Friday, July 14, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Showing Proper Respect

Showing respect can be a very tall order in some cultures.  Try this...each family member is denoted by a specific title which corresponds with the specific relationship you are to each particular member of the family.  On top of that, depending on which family member one is speaking with, and you wish to refer to another family member, you must recall their particular relationship to that person and use that title for them despite what you, yourself must call that third party.

For instance when there are four generations or so of family with parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, grand nieces and nephews, grand-aunts and uncles, grand-cousins, aunts, uncles, cousins of varying ages, brothers, sisters, brothers and sisters' wives/husbands, aunts/uncles husbands/wives; and are they the first (oldest or second in line, etc) brother, sister, uncle, aunt, etc, or is it their mother's brother or their mother's sister, or their father's brother or their father's sister, are their cousins older or younger than they are?  Each of them with their own specific corresponding term and you must get it correct!!    Phew!

And then 1 Peter 2:17 says...

"Show proper respect to everyone..."

Now this could get stressful...

                                                               ~ERC  2017~


  1. How true this is! Can you imagine a newcomer in the Tan family?! Even after nearly 30 years I have to figure things out before hand!

    1. Ha, ha! Yes I can image. Lately with all the new little ones coming along I'm having a very difficult time keeping up.
