Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Prayer - His Love Endures Forever

Father, thank-You, I give You thanks that Your steadfast love endures forever; that Your mercy endures forever.  As we look  at Psalm 136, we can see there is so much the Psalmist was thankful for.  How You wrought Your wonders, throughout the history of the Israelites, for them, from creation forward, and because Your love and mercy endure forever.

You helped the Israelites get out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm

 "because Your love endures forever!"  

Further to that, You helped them escape when You divided the Red Sea.  The Israelites could then walk across on dry ground, 

"because Your steadfast love and mercy endure forever".

You were that Father, that wonderful Father, their Protector, who was their Guide, their "Escape Artist", if you will, assisting them to escape from the Egyptians.  Then You protected them throughout the wilderness wanderings, the many times they were attacked by kings from other nations.  You freed them from their enemies, time after time.  You fed them when they were hungry.

The Psalmist thanks You for all the manifold times of help and assistance You gave them throughout all those years.  Father help too, to remember that in our lives, we need the same facilitation, and whenever You help us, may we too, give You thanks and remember, always, Your

 "steadfast love and mercy endures forever". 

 May we never forget this.  May we always remember and give You praise.

In Jesus Name we praise.

                                                      ~ERC  February 2020~
                                                         (originally prayed)

Based on Psalm 136

Sing, The Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases, by Maranatha Singers

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