Saturday, October 7, 2017

Out of the Blue - A Story - Part 22-24

Blue Topaz
Part 22

Achsah Hutchinson, Shem's mother, was a woman of intuition and having realized for some time now her son appeared to be spending more and more time with Ruth Elizabeth Blue, a one time sweetheart, took it upon herself to remonstrate with him.  She'd have to catch him when the girls were not around.  That niche of time would not be easy to come by so she made a date with him for Saturday morning while the girls were at Ruth E's and before Shem went to the senior's home-a window of opportunity she'd grab.  And grab, she did.

"What is it Mama?" Shem asked innocently after they'd ordered their breakfast.

"It's Ruth E, that's what.  Shem, please be careful with her.  She's a wonderful person but you hurt, no rather, broke her heart once upon a time."

"Yes, Mama, I'm keeping that in mind and it keeps me humbled and at a snail's pace with her."

"What about the girls, Shem?  Yes they love her but if this climaxes into a wedding, are they prepared to have a new Momma?  Think especially of Hannah.  She was affected, and long-term, by Josie's Homegoing.  Be careful of them too Shem.  They are your first priority right now."

"I didn't tell you this before, Mama, because I wasn't sure of Ruth E's feelings but I do believe we are making good and steady progress with each other and with her and the girls.  She's really been gracious and giving me a second chance."

"Yes, I still miss Josie and think of her often but I believe she would also want me to move on.  I was wondering, Mama, if you could do me a favor.  If I arrange with Josie's parents to have the girls for a couple of days during school holidays, could you take them there for me?"

"I think it is time for me to collect Josie's things and box them up and send them to the Salvation Army Store.  I want to spend two evenings doing so and remembering her and our relationship.  Then I need to put it behind me.  I'll go bring the girls home afterwards and take her folks some memento or other of Josie's they might like to have.  I think I will then need to tell them of my renewed relationship with Ruth E.  They deserve to know straight from me and not via the grapevine.  What do you think?|"

"Sure.  I can do that and I think you're wise to tell them."  Achsah replied.  "And yes, it is time to pack Josie's things away but you will have to tell the girls you are doing that.  They too may like to keep some of her things, to have and hold now.  You could pack some of the others away in the attic so when they are older they will have a keepsake or two of her. Perhaps some of her special jewelry and China dishes; things like that.   They are very perceptive and observant and would know things are different upon their return."

"Yes, Mama,"  Shem said.  "Thanks for this chat.  It's good to stop and smell the roses; you are a wonderful rose among roses.  I really appreciate all the help over the years you've given so unselfishly and uncomplaining.  You are certainly, "adorned" with God's love.  I also appreciate the advice."

"You are my son, I  could do no less."  Achsah replied, smiling. "A mother's love encompasses much."

Part 23

The days marched on merging into weeks, and months.  Shem would pop down to visit Ruth E on Wednesday evenings for dinner and then slip home late night.  The first time he came, Ruth E was so surprised to see him standing before her at the office reception counter she blushed like a schoolgirl.  Shem was amused but didn't tease.  The office director looked up from his cubical and said to himself, "Oh, Ruth E has a beau; that's news.  He kept it to himself and monitored from a distance.

The girls were so fond of Ruth E and she for them they already felt a lot like family.

Then one Wednesday evening, Shem took Ruth E to a cozy little restaurant about twenty minutes ride out of town.  There Shem proposed to Ruth E and there Ruth E accepted, saying, "Shem I really believe that the Lord brought us together again to renew our relationship and to be united in marriage, so 'Yes! I will marry you!"  

Shem slipped a beautiful blue topaz engagement ring onto her finger and explained, "Blue Topaz is a symbol of my love, care and affection for you, Blue Belle.  The blue color, well, I think you also know, being from the Blue family and all."  And he smiled into her eyes.

Shem had apparently already asked Ruth E's father's permission and permission had been granted.  "But what about the girls, Shem?"  Ruth E had asked.  "Are they ok with this?|"

"They sure are, Ruth E.  It was all I could do to keep them at home tonight, they so wanted to come and join "the proposal".  You know all the prince and princess videos they've seen-they feel they are missing out on romance."

"What does your Mother think, Shem?"

"She's all for it, Ruth E.  This Sunday, would you dine with us for lunch please?  She asked."

"Sure, but I must be sure to spend that evening with my folks."

Shem's phone rang and rang.  He finally let go of Ruth E's hand, where he had placed the engagement ring, to answer.

Before he could get "Hello" out, Ruth E heard the distinct voices of the girls in chorus, "What did she say, Daddy?"

Ruth E had to laugh.  Shem chuckled, "Well, sweetpeas, why don't I let you talk to Miss Ruth E yourself and ask her?"

