Thursday, August 10, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Jesus Speaks Some More - Part 6

OH, the cry of Jesus' heart in His most excruciating hour...Speaking to His Father, God...

"About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 

"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabacththanai" which means, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"                                                                                                        (Matthew 27:46)

The agony Jesus suffered for us; for me.

God had to forsake Jesus because of my sins; because of every single last person's sins.  Jesus suffered for our sake, so that we did not have to earn our own salvation and redemption for the consequences of those sins.  He had no choice, so out of love for us, He even forsook His One and Only Son.  God's grace cost Him everything.

But us?  How do we treat this gift?  We have a choice.

Lord, help us all not to forsake You nor to offend You via offending some "little one".    Our approach to people can be so rude and offensive at times but we seek You to help us to change to be more like Your Son Jesus.  Meekness.  Mildness.  More hospitable, forgiving; also like Yourself.  Thank-You for the Holy Spirit, that Comforter, whom You have given to dwell within those of us who have accepted Your gift of salvation and belong to You.  Thank You that He will be with us until You come.  Convict and help us to live to please You; to grow and mature in our spiritual life and relationship with You through Your Son Jesus Christ in whose Name we ask...

                                                          ~ERC   2017~
                                                    Originally written March 1996; adapted for blog August 20

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