Monday, July 17, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Praise and Practical Help

This devotional dive is attuned to 2nd and 3rd John and Jude.  Read them through in one go.

"Oh Lord, You are truth.  You endure forever and Your truth endures forever.  We do not look to saving ourselves because that is impossible and You proved it to human kind all down the ages.  Engrave Your truth upon our "new" hearts of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26).  It will keep us from falling.  Bring us safely Home to You.  I know that You will.  Praise Your Holy Name.

Lord, I look forward to being with You in God's presence, when You will present me to Him.  It will be only because of what You have done for me.  Thank-You, Lord Jesus for such wonderful love and sacrifice on my behalf and on the behalf of my brothers and sisters-in-Christ."

3 John 8 shows that each of us (believers) have a responsibility towards furthering the truth.  If we are not one of those persons preaching and telling and showing the truth, then we need to be one of those persons supporting, obviously in this context, financially.  I would also guess support in prayers and in other practical ways would be in order.

For example, a dear, dear sister-in-Christ gave me a bottle of Chinese oil; this particular oil is usually used for babies with colic.  It is for rubbing on the stomach to soothe.  For me it was to ward off mosquitoes and other such undesirables while on a medical mission into a jungle area.  (I cannot use regular mosquito repellents.)  This sister went out of her way (and was something like the widow with her last two mites) to get this to me about one minute to spare before the group took off for our destination.  

That vial of oil became a "national treasure" for me.  It was indeed helpful and the thoughtfulness behind the gift was even a greater treasure.  

I tell you all this to let you know that even seemingly 'small' ways one can contribute are seen by our Heavenly Father and will not go amiss.  If you are one of the 'goers' on a short-term mission or even as full time, you will be blessed.  If you are a 'sender', you are also blessed.  That is truly "storing up treasure in Heaven" by "furthering the truth" in ways that open up for you. Don't miss out.

                                                           ~ERC  2017~
                                Originally written April 1995; adapted for blog July 2017

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