Monday, July 24, 2017

Daily Devotional Dives - Death's Shadow Valley

More about Ezekiel again...If you remember (see previous blog entry), God had him tied up, lying on his side, cooking his daily bread and proclaiming God's judgement upon the people of Israel for their rebelliousness against God.  Ezekiel was symbolizing all that by his predicament.  

If you read Ezekiel 24:15-24, you'll see a deepening of the symbolizing dilemma.  Ezekiel learns that his wife was going to die.  God told Ezekiel not to mourn for her!  It was to be a sign to the people not to mourn because of the judgment that  befalls them.  They deserved it.

Of course, Ezekiel did not deserve to have his beloved wife pass away.  How ever did the dear prophet manage?  The Lord was compassionate to him and allowed him to "groan quietly".  

Our situations in life may go from bad to worse but our loving Heavenly Father is the same one that Ezekiel worshiped and to Whom he was obedient.  We may feel, "I can't take much more of this" but God will be compassionate to us too and indeed goes with us through our "valleys of the shadows of death" (Psalm 23:4).  Reach out to Him.

                                                               ~ERC  2017~
                                                 Originally written July 1995; adapted for blog July 2017

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