Shem passed the phone to Ruth E but she too couldn't get a word in edgewise, "Miss Ruth E, are you going to marry our Daddy?  He wouldn't let us come and ask!" they said indignantly.

"Yes, girls, I will be very happy to marry your Daddy."

"Yippie!  Yippie! Yippie!" they shouted with glee.

"OK sweethearts I'll hand the phone back to your Dad, Good Night!"

"Good night soon-to-be-Mommy" they said.

Shem took the phone and in his best father's tone told them, "This is all very exciting, I know girls, but you've got school tomorrow, and need to settle down and go to sleep now.  Love you.  Be good for Grandma H and I'll look in on you when I get home."

"Yes, Daddy.  Good-bye."

"Ok, good-bye."  Shem hung up and turned to Ruth E,  "I'm not sure I can settle down and go to sleep tonight though. Let's get you back to your office room and I'd best skedaddle home.  Maybe the drive will help lull me to sleep."

"Well, don't go to sleep before getting there."  Ruth E cautioned.

Parked in the office parking lot, Shem turned to Ruth E, "Some time ago I kissed your hand and you took off out of the car like a bullet out of a gun.  I'd like to see what would happen if I gave you a good-night kiss on your very tempting lips."

"Try it and see," replied staid, Ruth E, "but I warn you..."

She didn't get any further than that because Shem stifled her words.

Ruth E took to giggling and Shem let her catch her breath, "Oh my Shem.  I think I'm going to suffocate."

She opened the car door, stepped out, took some deep calming breaths and said, "Til next time..."  She  hurriedly shut the door, raced up the office steps and let herself into her accommodation.

When her lights winked on Shem sped off grinning into the night.

Part 24

Ruth E called her parents next morning with the engagement news they'd likely already surmised yet she knew they'd want to hear it from her directly.

"Oh we are so happy for you Ruth E," her mother rejoiced.  "Can I go over and tell Great-granny today?  She'll be dying to know."

"Sure if you think she can't wait til I come up on the weekend.  Better she hear from one of us rather than from the gossip section."

"OK, bye.  See ya Friday afternoon."

The branch mission director was an observant sort of  man, after all, his wife had been honing these skills on him for the past forty years or so, so it was not surprising that when he came into the office and saw a beaming Ruth Elizabeth that he knew he'd best glance at her left ring finger as unobtrusively as possible.  Sure enough, he saw the sparkling rock, "Congratulations!"  he greeted Ruth.

"For what?" she asked.

"It so happens I see a very nice gem on your left ring finger that was not there yesterday.  I believe I recall correctly." he said.

"You deduce correctly, Director.  You don't miss a trick.  Thank-you."  Ruth E purred.  "I'm kinda new to this sort of stuff."

"Sort of stuff, is it?" the director laughed his big hardy guffaw, "wait til I tell Madeleine, she'll be in here as fast as you can say, 'applesauce' wanting to know details.  Be forewarned.  Oh, Ruth E; so happy for you."

"Thank-you, Sir Matthew."

True to Matthew's prediction, Madeleine came in all a bustle.  She brought some very fine homemade applesauce too, which amused Ruth E.  No wonder Matthew had made the applesauce comment.  It was one of Madeleine's many specialties and it was indeed delicious.

After Ruth E was plied with applesauce, she was then plied with Madeleine's questions.  Ruth E answered as best she could.  She really was a dear soul and Ruth E didn't mind the 'interrogation'.  She knew it all wouldn't be discussed outside these four walls except likely with Matthew at home.

"Do you know what this calls for tonight, Ruth E?"

"Not really."

"A celebration!  Please come over for dinner and I'll make you a dinner fit for rejoicing."

She was an endearing woman and loved to do such things for others.  Ruth E accepted the invite.

"You come over with Matthew.  He can bring you back afterwards."

"Thank-you Madeleine.  You are so good to me."

"Nonsense.  It needs to be done."  She hustled into Matthew's quiet, commanded him to bring Ruth E home to dinner that evening and then took herself home.

Ruth E went back to her tasks but it took real effort to concentrate.  And speaking of endearing, Shem had sent her messages at her break time and lunchtime.  She sent back not to call til about 9 pm as she was having a celebratory meal with the Director and wife.

He'd complained that he should have been invited too.  "I'm so happy," Ruth E sent back.

"I'm about to burst with happiness," was Shem's rebuttal.  "Was dancing around at the hospital.  The nurses had a job to keep up.  They knew something was up but didn't dare ask.  I want to savor the news to myself for now.  Can't wait to see you though.  BTW, did you catch your breath yet?"  he teased.

Ruth E blushed, "Almost," she warbled.

                                           ~ERC  October 2017~

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