Friday, December 30, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 23

What a shock one fellow got...and I feel rather startled too as to what was 'revealed' to one particular gentleman who experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE).  This, as recorded by Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and co-author, Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D. in their book The Eternal Journey dealing with just such experiences.

In the authors' chronicle, they say on Pages 168-169 that...

"Herr Pettersson was also permitted to visit the spirit world and discovered, much to his surprise, that even the worst in heaven exceeded the best on earth.

To Herr Pettersson the world of spirits resembled the material world.  There were many countries, or "kingdoms".  There were cities and people were very busy.  Some were preaching on street corners and in assembly halls, and all had great congregations.

"Who are they?"  Herr Pettersson asked (referring to the preachers)?

"They," his guide answered, "belong to the church of the Firstborn, and they have been sent here to be ministering spirits to those who shall yet become heirs of salvation."

"I am afraid," stammered Herr Pettersson, "that I do not comprehend you.  Are we not in heaven?  How can the world of salvation be preached here?"

"No brother!" the guide replied, "We are not in what mortals call heaven!  This is Hades."

>  Wow.  That must have been mind-blowing!  Why the need to preach to those in Hades?  You will be recalling just what place Hades is currently; the place of departed souls of those who had NOT accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior while living on earth.  Hades is somewhat pictured as a 'holding tank' waiting for the last days when those souls will be let out to rejoin their bodies and to come before the Great White Throne of God their Creator to be judged.  God will have His books opened and then will see if their name happens to be written in the Lamb's Book of Life.  If it is not, then they will be sent to Hell.

Why is there preaching in Hades?  The question begs asking; we see also the confusion of Herr Pettersson in the account above.

I, too, wonder.  Personally, the answer I thought I had to that question was "must be a misguidance directly from Satan or one of his minions getting us to think wrongly; throw us off from the real scenario (he is an incorrigible liar and a deceiver).

However, I went spelunking through Google to see what John MacArthur of Grace to You, and John Piper of had to say.  There was one other chap, also a pastor, who had something to say, but I didn't record who he was nor the website so if I say something that is not by either of the other two yet is incorporated in the whole, please forgive me.

John MacArthur does believe that there was not preaching, per se, but that Jesus "went in spirit to hell to proclaim His victory over evil and conquering of the grave".   

John Piper states that when Scripture talks about those who go to preach to the dead, it actually means that they have already been preached to while they were still on earth; eg. those to whom Noah preached to for so many years prior to The Flood.

The "unnamed pastor" believes that those in Hades will have a second chance to hear the gospel and that even Jesus, when He went to Paradise (a part of Hades/Sheol at that time), preached to the souls there.  This pastor believes that many more there will come and confess Jesus is Lord and will be eventually seen in Heaven.

I'd really, really like to believe this since many of my departed relatives didn't know Christ or hadn't been able to get the chance (as far as I know), while still on earth to hear the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Yet I have trouble grasping this in light of the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31).  This portion tells of "the great gulf fixed" between the two sides of Hades (vs 26).  The folks from either side were unable to cross over to the other side even if they wanted too.

That, coupled with the verse, 2 Corinthians 6:2, which tells us,

 "Behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation;" 

leads me to believe:  only "now"....NOW, while still living on earth in this dispensation of time theologians term "The Day of Grace".  The "now" being our one and only chance to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives.

At the Moment, Still Time

There are several opinions of thoughts, then, as you witness above, as to when preaching is done, and how many chances a person gets to have 'time' to accept Christ.  However, I wouldn't leave anything to chance.  If I were you, I'd be prepared in the here and now of earth.  Be safe.  The wise would accept Jesus now!  Later may well be too late.

                                                             ~ERC  2016~

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 22

Architects, Civil & Structural Engineers, Draftsmen and construction contractors may find this one of  especial interest.  Actually in Part 21 of this series the City of Light was "seen" and now we will talk a bit about the homes and how they are "built" in that fair prospect.  This according to the account in the book The Eternal Journey by Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D about Near Death Experiences (NDE).

On Page 158 they relate...

