Friday, July 24, 2020

Prayer - The Right Choice

LORD, You say, "Blessed are those whose ways are blameless," who walk in Your Law, keep your statutes, and seek You with all their heart.  Give us that heart, Father, that would truly wish to seek and walk and be blameless.  

We know that those of us who have accepted Your Son Jesus as Lord and Savior, have been given Your Holy Spirit to indwell us, to aid and abet us in following You.  However, knowing this and actually living according to this as if part of our natural spiritual DNA, is something else.  Your poor fickle human creatures are so hard put to stick to the straight and narrow.

Nevertheless, You have given us a free will and when we do choose to follow Your will, we will indeed be blessed by You.  We know this because Your Word says so and this gives us reason to hope.

You have laid down these precepts, statutes, decrees, and laws, to be fully obeyed.  Lord, help our picking and choosing of only the ones which suits us.  If like this, it does show we are not truly blameless nor 100% full of integrity.

Thinking of this human dilemma in conjunction with a saying from Confucius, that ancient Chinese sage of yesteryears, who is purported to have imparted this morsel of wisdom,

"If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake."

Praise to You, though, Father that we do not have to go it alone.  You are in the business of transforming us; helping us to rectify that which is necessary.  This sanctification, may be slow, but Father, may it be steady. May there be forward movement in this process. We thank and praise You that this does happen.

Also, when we follow Your ways, we will become steadfast.  A beautiful "benefit" to not be so easily shaken when the storms and earthquakes of life befall us or those times of false doctrine threatening to be imposed, etc.  May our foundations hold more firmly in You and Your Words; our edge of obeying them and being blessed by them.

Lord, then we wouldn't be put to shame.  There's no shame in keeping Your word as there may well be in NOT keeping them if our lives go in a wrong way.  Lord, keep us ever cleaving to Your side.  Yes, this is our choice; You are steadfast.  You are there, You never move.

It is our choice. Help though, through You Holy Spirit, to make the right choices, everyday.  Bring it to our attention, mold and meld our will to Yours.  Lord, then surely, we can hold our heads high with Your dignity and not be shamed because we have been following Your will, ways, word and statutes, and living in step with the Holy Spirit.  This as the Holy Spirit leads and guides as we submit to You.  In so doing we can be blessed.

With this type of blessing, I'm not talking about riches or possessions; material goods, but to be blessed spiritually, leading a spiritual life-in You, Father-and draw closer to You.  That is blessing in and of itself.

Yet Lord, should You bestow material wealth upon any one of us, may we remember from Whom they have come and use them for Your glory and honor and the furtherance of Your kingdom, laying up treasure in heaven for You.

There are many of Your servants who do, do that.  I praise You and thank You for that.  Then indeed we can praise You from an upright heart, with a good, clear conscience, and continue to learn and obey Your laws.

Here the Psalmist asks You not to utterly forsake him and we can ask that too even though we know very well you have said You will,

"...never leave us nor forsake us..." (Hebrews 13:5 NIV).

We have the promise that You still like Your children asking for things, to show You that we do fully want You in our life.  Therefore, I echo, "do not forsake me".  I need You every hour in my life.  Help me and all Your children to ever depend upon You and to ever draw closer to You because You are close to us.  

Ever in awe of You and Your Words, Father, and it's in Your Son Jesus' Name we can commune with You.

                                                      ~ERC  July 2020~

Based on Psalm 119:1-8; Aleph

Sing, Praise the Savior  

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