Friday, September 15, 2017

Out of the Blue - A Story - Parts 4-6

Blue Topaz
Part 4

That evening Ruth Elizabeth's Aunt Violet, who was just as Blue as if she'd been born to it, called telling her the whole Blue clan were congregating the next evening at her place for a BBQ.  Please bring your parents and siblings and prepare a wee speech to share about the past years in Borneo.

These pleasant-sounding invites were more of a decree-the Blue blood coming to the fore-but attend she would.  Despite her rebelling stomach which also was fighting counter-cultural-food shock (she'd have to find some rice soon); she'd go and nibble on lettuce and tomatoes, at least, and try to enjoy the Blue company.

After-all, they were her main fans all along and she didn't mind being ordered to share all the wondrous work God gave her to do and of His great grace and goodness to her throughout all the years thus far.

Besides it was high time she met the newest of nieces and nephews, cousins and second cousins once or twice removed and got reacquainted with the hundred and one others on the Blue family tree.  It would be great to see them all again.

And if Aunt Violet's neighbor and two children were there too, which mostly likely they would; she'd just have to play it by ear.  Maybe she really should pick up knitting like Great-granny Blue.  It would help keep her from fidgeting.

Their arrival at Aunt Violet's the following evening was announced with Ruth E's grinning younger brother Chadwick at the wheel of his suped up old clunker, complete with modified muffler that did everything but muffle.  Ruth E's parents, Roy L III and Blue Jemmy, were always somewhat non-plussed by Navy's rig and hastily disembarked and quick-walked into the anonymity of family clan.

Navy's car, if you could call it that, was so, so far away in concept to anything in the jungle metropolis fare that it was a novelty to her.  However, in light of her bump-in with Shem she would've preferred a more subdued entrance.

Most of their small town would have forgotten Chadwick's 'real' name as did many of the Blue clan themselves.  Since he'd joined the navy X number of years ago, he'd been 're-christened' "Navy Blue" which was a whole lot better than what he'd grown up with, tormented by school bullies who'd dubbed him, "Little Boy Blue".  They wouldn't dare tease nowadays.

Navy had assured his sister Ruth E earlier, with his 'Navy' stance; legs in the navy 'at ease' position and arms folded across his chest, giving that "you're not getting past me" body-guard posture saying, "If Shem comes anywhere near you let me know; I'll dispatch him quick as a wink."

Ruth E appreciated her little brother's protectiveness but told Navy; it'll be ok.  I'll give you our secret sign if I need to get away.

Navy and Ruth E got out of the car, headed into and through the house and were swallowed up by food and family connections out the other side in the spacious backyard.

Part 5

Blue Jemmy was once upon a time known as Jemimah but once she'd married Roy L Blue III she'd married the name too and had become Blue Jemmy; a very precious 'gemstone' to Roy L III.

Blue Jemmy and Ruth E found themselves taking a turn at the BBQ, enjoying some 'time-out' that Ruth E's Mom knew she needed while she was still adjusting back to western culture and the force of the Blue clan.

Blue Jemmy had stepped away for just a few shakes of a lamb's tail when Ruth E heard a soft whisper brush by her ear that near caused her heart to turn over instead of the hamburger she was mid-flip with.  "Blue Belle", said the whisper.

The fragrance of the pet name he used to have for her, which was, incidentally, her cat's name, hovered and swirled alarmingly from Shem's lips.  And then he was gone.  Off to talk to Navy.  Her mother came back, and the tension eased.  But the name spoken tenderly, lingered about Ruth E dusting her with she knew not what.

Later, at home, Ruth E attempted to sort out her feelings.  Shaking herself sternly, she said "Stop it!!" to her image in the mirror.  "If he's looking to get himself a mother for two young girls, and make you second pickings in the wife department, well, where's your dignity?!  Forget it!" Yet she still felt some unease and stirring of latent affection for Shem.  And she drifted off into unsettled sleep.