"Mary Hales, who was being escorted (around the City of Light) by her brother, was permitted to look at the residential areas of the city.  She reported seeing

  "Many beautiful homes.  I was surprised to see while many of the homes were spacious, others were very small.  Some were barely larger than a small kitchen or a large bathroom.  I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to live in a house so small.  I asked my brother about this.

  "That was all the material they sent up," was his strange reply.

  "What do you mean?"  I asked.   "That was all the good works they sent up," he replied; meaning the size of a house one gets in paradise is determined [on earth] by the quantity and quality of the good deeds performed."

>  Hmmmm.  My Bible tells me something different.  Good works and good deeds will not earn us a place in heaven.  God's Word says, 

"Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy.  He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs having he hope of eternal life..."  Titus 3:4-7

Not by human effort at all.  And we can see again in Ephesians 2:8, 9 that it is God and Jesus who did the good works and deeds for us.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast."

Check out 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 (NIV) which has similar thoughts of no-one being able to earn their salvation so that "no-one can boast".  If anyone wishes to boast, "let him...boast in the Lord."  Praise God for the salvation he effected and perfected through his son Jesus Christ.

None of these verses, nor elsewhere in God's Word do we learn that the size of our respective homes in Heaven depend upon the good works/deeds we can manage to credit up for ourselves while on earth.  It's a puzzle as to the information described in the NDE account above.  As I've said before, whatever we hear we must measure it up to God's Word; the 'Plumb-line' of our life.

So, to set the record straight, none of us can earn our salvation and admittance into heaven and God's Presence by our own efforts no matter how good a person may be; nor can they earn housing materials.  God rescues us on an "as is, where is" basis and imputes to us His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:20-21) through our acceptance of salvation through Jesus Christ.

It is only then, AFTER that acceptance, out of gratitude and thanksgiving to God that we do good works.  As a matter of fact, God saves us to do good works which He "prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2:10).  How do you like that?  This is part of Christian living and we are all responsible to do our part within the body of Christ.  There should be no slackers.

Furthermore, we are enjoined to "lay up treasure in Heaven" (Matthew 6:19-21).

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

What "treasure" is this?  Serving God or money or self?  When we bring others to Christ, that is lasting treasure.  When we conduct ourselves with Christ-like character and actions, doing our good deeds to glorify God, others will see and know we have been with Jesus.  Let us behave in such a way to bring others to Christ and so send up much "treasure" to God our Heavenly Father and bring Him lasting joy; whether we ourselves benefit or not.  We have no need to boast of what we have or do, rather, by God's grace, we give any results and treasures to Him.  May God be praised as we build for Him.  

                                                           ~ERC  2016~

Sunday, December 25, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 21

It's so brilliant.  There's so much light.  It gets called "The City of Light".  This is according to folks who've had Near Death Experiences (NDE) as I've learned from the book The Eternal Journey by authors Craig R. Lundahl and Harold A. Widdison, both of whom are Ph.D.'s. They write of these things.  Here's an excerpt...

From Page 155...

"Very few people have been privileged to see the City of Light.  They report that the glow of the City is not the result of the reflected rays of the sun as it would be on earth but is an actual emanation of light from the City.  There is no need for a sun because everything in the City produces light, a light that not only enables residents and visitors to see, but also seems to be related to the sense of peace, acceptance, and understanding that is all-pervasive."

>  This is exciting because I know that in Jesus we can have all these:  the light, the peace, acceptance and understanding.  Jesus said,

"I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  (John 8:12).  

We do not have to wait to get to that City of Light to experience God's light.

Let me insert here that this "City of Light" the NDErs are talking about is not the city of Paris in France which is often referred to as such.  We're talkin', Heaven...

In 1 John 1:5-6, John tells us, "God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all."  It is no surprise then when NDErs talk about a city of light.  We also learn from Revelation 22:5 that 

"they will not need the light of a lamp, or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light..."  

This refers to the city where "the throne of God and of the Lamb" will be.  God is light therefore His 'city' will be full of light. 

