Monday, September 18, 2017

Out of the Blue - A Story - Part 19-21

Blue Topaz
Part 19

That Tuesday her branch office called her, asking her to come for a meeting to discuss options.  As the office was about an hour's drive away, she took an overnight bag; sent a message to Shem telling him her office paged her and she needed to go.  She hope she would be back in time for their 6 pm dinner.  If not she'd try to let him know as soon as possible.

Off she went for her meeting.

Her options were, she was told, she could go as a substitute, for a month or so to various places which needed relief when one of their many numbers had extended illness, or had emergency recall due to family issues and such like; or, there was a position right there in her stateside office which would be long term; perhaps two years.  The first overseas substitute position was in Papua New Guinea for three months of language teaching to nurses.

For those months abroad she'd have to find her own living expenses from supporters but for the office posting, she'd be paid a salary.  She could have a week to pray and decide.  While there in the office she could use the guest chamber or commute, it was up to her.  If she decided on the office she could also have a two day orientation from the outgoing staff.  There were other terms and conditions regarding both places; the secretary could fill her in later.  For now, please join their prayer day til this evening and stay over in the guest facilities to see what they would be like.

"Hmm," thought Ruth E, " they seem to be pushing the branch office.  Well, she'd have to spend the week in prayer and seek God's guidance.  She'd get Great-granny Blue to pray too.  She was fervent and righteous and had great wisdom and godly counsel.

The next morning after breakfast with the director and his wife, Ruth E headed home.  She took it slow and easy and took in the sights as she drove along.  She'd pop in on Great-granny first and set her prayers into motion.  She stopped off at the farmer's market to see what treat she could find for her.  "Oh, the Danish buns look yummy.  I'll get two and we can go outside for fresh air under the trees and eat, talk and pray in peace."

Before getting out of the car though at the home, she sent a text message to Shem saying she'd be in good time for dinner.  Oh, she'd have to tell Great-granny about that too.  Her and her prayers really got things happening.

Great-granny was very pleased to see Ruth E, and happily allowed her to wheel her outside.  She always loved crisp air and these mid-Sept days were balmy but revitalizing with coolness.  Soon she'd be cooped up for winter.  Ruth E did have to fetch her afghan though, for her legs.  It was almost a touch too cool but she didn't want to miss the day.

Ruth E filled her in on the mission choices and then of her intended dinner for two that evening.  Great-granny was so silently nibbling at her Danish bun, that Ruth E thought she'd said something wrong and offended her.  But then she saw her lips moving in prayer as well as nibbling.  Ruth E was amused.  Great-granny never missed a chance to consult her Heavenly Father.

"Ruth E," her Great-granny finally spoke, "remember that I advised you not to keep Shem dangling?  It's your ultimate decision but just think.  If you go off to the other side of the world again, you may be throwing away some chance that can be just as godly as serving in a foreign land.  There is a nearby posting which may not seem so glamorous but it will keep you much nearer.  I suggest that you hear out what Shem has to say this evening, if anything, and then you and I can pray in our own closets as well as coming together daily for this one week. Don't make a decision one way other other til the deadline arrives."

"Those two little daughters of Shem's adore you and relate to you as if you were their mother.  That picture fits you.  However, do not choose just for their benefit.  You must see if the relationship which is developing between you and Shem could be a lasting, respectful, committed, all things good, etc one.  Can you trust him?  Only you will know the answers to those questions.  You must get your guidance from God and seek His will."

"Thank-you, Great-granny, your wisdom and godly advice, I greatly esteem."  said Ruth E.  "Now I must get you inside before you catch your death of cold.  You still have a 100th birthday party coming round soon and I want to see you there, alive and knittin'  and kickin'.

"Oh, go on, you!" Great-granny grinned.

Six pm rolled around and both Ruth E and Shem were punctual.  For once Navy Blue was not around to tease, so they set out unimpeded.  Ruth E had dressed semi-casually but guessed Shem wouldn't take her anywhere exceedingly formal and she was correct in her surmise.  Italian.  Her western food favorite.

She had a hankering for lasagna, which she ordered.  Shem got some sort of seafood pasta.  They had some garlic bread and a class of wine each.  Ruth E liked red wine with a couple of ice-cubes for good measure.  Shem was a bit more connoisseur with his wine, and didn't need the ice; he'd let his white wine warm up in his glass as he sipped. 