Part 6

Come morning, Ruth E felt, "How dare he come waltzing by me with that name!"  She shook herself but the surge of anger and unforgiveness surfaced again anyway.  However her talk with Great -granny Blue yesterday and God in the forest, helped her keep a short account and turn to God, once again.

In the quiet of her bedroom she whispered to her Heavenly Father, "What is it?  Are You trying to tell me something?"  She listened but didn't hear any immediate reply.

Today she was going out with her cousin Sapphire for window-shopping (at least on her part) and lunch; Sapphire's treat.  This was Ruth E's last 'free' day before having to start her deputation work so she wanted to make the most of her day and not pickle her thoughts on things that would never be.

After that they'd visit Grandpa Blue; that'd be the staid Roy L Blue II.  He too, like Great-granny Blue believed in witnessing to his peerage and although stead and stoic, demanded this freedom to anchor in the Oak Villa Assisted Living institution to preach his last string of sermons as he had opportunity.

He loved it there and had been 'reigning' since his "Blue Opal" had the enterprise to "go Home" ahead of him.  He was rather tickled to have a captive audience and never missed a chance to speak for Jesus.

And he was gaining "parishioners" slow but sure when he was well.  And then he'd conduct "beginners" courses to build his new converts up in their "most holy faith" as their numbered days permitted.

Sapphire and Ruth E always loved to see Grampy Blue in action and would sneak in and spy on him.  Sapphire had missed Ruth E in this 'occupation' having to substituted with one of the other cousins or even with Shem's daughters, Hannah and Heather; but Ruth E was always the most fun.

The young ladies shared an uproarious extended lunch; in fact they'd had to be shooed out; the restaurant wanted to close.  It did Ruth E's heart good though.  Refreshed by Western wit and ready for her task in the upcoming months.

They were entering Oak Villa as "Code Blue" was heard over the intercom.  They looked at each other, slowly shaking their heads, "NO!"  as teardrops started collecting in their eyes.  "No, not their beloved Grampy Blue!" their eyes rebelled.  Code Blue could be for anyone.

But it wasn't just for 'anyone'; they rounded the corner in time to see the on-call volunteer doctor and a bevy of nurses and Villa staff converge on Grampy Blue's room with all sorts of medical paraphernalia.  They knew Grampy didn't want to be resuscitated but they still hoped he'd live.

They stood quivering outside Grampy's room until a staff member saw them and made them go sit in the staff room.  She gently told them, "Stay here; I'll let you know the outcome".  She too was spilling tears.

Her name was Thelma, and one of Grampy's recent converts and he'd been working wonders on her; steering her into God and His all encompassing love for her.  Her! The one no one had wanted;  the one abandoned in a trash can as a baby and lived with abuse from a self-proclaimed "rescue service" of a neighborhood pervert.  Somehow or another she'd gotten through school to become a nurse but the wounds and scars of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and low self-esteem, and of having never been loved, had never been overcome or even been started to be worked on til she came to work in Oak Villa and met Grampy Blue and Jesus.

Ten minutes later Thelma returned and clasped them in a huddle hug as gulps of sobs were uttered and tears streamed down each of their faces.  And that is where volunteer Dr. Shem Hutchinson found them twenty minutes later.  

Thelma scuttled sorrowfully away to her tasks.

Dr. Shem put his professionalism aside, and added his own shed tears.  He then quietly and gently asked the ladies if they wished to have one last glimpse of Grampy before the staff wheeled him away.

He led them to the room and left them to their privacy.  As they were leaving, Sapphire slipped into the restroom and Dr. Shem slipped Ruth E a note which she in turn, slipped into her handbag for later perusal.  

This she did not want Sapphire to get wind of.

                                                    ~ERC  September 2017~


Any names of people or place names are fictitious; any coincidence of name or situation is not purposeful; expect for the setting of Borneo, of course.   However there is a blending of characters, events and places I've encountered over the years of my life.

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