Those of us who belong to Jesus are called "the light of the world".  We are supposed to bring light to the people living in the darkness, who don't, as yet, know Jesus Christ as Savior.  We are to

 "let our light so shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise our Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:14, 16).  

Reflect God's light, my brothers and sisters-in-Christ, while here on earth; shine for Jesus.  Stands to reason, then, that when a child of God gets to heaven, they would give off light as well.  However, it would be God's light emanating from us, and not something generated originally from within ourselves.

I have a little red ceramic Christmas house decoration with a chimney and open windows.  I'm supposed to put a little candle inside and light it in the evening and allow the mellow glow of the light to illuminate as best it can.  That is something like what I believe we children of God do as we have the light of Christ indwelling us.  Let Him shine out.

As Jesus is the Prince of Peace and He has brought His followers peace, then that 'City of Light would exude an aura of peace too.  We are indeed a privileged bunch.  Praise the Lord for this!

I'm looking forward to life everlasting with Jesus.  I'm just awaiting for His call once my lifework is ended.  Only He knows the number of my days (Psalm 139:16; Job 14:5).

At the time of our salvation, God accepted us "just as we were", in our sin, but He forgave us through the work of His son Jesus Christ who died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins.  We have great acceptance from Him.  He has now made us righteous in His sight through the cleansing of the "blood of Jesus Christ" which washes away all our sin.  He loved us "just the way we were but He loves us too much to leave us that way" in all our entanglements of emotions.  He gave us His Holy Spirit to aid and abet us.   Now it is what we do with our days here on earth that count.  Let us "live aright" in God's sight.  As the psalmist said in Psalm 90:12

 "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."  

When we shine our light of Jesus to one and all, when we have made peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ and make our number of days count, we come to some understanding of what God wishes us to do here on earth and how to live to please Him.    Let us make those days count for God, The Light of our life. One of these days, we will get to dwell in the House of God, that City of Light, forever, with Him.

                                                                   ~ERC  2016~

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 20

Won't it be grand to be without troubles of any kind!  I think so and yearn for that time ahead when we are in the "realms of glory" as one song puts it.  Yet some who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE), we are told by Craig R. Lundahl, Ph. D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph. D. in their book The Eternal Journey, that it is quite the opposite.  What is to be thought of that?

From the book Page 139...

"Others are being prepared to enter the City of Light.  When told that a close family friend-Dr. John MacGregor-was still working hard as a physician, the individual assumed he was working with people on earth.  "Oh, you're quite wrong" he said. "We have hospitals here full of injured and crippled souls-the result of their hard faring on earth-who need nursing back to health and building up into full stature before they can start their work up here."

>  Huh!?  Really?!  I can't think of any such thing.  The Bible doesn't tell us this.  What it does say is that God...

"...will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (Revelation 21:4).

Granted they used the term "crippled souls" but I believe that being 'with Christ" will bring instant healing of the soul and spirit.   Reparations began on earth the moment a person becomes a Christian.  It's called sanctification; a transformation from the sinful self into that spirit-filled life as a child of God.  Imagine it somewhat as a caterpillar cocooned and then emerging as a butterfly.  This is a process; yes.

However the other type of reparations due to having been abused and/or exploited in some way, for instance, whilst on earth,  can be healed on earth by God's grace and Holy Spirit power and the efforts of the injured person; and any "residual" healing that needs doing will happen at the point of entry of being "with Christ".  I do not believe it will be a process over time there, rather an instantaneous healing.  God is not incapable of such in His heavenly domain and a person's being would no longer be plagued or hindered by earth life trials and tribulations which afflict body, soul and spirit.

We need to tend to these things whilst still on earth.  Jesus says,

 "Come unto me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest..." (Matthew 11:28). 

He wants us to come to Him now while we are still with our bodies and earthbound.  Release your trauma, stress, fears, and anxieties to Him.  He is the best doctor, the Great Physician who can heal us-all our infirmities when He so desires according to His will.  Rest in Him.  

Come to Him and give Him a chance with your life.  He says He is

 "...gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls" (Matthew 11:29).  