He had to hide his amusement.  One thing he liked about Ruth E was her down-to-earth-ness and not minding what others thought about her ways too much.  He was pretty sure having red wine on the rocks was now being hilariously discussed by the wine cellar staff.  He'd have to get re-used to some of her ways.

He'd Googled it some time ago but he recalled once seeing, "Ladylike laws:  The Proper Way to Drink Wine by Lauren Conrad.  He had noted at the time the way to drink red wine:  "room temperature or a touch below..."  Ruth E's was more than several touches below.

He grinned at her.  "You make me very happy, Blue Belle."

"Well, I'm glad I amuse someone," Ruth E beamed back.  She figured he was honing in on her red wine drinking style.  She didn't really care.  She liked it very cold.  "Hoity-toity,"  she said.

As their meal progressed, Shem got quieter and more serious.  "Ruth E", he said, "it seems the relationship between us is kindling nicely.  What do you think?"

"I concur," was her most unromantic reply which she said with a small smile.  She was going to pace herself.

If Shem was a little disappointed in her answer he didn't show it.  He continued, "I'd like it very much if we could see each other, alone, like this, more often."

"Shem, I believe I'd like that too but I need to tell you about my meeting with my mission board today."

Shem's food suddenly got stuck in his throat and his heart felt, like it might sink.  However he was cautioning himself too.  "Don't rush her, you might lose her again."

"What did they have to say?"  he asked after he could finally swallow.

So she told him and asked if he would pray that she'd be guided by God's will and not her own wishes.

He wondered which her wish was:  the near or the far choice but didn't ask.  He said he would certainly do that.  This was going to be one long week.  "So can we meet like this again next Wednesday?"

"Can we make it Friday evening?  I've got to travel to the branch office again.  If I decide on near rather than far I've got to do orientation on Wednesday and Thursday, straight away as the person I would be replacing will be off after that.  The next Monday I'd begin work."  Ruth E explained.

He held his breath but didn't ask and she didn't say, if she chose far, when she'd have to go.  

"Ok, I'll be sure to pray about this for you."

"Oh Lord" he said inwardly to God, "let her choose near but, not my will but Yours be done."

Lightening the moment, he changed the subject and told her how happy the girls were on Saturday evenings after they'd come from her full days' company.  He enjoyed all the stories of their days.  

"Oh boy," she thought, "I hope they didn't spill everything, especially about her being their new mommy."

She smiled serenely enough, "Yes, I really enjoy them too.  They are really, very pleasant children; well mannered and obedient for the most part."

"They told me your secret."

Ruth E looked up slightly startled, "What secret?" she asked.

"The one about what makes for a good cook," he said.

"Oh, ha, ha."  Ruth E laughed, relieved.  "Yeah, my mother shared that tidbit of wisdom with me when I was a child.  It stuck.  I hope it'll stick with them too."

He would withhold what else they'd said about her being a good mother.  He'd keep that as a treasure and trump card for now.  He was relieved his girls had innocently given him "permission" to seek out Ruth E.  He agreed with his girls, Ruth E would indeed make a for a good mother."  He'd add, "and a good wife and companion."

He'd bide his time yet but he'd near burst his buttons this week waiting for Ruth E's work verdict.  He was sure of it.  "Oh, Father God, help," he pleaded, sending up a silent SOS to the One in control.

"Saturday, I want to take the girls for Chinese food in the evening.  Would you care to join us?"  Shem asked and hoped he didn't sound like he was begging.

"That sounds like fun," Ruth E said, "but I already promised Sapphire I'd do something with her.  I'll take a rain check though."

Shem had to be satisfied with that; he sighed quietly.

"I've really enjoyed our evening, Blue Belle.  I hope we can do this often but understand your priority is your work for your Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.  Yet He is not a hard taskmaster." Shem said and then shut up before he put his foot in his mouth and regretted it.

He paid the bill and they left the restaurant.  He drove her home, took her hand and pressed it to his lips.  "Blue Belle" he whispered.

"Good-night, Shem, thanks so much for a good dinner," Ruth E escaped then from the car before her face betrayed her very benevolent emotions.  "Good night."  She raced into the house, closed the door and stood with her back to it almost hyperventilating.  "Get a grip" she scolded herself, "you're 30 not 13!"

