which was the internment of hundreds of thousands of American-Born Japanese, interned because there might be one spy in the haystack.  These mostly law-abiding US citizens, who had nothing in their hearts of the country of Japan's war schemes, were herded in droves to these camps that had been slapped together without proper care and conditions were often primitive.  

This historical fiction story, No Quiet Water, traces the wonderful Miyota family and their dog Flyer who also had wonderful neighbors who helped and supported them during their years of incarceration, first in a California "facility," and then one in Idaho.  Their grace, endurance and perseverance without bitterness, despite the deplorable conditions, was amazing.  Fumio was an amazing half-grown boy who really did the best he could.  The dog Flyer adds many tender moments.

The book is based on the author's relatives' account as well as researched sources, some of which you will see listed at book end.  Although I have heard of the interments before, this was still an enlightening read.  Therefore, I believe all Americans would do well to read this valuable account and learn positive lessons from it.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                         October 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Blessing of Peace and Ceasefire

 Father God, You bless Your people with peace.  It's the kind of peace in our hearts and minds afforded through our trust and faith in Jesus, our Prince of Peace and Savior.  You are majestic and Your voice thunders over the waters.  You are great, greater than all else in this world and universe You've placed us in.  Thank-You for this blessing of peace.

May there also be peace for the Ukrainians and Russians.  Father, it really sickens me to think of all the death and destruction.  There's so many lives being hurtled unceremoniously into eternity.  Many of them say there is no God because of the ideology fed to them by their country's SOP in regards to religion and relationship with You.  On the other hand, there are those whose god has been materialistic and only nominally Christian.

Father, forgive them.  Have mercy upon them.  Intervene, letting them know that You DO exist, that You 'are'.  That You are love and love them.

I weep Father, over this carnage of lives - body parts splattered here and there; scorched, singed, maimed; mental and emotional anguish; scarred for life, at least for those who survive.  There's no peace Father, unless You will bring it about.

May Your people bring the peace of Jesus that surpasses all understanding that will keep the hearts and minds of the survivors.  Lord, You are the One sitting enthroned over all and can give Your people strength.  Bless them with Your peace today.  Bless them with this peace and the peace that can come from "ceasefire!"

I beg You in Jesus' name.  Amen and Amen.

                                                ~ERC  January 2023~

Based on Psalm 29:7-11.

Sing, The Lord Will Bless His People With Peace, by Michael Bulaong.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Book Review - Dark of Night - By Colleen Coble - Publication Date: 10 January 2023

 I very much appreciated the faith based aspect of this suspense thriller where some of the main characters like Annie, Jon and Kylie, prayed to God, trusted Him during their troubles and even mentioned Jesus.  The story was clean and good, and justice was administered for most of the scenarios.  I liked that search and rescue dogs featured, doing their thing in finding abducted persons.  

Although I found the narrative a bit slow going and confusing at the start of the story because it seemed to jump from one thread to another without connection, it did get going and finished satisfactorily in the end.  I had to realize that adage, "fools and bairns see unfinished work" so eventually, I did get the connection.  This Dark of Night novel could stand alone but readers may like to know that it is a second book in the Annie Pedersan series, with a third apparently under way. 

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                          November 2022

Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own, and honestly given.

Read review on Goodreads.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Imitating God

 Children like to micmic other children to the point of being irritating to each other.  If they imitate their parents in trying to sweep the floor with a broom three sizes too big for them, or clatter along in their Mom's high-heeled shoes, it's amusing.  The imitating of good things is a good thing.

An especially good, good thing is to imitate God.  Paul told the Ephesians to do just that.  He said,

"Be imitators of a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God" (Ephesians 5:1-2 NIV).

God so loved us that He sacrificed His One and Only son Jesus for the redemption of our souls.  He gave.  He gave out of love and this is what we, as His children, need to imitate.

This godly virtue will cause us to be compassionate, gentle, tell the truth, have patience and self-control and so much more as we relate with one another.  It will propel and compel us to love others over and above ourselves.  We will go with God's desires and interests and not our own.  In so doing, we show God's love in action to others.

Furthermore, imitating God and His love for us, we will be better listeners, more generous with our time, effort and assets, do acts of kindness - not randomly but at every opportunity presented to us; we will pray more consistantly and earnestly for others in humility and sincerity.