We don't actually have to wait til "after death" to go to a "crippled soul" hospital somewhere in the nether world.  You can come to Jesus in the here and now of earth.  Won't you come now?

"Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus
 Come to Jesus just now.
 Just now, won't You trust Him,
 Won't you trust Him just now."
               ~Edward Payson Hammond~
 Prepare now; there'll be no more opportunity in the hereafter. 

                                                             ~ERC  2016~

Friday, December 16, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 19

Some of this is going to seem repetitive to what has been discussed previously in this series yet there will be a slightly different angle, so please hang in there.  This series stems from the book The Eternal Journey by authors Craig R. Lundahl, Ph. D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph. D. about Near Death Experiences (NDE); rather interesting, so it all is.

From the book, Page 132...

There are two major divisions in the afterlife which get called by different names by different people who have had NDEs.

"The first, "City of Light" by Raymond Moody.  Betty Eadie and Melvin Morse, and others say...

"...the other division has been variously labeled "a realm of bewildered spirits" by Moody, a place "devoid of love" by George Ritchie, a place of "earthbound/lingering spirits" by Eadie, and the "sphere of wasted elusive, and missed opportunities" by Joy Snell..."

The second division is said to be...

"complex structure"

"...previous chapter notes..."individuals acquired new senses in the spirit world, one of which is the ability to "know" others' thoughts and desires.  This enhanced sense seems to be a factor in the ultimate placement of each individual in the spirit world."

From Pages 132-133...

"There is evidence that a type of judgement occurs at the time of death.  This judgement involves a review of a person's life and results in their placement in the spirit world.  Many have told about an incredibly vivid, full-color, three dimensional, instantaneous, panoramic review of every single thing they have ever done, thought or said in their lives.  In this review people see not only every action they have ever done, but also the effects of these actions upon others...& their emotions (pleasant/painful) that their actions caused....Everyone knows the innermost thoughts, desires, and dreams of everybody secrets...hypocrisy is impossible..."

"The judgement that occurs during the life review is a judgement that comes from within.  No court.  No judge, or jury is required.  Each person knows exactly where he or she stands with the "Being of Light" & all the others in the "City of Light".

>  If  we are honest with ourselves, even before we have a chance at an NDE, or even if we never have an NDE, we would (& should) examine ourselves whether or not we will deserve the "City of Light" (Heaven with Jesus) or the place "devoid of love" & "sphere of wasted, elusive missed opportunities".  "Devoid of love" is that place without God; that place destined to hell and everlasting living death.

Some people are indeed very good living people here on earth.  But let us not be deluded by that.  God's Word says,

 "not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us..." (Titus 3:4, 5)

 and as Ephesians 2:8, 9 tells us,

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast."

We all, every single last one of us, must accept Jesus Christ as Savior no matter how many good deeds we have done.  Each of us is under 'the curse'.  Jesus paid for us all but we must receive His gift of salvation.  Your name will then be found in the Lamb's book of life.

We are told in Revelation chapter 20 and verses 11-15 about the judgement at the end of time.  John reports,

"And I saw the dead great and small, standing before the throne (great white throne) and books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life.  The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books...and each person was judged according to what he has done...If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."

From this, we do see a reckoning day.  But even before this event, there has been some categorization as Revelation 20:11-15 also talks about the dead in the sea, and of those in death and Hades.  "Death & Hades were thrown into the lake of fire" (v. 14).

The others, the "Book of Life" others, get to revel in the Holy City/New Jerusalem life as seen in Revelation 21:1-8.  God has wiped the heart slate clean with the blood of His son Jesus Christ (1 John 1:7, 8) and they can be at peace knowing they are safe, sure and happy in their final destination (Revelation 21:27). 

We cannot forget the verse "It is appointed unto men, once to die and after death, the judgement (Hebrews 9:27).  From all of this we can deduce that yes, there is a reckoning day, a day of judgement.  We do not need a NDE to inform us, however the testimonies of those people who have experienced such does bring it closer to home.  God in His great mercy wants us human beings to really know this so He does not lose us to His enemy Satan.  

