Friday, August 11, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Jesus Speaks Some More - Part 7

Here's another 'shell' of Jesus' words had such power.  

Jesus said to His disciples, 

"Why are you so afraid?  Do you still have no faith?""  (Mark 4:40)  

Jesus turned to the wind and waves and calmed them.  His words had instant power over the elements.

I think that must have been rather shocking to the disciples.  They were experienced fishermen and weathered storms before and knew the instant halt of a storms didn't happen.  Was it any wonder why they wondered who this 'guy' was?  Got their attention didn't it!?

Sometimes He has to get our attention that way too during the storms in our lives.  "Peace, peace, be still and know that I am God."   "Who is He!?" we gasp.  He is Jesus the Son of the Living God.

And then there was the man made wild by evil spirits possessing him.  He was so, so wild and strong he could break free from binding chains.  And Jesus asks the demons, 

"What is your name?"  (Mark 5:9)

And then Jesus's words commanded the demons to leave and they left.   Jesus had power over evil and evil spirits.

In the Name of Jesus, we too, can have victory over the addictions and lusts and fears in our lives.  In the Name of Jesus and a willing heart.  Jesus has the power to help us.  Call out His Name, He hears and He answers.

I always liked the story of the woman who had had an issue of blood for so many years and had sought the help of many doctors yet never got better.  I love her faith.  Faith as the grain of mustard seed propelled her to even ju-u-ust touch the hem of Jesus' garment and then skedaddle out of there and melt into the crowd.  

"At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from Him.  He turned around in the crowd and asked, "Who touched my clothes?"  (Mark 5:30).

Jesus actually didn't say anything to heal this lady, yet He did, and still does, have power over disease.  However, His words, "Who touched my clothes?" did have the power to arrest her and bring her to Him so He could acknowledge her faith directly to her.  He appreciates that.  He responds to our faith.

I'm not saying that every time we might want to reach out and be healed that he grants instant healing, or even gives any healing at all.  But He does have the power to do so as He desires.

Do we realize who this Jesus of Nazareth is?  Is He Someone who we will trust and put our faith in?

                                    He is the Almighty God Whom we serve.

                                                            ~ERC  2017~
                             Originally written March 1996; adapted for blog August 2017

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