Monday, August 21, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - A Bundle of Words

Words, words, words...

There are numerous verses about our words in the Bible.  Words can build up, heal and bless or curse, tear down and destroy others.  Do a mini, or a maxi if that helps, word study on those many verses and memorize them so they are in your mind and heart and at your finger tips.

One saying of wisdom that often swims through my mind, with good reason, is:  "The least said the soonest mended".  The Holy Spirit activates that maxim on a regular basis for me.

Look at some of the verses...

Proverbs 10:19 instructs,

"When words are many, sin is not absent, he who holds his tongue is wise."

How about Proverbs 12:18,

"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."

These can become a habit that is difficult to break.  Growing up with five siblings, words were often great weapons wielded to tear a brother or sister down.  It felt good to hurt one with ones' words.  But God's Word often brought us up short.

The same goes for adults in a family or church or even at work.  When someone gets frustrated or angry what words do we use in response?

Another verse that makes me chuckle is Proverbs 17:28 which says,

"Even a fool when he holds his peace is counted wise."

Would you like to be a wise fool?

Attempt to say fewer words to your children, siblings, brothers and sisters in Christ, &/or colleagues at work.    Think more before speaking and bring healing to your little ones and loved ones.  Try to figure out the necessary words of teaching, guidance, etc and not of ranting and raving; say them with God-propelled calmness and goodness.

Proverbs 14:29 enlightens,

"A patient man has great understanding but a quick-tempered man displays folly."

Patience is definitely needed.  Many folks say, "Count to 10" or "Bite your tongue" before your throw your darts.  Good advice, yes!  The longer we can put ourselves "on hold", the more chance to moderate the words, tone, and facial expressions and any other body language such as hand gestures.

Think.  To display great understanding or folly?  That is the question.  The individual has the choice.  What type of person do you wish to be noted for?  Patient or quick-tempered?  Wise or foolish?  Cutting-edge sword pierces or wise & healing?  

Make a vow with yourself if you have to and affirm, "I will try to be more understanding and to see situations from the other person's point of view."  Every little bit will help that bundle of words that spring forth to be sweet and not bitter.

Proverbs 16:24 tells us,

"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."

Does someone of your family or among your acquaintances have creaky, achy bones?  Speak sweet words to them no matter how ornery they may be.  Sweet and healing are excellent adjectives that could characterize your words and reputation.  Who doesn't want that?    You know what to do.  Attempt to be more pleasant in word and deed and attitude.

Proverbs 17:9 is another gem:

"He who covers over an offence promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends."

This does not mean to hide a wrong, but those small grievances; be a bit more tolerant.  Protecting someone else's character and reputation or being a busybody gossiper is another choice one has; a promoter of love or a separater of close friends.  Which would you prefer to be known by?

If you are dealing with children or other immature folks try to discern what is childish behavior and not repeat nor report naughty behavior to others.  Try to show more love in disregarding childish behavior.  It may be irritating and frustrating but patience and love and sweet words may help immensely in building that loved one up.

As Proverbs 19:11 wonderfully expostulates,

"A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offence."

Again, we have an advocate with our heavenly Father, God.  Talk to Him and avoid taking offence so easily.  Ask the Lord for wisdom and by so doing gain patience in dealing with your little ones and others.  Overlook behavior that is not disobedient, disrespective, destructive or dishonest; these need addressing.  But the 'how' of so doing is included in the prayer for wisdom, patience, understanding and words of kind effect.

Proverbs 29:20 cautions,

"Do you see a man who speaks in haste?  There is more hope for a fool than for him."

These are all fabulous morsels of Godly wisdom that give corrective guidance to one and all.  May we all bless one and all with our well chosen daily bundle of words.

                                                        ~ERC  2017~
                                             Originally written 1996; adapted for blog August 2017

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