"Therefore this is what I will do to you, Israel, and because I will do this to you, prepare to meet your God...He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man, He who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth-the Lord God Almighty is His name."  so says Amos 4: 12, 13.  

Prepare now while there is still time; before you really and truly die.  Don't wait til it's too late to decide; you'll spend eternity in regret.

"...Now is the time of God's favor; now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2).

God wants to reveal His thoughts to us and He is not limited to how He chooses to do so; whether through His Word in the Holy Bible or through NDEs.  A word of caution on the latter mode, however, is to be sure that what is "revealed" in a NDE measures up to God's Word.  As cautioned before, God's enemy Satan is not adverse to disguising himself as an angel of light.  He is the father of lies (John 8:44); beware!

When it is mentioned that "judgement comes from within"-we say, yes, as noted earlier we must examine ourselves, but in the end the ultimate Judge is He who sits on the "great white thrown"; "He is the Alpha and Omega" (Revelation 20:11; 21:6) and the One who will give the final verdict and penalty for our sin, or clearance from it.

The quotation from The Eternal Journey mentions two divisions:  the "City of Light" and the one "devoid of love".  We understand from Revelation 22:1-6 that this wonderful place of light where the "throne of God & of the Lamb" (Jesus) is, will not need "the light of a lamp nor of the sun", for the Lord God will give them light.  1 John 1:5-7 tells us that "God is Light; in Him is no darkness at all".  1 John 4:8, 9 tells us "God is love", so where God  is, there is all encompassing love; where He is not, that place is "devoid of love".  That latter place, devoid of light as well as love is also seen as a place of a "fiery furnace  and weeping and gnashing of teeth" and a place of darkness and not just simply "darkness" but "blackest darkness...reserved forever" (Jude 1:13).  This place is also where "the devil..has been thrown" in that "lake of burning sulfur" (Revelation 20:10).  Please check out Matthew 13:42 and Luke 13:28.

So what those NDE-ers have witnessed is very real as we can understand very well from God's Word in this instance as it matches up with His Word.  God in His faithfulness, graciousness and goodness allows some people to see it all with their own spirit-eyes and return to their bodies to tell and warn the living.  God does not leave us without witness.  Get right with God before it is forever too late.

The Eternal Journey book goes on to tell us on Pages 135-136...

that "...a woman who was shown her life and "experienced a self-judgement.  She knew her sins were forgiven but she could not forgive herself for some of the things she did and did not do in life..."

This description is typical and suggests that people know exactly where they belong in the other world."

"...I knew instantly how the Lord felt about each thing I had done in my life..."

"Sometime after the judgement the person is assigned (in many cases this assignment is self-imposed) to a specific place or level in the other world..."

>  It is true.  We either choose to accept or to reject Christ.  We are never forced into it by God.  "Whosoever believes in Jesus Christ, shall have everlasting life" (John 3:16).  Read John 3:16-21 and take special note of verse 18.

"Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."

God spells out the consequences of accepting or rejecting.  The choice is left up to the "whosoever" to decide on the "City of Light" or the "blackest of darkness forever" (Revelation 22:1-6 or Jude 1:13).  The choice is yours.  Choose wisely.  Choose life.  Choose light.  Choose love.  Choose Jesus.

 On Pages 136-137, the book also relates that...

"There is evidence of multiple levels in the other world...An individual discovered that there were spheres above, whose occupants could and did visit us and we could always recognize these higher natures by their virtues...But we could not visit their spheres until we had perfectly qualified for it..."

"...This individual went on to observe that although individuals in each sphere are aware of the others' existence, they cannot see, let alone visit, without significant preparation."

"Visiting the higher levels is possible, but the spirits of lower realms must be prepared or covered so they can stand in the presence of great glory".

Page 138...

"...Because,"  replied she, "those who did go into different states or places and do not see each other at all times, but all the good are in the state of the blest."

>  There are many 'good' people in the world doing many deeds to help the poor, marginalized, widows and special needs people, refugees and others.  Yet, the fact remains that since Adam and Eve's time of disobedience to God, the human race has been under the curse of sin.  The curse of sin being death and at the final judgement, Hell.  This is our common destiny.