Leave it to Navy to bring her back to earth with a thud.  He seemed to always be lurking and smirking at her lately.  "Nice night out, Ruth E?" he inquired and then sauntered away to forage for snacks in the kitchen, snickering to himself.

It was high time Navy's leave was up so he could try to stay out of mischief, afloat on a boat.

Part 20

The week wore on, Ruth E prayed at home and with Great-granny Blue.  She was feeling she should take the admin office position, keeping her great-grandmother's wise advice in mind regarding not stringing Shem along to a dead end.  

She was thinking that if anything was to come of this relationship, it would also be good to let Hannah and Heather continue to get used to her.  

Another factor was financial support.  She'd stopped much of it upon her unexpected return and didn't want to keep making on and off bids for support.  Having a steady salary would be better and as the relationship with Shem was still uncertain it seemed the better choice.  She'd likely stay at the office guest chamber throughout the week, especially during winter months and then travel home for weekends.  This decision gave Ruth E peace of mind and heart.  Great-granny Blue felt it was the right choice and told Ruth E so.

On the last day of her allotted time, Ruth E motored off to the office to give them her decision.  She was immediately set to work, then, being orientated to her new duties.  At mid-afternoon break time, she sent a short message to Shem telling him of her decision.  He replied almost instantly, "Thank God!  Can't wait to see you on Saturday."

"I'll be home about 6 pm on Fri if all goes well.  I know originally we planned for dinner but think I better eat with my folks.  Maybe  afterwards we could go for ice-cream say, about 7 pm.  What do you think?"

"I'd love that Blue Belle," Shem typed.  He added many grinning, happy faces and a heart.

"Well, that put him out of his misery," thought Ruth E impishly.  She too, had a grin on her face, feeling confirmation of a correct decision.

It was a bit difficult to collect her concentration after that but she strove valiantly and managed to get a feel for the work enough to satisfy Jane, her mentor.

It was good there was a convenience store nearby.  After work hours Ruth E went to find some edibles to cook in the guest accommodation kitchen.  It was going to be quiet in the evenings, Ruth E thought.  After a simple dinner, Ruth E arranged her room and settled in with a good book she'd spied earlier in the office library.  Just as she was getting comfortable, her phone rang and a familiar voice asked, "Miss Ruth E, when does water stop running downhill?"

"Oh, Heather, is that you?  I bet its when they turn the tap off."

"No! The answer is, "When it gets to the bottom, of course!"

"Ha, ha, ha; good one Heather."

It was Hannah's turn next, "Daddy wants to talk to you but please don't be long, he needs to read us a bedtime story."

"Oh, ok, Hannah.  How was school today?"

"Ok, but they were making cards for Mother's Day so I felt sad."

"That is very difficult, Hannah.  We can talk about that on Saturday, if you like.  Ok?  I want to give you a hug."

"It's ok, Miss Ruth E, I made the card for you instead!  Here's Daddy."

Ruth E was speechless and caused Shem to ask a couple of times, "Ruth E, are you ok?"

"Oh. Oh.  Yes, Yes. So what do you think of the decision?"

"I have many questions as to why this choice Ruth E but I'd rather hear the answer in person.  I'll just say, for now, I'm very, very glad and that's an understatement."  And Ruth E could hear the joy and relief in his voice.  "Ok, Hannah and Heather await.  Good night Blue Belle."

"Good night, Shem," she murmured softly.

Part 21

Friday was happy day.  Ruth E drove home after being termed, "She'll do," by Jane.  She told her parents of her new responsibilities and of her plans to live at the guest accommodation throughout the week and home on weekends.  "Of course, if there is a special family event during the week, let me know; I'll come, weather permitting."

Her parents were grateful to the Lord for bringing Ruth E back home.  Of course, they told her, "We would never stand in your way if you went back to the foreign field if you truly felt that's where the Lord was leading you.  We're sure glad, though, that we'll see more of you more often."

"Yes, I miss all those dear ones left in Borneo so much but I'm glad to see you, more often too.  The hardest thing about leaving here and going overseas was leaving you two behind."

"Well, Mom, I'll quickly wash up the dishes.  Thanks for another great meal.  One of these days I'll have to cook Borneo fare."