I like to imagine God our Heavenly Father looking on from Heaven above, with an amused smile on His face.  He's nodding His head in satisfaction and saying, "Hmmm...good 'boy' or good 'girl'.  Maybe a little clumsy but they got the right idea.  That's my son, or that's my daughter," He calls to the angels, pointing it out.

This is what we as children of God do ... imitate our Heavenly Father God.  The more we imitate the better we'll get the hang of it.  Let us give God the best possible sacrifice and offering He deserves.

Think on all of that this Lord's Day as we gather together with our brothers and sisters-in-Christ to remember the sacrifice Jesus offered on our behalf.  He offered Himself.  He offered Himself to redeem us for God, His Father.  Out of love and compassion, He shed His blood upon that cruel cross of shame...for you...for me...for the whosoever.  This is something truly remarkable to imitate.

Give thanks with a grateful heart as you pass the broken bread and partake of it.  Think of our Savior's sacrifice as you then pass the cup of wine one to another.  

Will you be a mature imitator of God?

                                                   ~ERC January 2023~

Based on Ephesians 5:1-2; John 3:16 NIV.

Sing, Remember Me. (Hillsong)

Know. Understand. Do.


The barometer gauge swings from wise to foolish but hopefully doesn't get stuck there.  Knowing and understanding God's will, will determine the position of the barometer needle.

Followers of Jesus also called, children of light, need to understand God's will.  However, knowing and understanding are two different ballparks.  We may know and be able to recite swathes of memorized Scripture, and be able to win in a Bible knowledge quiz but do we understand all of that?!

Head knowledge creates swelled heads.  Understanding galvinizes to action.  If we're to understand God's will, we can ask the Holy Spirit to help us to understand what we know.  In order to know, we must read God's Word.  He set it out rather plainly for us - even bluntly.

For example, 

"But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality..." (Ephesians 5:3 NIV).

No mincing of words there.  

Once we know and understand, then we can put it all to good purpose - to God's purposes in living holy lives; bringing others to Christ; building up our brothers and sisters-in-Christ.  If each of us are doing this - amazing things will happen, I believe.  Imagine it!  Let's all be as wise as possible.

                                                 ~ERC  January 2023~

Based on Ephesians 5:15-20 especially vs 17.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

A Different Tick-Tock


Another year has dawned and its already the third day of a new year, as of my writing.  Time flies but some people think more than a 2000 year time frame is a long time.  Some of us may become skeptical about Jesus telling us He's "coming soon" for us.  Two thousand years is NOT soon, by earthly calculations!

Yet, we have to remember God's timing goes by a different tick-tock.  A day is like a thousand years and a thousand years as a day, to God (2 Peter 3:8-9).

We can hope and pray all our relatives and friends come to Christ so they don't perish.  Jesus' shout will call us soon but I'm also glad God is patient and doesn't want anyone to perish.

May this be the year our loved ones come to Christ as we live as a child of light for Him.  May our 'light,' or rather the Light of Jesus in us, be that beacon that draws others to Christ.

The clock is ticking however, pray we'll all 'be in time'.

                                                      ~ERC  Januarty 2023~

Based on 2Peter 3:8-9 NIV.

Sing, Be In Time, along with Shobana David and A New Day is Dawning, along with savedandkept.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Book Review - Loyola Kids Book of Seasons, Feasts and Celebrations - By Amy Wellborn - Publication Date: 5 January 2023


Even though a person may not be a Roman Catholic (RC), this book delineating the Liturgical Calendar Year of their beliefs, explaining the major Seasons, Feasts and Celebrations of their year, for children, it is of great interest.  It appears well thought out with step-by-step spelling out regarding Advent, Christmas, Easter, Ordinary Days, their many saints, and more, in simple, succinct manner.

I believe any child, along with his or her parents, would be able to follow the seasons well, and understand the significance in hands-on style as each section maps out the history and what the congregant will hear, pray, see, sing and do, throughout each of the celebrations and relating rituals.  Whoever sincerely follows along will be thoroughly catechized in satisfying solemnity and religious education.  

I found this work fascinating and learned a lot despite not being an adherent to the RC beliefs.  I believe that those families of the RC faith will definitely love this very helpful handbook.

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                          October 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the Publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.