God in His mercy, stepped in, and gave his One and Only Son" (John 3: 16) to die a sacrificial death to make atonement for the human race; the "whosoever" of John 3:16 who will accept God's offer of salvation.  Jesus died and went to Hell and resurrected and is now living in Heaven for us.  He waits for each individual to respond and accept His gift.  When the individual accepts Jesus as his or her Savior, God then makes that person righteous in His sight Read 2 Corinthians 5:21.  God "imputes" His righteousness to him or her.  It is then we can say that individual is truly 'good'.  Truly good not by their own efforts but by Jesus's.  That person, when they die will indeed enter into the "state of the blest;" otherwise known as 'being with Jesus" or "being in Heaven".

As to the "different levels, states or places" mentioned in the testimonies from the NDEers; we can look at the story of the rich man and Lazarus from the Bible.  You can read the account in Luke 18:19-31.  Both died and went to a place called "Hades" (Greek language).  The rich man was "in torment" but he could see Lazarus by Abraham's side at a far distance.  Lazarus was not in torment.  Lazarus could not get over to the rich man's place (not that he'd want to), nor could the rich man jump over to the state of peace where Lazarus ended up.  Abraham told the rich man, "a great chasm has been fixed" between the two areas.

It is good to interject here, that being rich or poor in terms of worldly wealth and goods does not designate which state you end up in.  From what Abraham tells the rich man, it can be deduced that listening (heeding) the message, at that time, of "Moses and the Prophets" and "repenting" (vs 29, 30) would be the deciding factors of which side of the great chasm one would be placed in.

It has been noted by the author of another book called One Minute After You Die  (by Erwin W. Lutzer), that the rich man "never complained about where he ended up; he complains about the pain but not 'injustice'".   So the rich man knew he deserved his torment, that he was not 'good'.  The "eternal destiny is irrevocably fixed" so said Lutzer.

But we were talking about the "different states or places" or "spheres".  According to Lutzer various ones in the Bible refer to Hades or Sheol.  Hades & Sheol being one and the same place.  The Sheol term is used in the Old Testament and is Hebrew, where in the New Testament, Hades is the Greek term; both mean the world of departed spirits." (Pages 41-43 of One Minute After You Die).

Lutzer says Isaiah (14:9, 10) tells us that Sheol is somewhere in "the hollow part of earth".  Ezekiel (26:20) calls it "a shadowy place of darkness"...not a part of existence.  Job (26:5, 6) says its a "place of pain".  Sheol is also a place where people are united with their ancestors as Jacob (Genesis 49:33) and Abraham (Genesis 15:15) are said to be 'gathered to his people" upon death.  "It is a reunion of some kind in the world beyond...." (Pages 37-41 of One Minute After You Die).

It is not all the same experience.  For some its a "region of gloom", for others, "a place where they dwell with God" (Psalm 73:23-25).

We get other hints in the Old Testament that Sheol has different regions:  wicked & righteous people.  The wicked such as Korah and Dathan were rebellious and went to the "lowest part of Sheol" (Deuteronomy 32:22).  The righteous, such as Jacob, as we've seen, Lutzer goes on to say, that though "the righteous and the wicked enter Sheol when they arrive, they do not have the same experience".  (Pages 37-41 of One Minute After You Die).

Lutzer continues that being in Hades the spirit is "fully conscious immediately after death; he's got memory, he can speak; experience pain, or bliss; and as was indicated earlier, the rich man's insatiable desires (for water) of both the nether world and a man's lust (the torment compartment).

Indeed in Proverbs 27:20 it states,

"Death and destruction (referring to Sheol and a place called 'Abaddon') are never satisfied, and neither are the eyes of man."

There is also: monotony, isolation, boredom and triviality; one feels "hemmed in" and as was already noted, "the realization that being there is fair and just," so Lutzer reports.

And in all this, it is not yet the full heat of Hell; not yet in Hell.  "Someday, Hades will be thrown into Hell (Revelation 20:14) but it has not, as yet, happened."