Dishes done, Ruth E  had just enough time to spruce herself up and bob downstairs, when Shem arrived on the doorstep, promptly at 7 pm.

Off they went for ice-cream.

"The girls wanted to come too but I told them it was my turn to see you as they'd have their chance all day tomorrow," Shem laughed.

"Yes, it's good to take turns."  She grinned  She was feeling more at ease in Shem's presence now as she let herself trust him more.

They ensconced themselves in the Ice Cream parlor and were delightedly digging into their ice-cream sundaes.

"So," said Shem, "I'd dearly love to hear how you came to your decision to stay nearby."

"Well Shem," Ruth E answered, "I asked Great-granny Blue to pray with me for that week, to seek God's guidance clearly.  There were a couple of factors that stood out.  A big one was that I'd asked my supporters to stop supporting since I wasn't doing any 'work' for which they'd pledged to support.  One or two were determined to continue--God bless their souls--until a final decision was arrived at.

If I went overseas again I'd have to ask them all to start up and thought it would be confusing to start and stop etc each time a substituting stint came or went.  The nearby admin work is steady and complete with salary so I don't need to canvas for financial support."  She said all that but withheld the second big factor which was him and the girls.  She stopped talking, took a drink of water and savored another mouthful of ice-cream.  She waited to see if Shem noticed.

He was savoring a mouthful too but she could see the wheels turning in his head and a small patient frown appeared on his face.  He appeared to be waiting for further news but when it was not forth coming, she could see he was mulling over in his mind as to what to say next.

"I see.  You mentioned a couple of factors.  That's only one."  he said.  "What about the others?"  he caught her eyes with his trying to read an answer.

"I'm not quite at liberty to say Shem; I hope I can in time." she said quietly.  He was observant she acknowledge.

"Oh, would it have anything to do with us, Blue Belle?"  Shem tried to catch her eyes again but they were elusive.

"Yes, Shem."  she said and this time their eyes met meaningfully.

"That didn't take much time to divulge," he said merrily.

"Ruth E, about a year of those original two years you said you'd be overseas, has elapsed.  We've been writing.  We've been seeing snatches of each other.  The girls have been visiting you and adoring you, I might add.  Our relationship seems to be firming up.  Do you foresee us moving forward together anymore than we are?  I don't want to string you along Ruth E nor do I want my girls to be wrenched away."  She told her.

"Shem, I'll tell you what Great-granny advised me.  She said those two years were kind of long and that I had better not be dangling a carrot in front of you without you being able to eat it, kind of thing and that I had best not be stringing you along out of some sort of revenge."

"Wise lady, " Shem commented smiling.

"However," Ruth E went on...

"Always a 'however'" Shem thought to himself.

"...the Holy Spirit seemed to be telling me to test your commitment Shem.  You know our past history and what transpired.  I felt that commitment and trust needed to be ascertained."

"And do you know what, Shem?"  Ruth E asked him.

"No, what?"  suspense was killing him.

"I have deduced that you are committed to our relationship.  You've been very patient and understanding.  I see that you are sincere in your faith and service to God and a wonderful father to your girls.  I also trust you now."

"So the second factor is, and Great-granny agrees, that this nearby post would be good for exploring how our relationship will be culminated."

"This post is for two years and nearby and will allow more face-to-face time.  Is this a good answer, Shem?"

As she spoke, Shem's eyes glittered with more and more joy.  "It is a most excellent answer, Blue Belle.  You've brought great joy to my heart.  You've been most kind and generous with your answer."

"I will truly seek to be loyal and steadfast with you.  Thank-you for this most marvelous second chance, Ruth E."  And Shem actually shed a tear or two, which Ruth E reached up and brushed away with her thumb.

"You're most marvelously welcome, Shem".  " And I shall do my best to do the same.  Let's play it by ear and see where we go."

"I concur," he replied mischievously.

"Well, our ice-cream Sundaes are becoming a lake, let's finish up and take a stroll in the evening air." Shem suggested.

"Saturday is the night when I take the girls out for dinner and you have a rain check to use.  Won't you join us, tomorrow, Ruth E?"

"Yes, I'm free and that sounds wondrous."

                                             ~ERC  September 2017~

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