Thursday, August 17, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Jesus Speaks Some More - Part 10

It's a balmy and sunny day, excellent chance for another "beach combing" saunter through the Gospels to espy some more exquisite "seashells" among Jesus's words and conversations with the diverse folks He met along the way.  

To the blind man that Jesus had healed and who had gotten thrown out of the synagogue by the religious leaders of the day, Jesus found him afterwards and asked, 

"Do you believe in the Son of Man?" (John 9:35)

Humbly, almost desperately, the man  asked who that was and when Jesus told him that He was the One, he says,

"Lord, I believe"  and then he worshiped Him."  (John 9:38)

What deep gratitude and appreciation.

By contrast the Jews were about to stone Jesus and He asks them for which miracle they wished to stone Him and why they accused Him of blasphemy because He had said,

"I am God's Son" (John 10:32, 34-36).

They either did not recognize Who He was, or did not wish to acknowledge it.

What life, Jesus could give.  Even Mary and Martha could not comprehend the immediacy of Jesus telling them, in regards to the resurrection of their brother Lazarus,

"I am the resurrection and the life."  (John 11:25).

Imagine their shock that erupts into overwhelming joy, when they approach the tomb where Lazarus had been laid and calls to him,

"Lazarus, come forth!"  (John 11:43).

And Lazarus comes forth.

Do you feel the goosebumps on your arms?  Oh the divine power of Jesus' words!!

This is Jesus, Emmanuel:  God with us!!

And Jesus asks Philip,

"Don't you know Me?!"  (John 14:9-10)

Do you know Him?  We could never fully know Him,  but we can spend our lifetime learning and learning to know and love Him, to serve and worship Him.  As we read and meditate upon His Word and build our relationship with Him, we will scratch the surface and know Him some.  We can have as much or as little as we wish.  He waits for us.

And then the soldiers and the officials from the chief priests and Pharisees come stromping along like a herd of elephants into the quiet of the garden where Jesus was with His disciples.  Jesus knew they were coming for Him, yet still asks,

"Who is it you want?"

If it wasn't so serious a setting, it could almost be amusing.

The troop says,

"Jesus of Nazareth"

Jesus answers,

"I am He"

And they fall back and to the ground.  (John 18:1-9).

After Jesus arrest, the High Priest questions Him but Jesus tells him to ask those who had been His audiences:  the common, everyday people.  They will know what He has said.  (John 18:21, 23).  Jesus's life spoke for itself; was good testimony.

How are we living our lives?  Will they speak to good or to bad reputation?  What have we done/what are we doing with our lives?  Are they worthwhile?  Jesus'ministry was about three years worth culminating at the cross and beyond.  We do not know how long we have to live; live your days in a worthwhile manner to please and honor and glorify Him.  Finish well.

And then that lull when Jesus was in the tomb then resurrected and the disciples were kind of at a loss as to what to do.  They'd ended up going back to their boats and fishing nets.  Jesus shows up on the shore cooking a breakfast of fish for them.  Good thing they didn't have weak hearts.  He seemed to show up when people least expected it and in unusual manner.

Jesus connects with Peter's heart here.  Peter had denied, three times, that he knew who Jesus was at the time of Jesus trial pre-crucifixion.  Peter had been scared.  But then Jesus looked at him.  Peter's heart did break and he went out and wept bitterly at what he had done.  So Peter's heart needed mending.  I feel like weeping here too.  

We often fail.  We often break Jesus's heart.  Yet Jesus seeks us out to reinstate  the repentant heart of us.  He knows we are but human and fail.    Yet He also seeks commitment.  He asked Peter,

"Do you truly love me more than these?"  (John 21:15).

Jesus asks him three times and Peter breaks down,

"Yes, Lord, you know I do." (John 21:17)

Isn't Jesus so gracious?  I know I can count on Him again and again.

So can you.

"The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen could ever tell", 

so goes a song.  Here's the Bill & Gloria Gaither version of singing it.

As we can see through this series of Jesus Speaks Some More that Jesus did not waste words.  He spoke to a person's heart leading them to healing conclusions; rooting out evil, hypocrisies; gently tender, compassionate drawing the 'sinner' out and to Himself; teaching and setting examples for His disciples to follow; restoring (Peter) and showing them how to love one another (foot washing-John 13:1-17).  Isn't He wonderful!?

What does all this have to do with hospitality?  I guess we have to be discovering and sensitive to others' needs.  Jesus could say things very directly especially to hypocrites (Pharisees, etc) but because of our human-ness we really need to depend on the Spirit of God to teach us what to say, and do, and to pray for wisdom in relating to others.  The objective is to help to bring healing and maturity and to edify one another with Christ's words.

I hope you have enjoyed this 'beach combing' and will take a stroll through the Gospels yourself to uncover gem shells of your own.  God's blessings be upon you now and forevermore.

                                                       ~ERC  2017~
                                             Originally written May 1996; adapted for blog August 2017

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