Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Prayer - Turning Your Minds to His Word

Father, do good to Your servant, that I will live.  I don't know if the psalmist was contemplating suicide or not, or maybe he was just desiring life more abundant.  If he lived, he said "I will obey Your Words".

Father, we know You are good and therefore can only do good. We often say we choose to obey, however, there's many times when we don't.  Thank-You, for Your forgiveness when we repent of our wrong attitudes and actions.

Open our eyes, Lord, that we may see wonderful things in Your Law.  Yes, Father, open the eyes of understanding; we want to see and understand things You want us to know and understand about Yourself and your will and ways.

At some point of time in our life, sooner rather than later, hopefully, may we realize there are different stages of life people go through that don't last forever.  A teacher may become rather overwhelmed with school lesson preparations and correcting of assignments online during the Covid-19 lock down.  Nonetheless, Father,  do them good so they will live through it.   Others, have other professions and related challenges.   I know Your grace is sufficient; at least in theory.  

Perhaps, this is a lesson from You to learn greater patience, mercy and justice.  What else, Lord?

Open our eyes as You did for the disciples in Acts.  You opened up their understanding so they could grasp all the things You'd taught them all those years of daily tutelage, straight from Jesus' mouth to their ears.  They'd finally understood to some degree what You'd predicted about Jesus' suffering, death and resurrection on the third day.  It was something that had puzzled them at the time Jesus spoke His prediction of it, then later, grasped with clarity.  When You opened their understanding.  They knew, then, what it was about.

Now, Father, I ask again that You open our understanding to Your words this day so we can have something in our mind for "the daily portion"--to think about, ponder and consider, so as not to neglect Your words.

"My soul is consumed with longing for Your laws at all times..." Psalm 119:20 (NIV).

Actually, Father, I can't say that I do that.  Help my frailty, and human feebleness.  The psalmist was able to say it, though.

It is my desire, my longing to long for Your word.  Just as, at the moment, I long to go out for the walk I've been getting into the habit of all these Covid-19 lock down days.  At least, a half an hour's walk per day.

Lord when I don't go out, my physical body knows it.  Similarly, the lack of my perusing and pondering Your words daily, affects my spiritual health.  It is for my spiritual well-being and relationship with You to make it a daily practice; that I do not neglect God's Word.

Help me not to stray from Your commands, at all times.

"You rebuke the arrogant who are cursed."

May I not become proud and arrogant, of all I know of Your Words.  Head knowledge doesn't profit much.  Father, make me know it in my spirit and soul and heart, so I won't sin against You.  May we all be guided and instructed in it.

Help me not to look down on others who don't know as much Bible teaching as I have had.  Often those who don't know as much, walk in the morsels they do know better than those who know more.  These are those who have greater relationship with You and walk the knowledge.  This is genuine understanding.

May I never, ever scorn these brothers and sisters-in-Christ, who have "enlarged" hearts for You.

The rulers sit together and slander me, Your servant will meditate on Your decrees anyway.  May your children be so strong in Your word that they will not be shaken when others slander and/or falsely accuse them.  Instead, fill Your child with Your words so they can meditate upon Your decrees to counter those hurtful words and actions.  may the injustices not fester in their souls nor break them up.  May they stand steadfast in Your word.  May Your statutes be their delight and healing balm of comfort, direction and counsel.

If it often feels like our ears are burning when people stare at us and whisper bitter words behind our backs, turn our mind and thoughts to Your word, decrees, statutes and law, for in them is life and breath and health.  May we, Your children, always delight in them.

I ask in Jesus precious Name.

                                                           ~ERC  July 2020~

Based on Psalm 119:17-24 (Gimel)

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