Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Jesus Speaks Some More - Part 2

Continuing the 'beach combing' through the seasides, mountain sides, and  along the dusty road sides with Jesus and His disciples as written in the New Testament.  As we comb through Matthew we see the loving compassionate Jesus, and the true and just and pure Jesus; as He lived and spoke and walked among the children of men.

Whenever I've read about the time John the Baptizer (that's what one preacher I've listened to likes to call him), had been imprisoned and sent his disciples to Jesus to inquire whether Jesus was really the "one who was to come or should they look for another", I can almost feel John the Baptizer's despair.  

What was all the purpose of his preaching and warning and baptizing if Jesus wasn't The One.  Was it all worth it, this winding up in prison with death looming?  Jesus tries to reassure His cousin with the 'works' He had wrought and was still doing with the healing of lepers and the lame, etc.  

The crowds of people heard the question and answer.  When John's disciples left, Jesus turns to the crowd and talks about John the Baptizer almost like He was still giving John a part 2 of an answer instead of word of exhortation and reassurance to the people.  

"What did you go into the desert to see?  A reed swayed by the wind?...If not, what did you go out to see?  A man dressed in fine clothes?  No...A prophet?....More than a prophet..." (Matthew 11:7-9).

Actually reading this passage wants to make me weep.  Many people go into "the desert" during trials and tribulations.   Why do they have to go through such hard times?  What was the purpose of it all?  Did they learn anything?  Some people don't and become bitter and turn away from God.  

When the people went out there to see John the Baptizer, likely out of curiosity at this strange character who eats locusts and wild honey and wears camel's hair clothing and dunking people in the river,  what did they see?  Maybe some of them did 'repent' and were baptized even.    What was the purpose?

Most of us at one time or another have gone through "the valley of the shadow of death" (Psalm 23:4).  What did we learn?

John the Baptizer learned that Jesus was indeed the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.  He learned that Jesus is God's Son.  The voice of God who spoke from heaven declared it and that He loved Him (Matthew 3:13-17).  Yet, in true human fashion we do have our doubts as John did.

Let us learn that too.  And that God loves us.  Maybe we will not always see a reason for our 'valleys' in life but do learn that Jesus is all you need.  Learn to depend upon Him. Our lives are in His hands.  Make us fit, oh Father God,  to serve You and others as John the Baptizer did.

As others look on at our distress and see how we go back and review all Jesus has done in our lives (it's good to record our prayers and requests and how they are answered, even reviewing years later to see what God has done for you), let us hold on to hope so that they may have hope; as Jesus did for John the Baptizer in the answer He gave to send back to John.   "The proof is in the pudding" the saying goes.   Look to God and all He has done for us over the years and be thankful.  Worship Him with gratitude in your hearts.

                                                           ~ERC  2017~
                                         Originally written March 1996; adapted for blog Aug 2017 

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