Friday, June 30, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Get It Together

Joel 3 will make you think; it did me.  

We must proclaim to "the nations".  We need to go to war on our spiritual lives, the physical and emotional but especially the spiritual; each one affects the other.  Put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) to fight against the powers of spiritual darkness.  Stand and Pray.  Rise up, oh men of God!  Spiritual leaders.  Fight the spiritual battles in your life.  Fight for the spiritual battles among the people of God, so that in the end, you can proclaim, "All is well with the "Lord in Zion"!"  

Joel 3:11 beckons:

"Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there."

I'd like to apply that to gatherings of God's people the world over.  With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).  He is our security.  The Lord in Zion, could symbolize that He has control over my life once I've allowed Him access to the throne of my heart.  He is also the Head of the church (Ephesians 1:22-23).  Let Him be on the throne.

This leads me to think of groups of Christians, be they in the Eastern or the Western world.  If only they'd gather together all the elders, all the people and pray and fast and call upon the Lord as Joel was to call from all stations of life, to get to the bottom of their troubles within.  Everybody get serious.  If only they'd face the facts and truth and be rid of every root of evil (Ephesians 4:31) and by this one is talking of petty differences; personality clashes; slander, malice; bitterness; unforgiveness.  To be rid of those "locusts", what blessing they/we could all have.

Oh Lord, stir us all up again.  The mess often dies down, with sweepings under the carpet and people get comfortable again.  Everything is hush, hush.  Let us not be self-righteous in thinking we are the faithful remnant.  Lord, perhaps we are faithful in remembering Jesus in His death and all He accomplished; but You prefer obedience to sacrifice-Lord make us, compel  us to see what happens among Your people that these bickerings, etc are not of You and make you very grieved.  Start at the greatest of us and work even to the least of us.  Help us to see the facts and truth or our wrongs which displease You.  How can divisions among Your people be truth?!  You want us to "keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3).

Cause your people to be shaken, and shaken again, to rethink, especially the spiritual leaders who have so much influence with the general populace of those under their spiritual care and who are trusted.  Let them rethink how they are leading Your children so that Your sons and daughters in Christ do not get "sold" away.  Open the leaders' hearts to your Spirit's convictings.  Of course, Father, it is not only the leaders that can be guilty of misdirecting your saints, it could be any one of us.  Bind your enemy Satan and his minions.  Put a hedge of protection around the leaders of your people and around Your people, Father God.  I ask this in Jesus' name.  May Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

                                                           ~ERC 2017~
                            Originally written in Feb 1995 but adapted and blogged in in 2017

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