Sunday, July 2, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Petty and Angry

The book of Jonah is a favorite of many people and how things worked out much to Jonah's disapproval.  All that effort, and for what?

There are times when our attitudes may well mirror Jonah's.  And God calls us on them. 

"Petty things, Lord?"  

"Yes, you get angry at petty things."

"Selfish things, Lord?"

"Yes, you get angry when things don't suit you; when things go for the benefit of others more so than for yourself."

"I'm sorry, Lord."

Like Jonah's angry-ness  over God's compassion on Nineveh and its inhabitants, and the vine that withered leaving Jonah no shade or protection from the scorching sun; we too, despite our mostly good situations in life, may often exhibit that ungratefulness and be miffed at God.  Sometimes, we may even feel we'd rather not be in this world.

But God rebuked Jonah and showed him good sense and His merciful, loving ways.  Let us take the hint from God.  Thank Him for pointing out to us the areas in our lives that need tending to and the ability to see things from God's perspective.  Get your help and strength from Him.  Let Him be your refuge (Psalm 46:1).  Thank Him for His daily supply.  Tell Him you love Him even when things don't go as we desire.  Thank Him for His love, which came first (1 John 4:19).

                                                             ~ERC  2017~

                                    Originally written 1 March 1995 but adapted for this blog.

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