There is more to that which Lutzer explains from page 49 of his book,

 "What about the believer, Lazarus?  Was He in that region of Sheol or Hades, which is called in Scripture, (King James Version), "Abraham's bosom".  But after the ascension of Christ believers are said to go directly to Heaven.  In other words, the two regions of Hades no longer exist side by side; there is reason to believe that Abraham's bosom is in heaven today...Perhaps at the ascension Christ took those who were in Abraham's bosom (near those who suffered in Hades), to Heaven with Him.  So Abraham's Bosom, paradise and Heaven all refer to the same abode, namely the place of bliss in the presence of God (2 Corinthians 5:8)."

"Hades, as far as we know," says Lutzer, "now only has one region and that is where unbelievers enter.  It is still for departed spirits; a temporary intermediated state for those who haven't received God's forgiveness...wait there for further notice". 

In Singapore there is a Buddhist Hell depicted called Haw Par Villa and Tiger Balm Garden.  There are ten regions of Hell in their beliefs.  Each level is for a worst crime with corresponding 'just' punishment.  For example, if a person had been ungrateful &/or had shown disrespect for their elders, they would go to the third level down where they will have their heart cut out.  If a person had been a rumormonger &/or had sown discord among family members, that person would get put down at level seven.  There their tongue will be cut out.  This you can see on the internet with corresponding gruesome pictures.  I think you can get the picture without even viewing those pictures nor visiting the Singapore Villa.  Eeeeek!  What a name for the place: "Villa"; "Garden"?!  What were they thinking?!

The antidote to eternal misery, is to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life.  He offers this gift to us here and now, today.  Accept Him now without delay while there is still "TIME"!  Do not run out of 'Time'.  

"Now is the day (or Time) of salvation".  (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Accept Jesus's salvation before it is forever too late.

No matter which level of Hades you end up in, it is still impossible to get out.  Once in Hades area of gloom and despair, always there, til the intensity of Hell comes.  I implore you to accept Jesus and in the end of life on earth, choose to live in bliss and everlasting joy with Jesus.

Oh Father, God, I know that you do not wish "any to perish but to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).  I ask that all who read the above words will seek You until they find You and accept Your offer of salvation through faith in Your Son Jesus Christ.  May they find forgiveness of sins and receive everlasting life with You in time to come.  I ask this in Jesus's name, Amen.

                                                        ~ERC  2016~

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 18

This entry to On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter will be short but sweet (I hope).  Some of the last moments of a person's life can be comforting.  We will see one example from the authors Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D from their book The Eternal Journey which is about mortals who've experienced Near Death Experiences (NDE).

From Page 129...

"Once when her mother was sitting by her bedside, her hand clasped with Daisy's, looking up so wistfully she said, "Dear Mamma, I do wish you could see Allie," he is standing beside you."  Involuntarily she looked around, but Daisy (sick with 'bilious fever' in 1864) continued, "he says you cannot see him, because your spirit-eyes are closed, but that I can, because my body only holds my spirit, as it were, by a thread of life."

>  I don't have much to say about this except it must be of some comfort to those about to leave this world to be able to 'see' someone, who's already in the afterlife, that they had known and loved while they had still been on earth.  Think back to Bible Stephen, the first Christian martyr.  He was being stoned to death and among his last moments of breath he looked up and saw heaven opened and Jesus standing there (Acts 7:54-60).  That would be even greater than seeing the loved one!  Our dear heavenly Father and Jesus our Savior!  What wonderment!

Queen Victoria
If you look at many of the last words of believers in Jesus Christ, they are words of peace and praise for God their Father who had allowed them to do many wondrous good deeds for Him throughout their lifetime.  They had not wasted their life.  They lived it to the full for Him; for His glory and honor.  Among them are:  Charles & John Wesley the co-founders of the Methodists; their mother Susannah Wesley; Wilbur Wilberforce and even the good Queen Victoria!

By contrast you can read of the last words of unbelievers who claimed to be atheists or even Satan worshipers.  It is a sad and terrifying contrast to those who had faith in Jesus Christ.  If you check out some of the discussion groups on these, the live and well atheists will claim that we Christians are putting words in the dying atheists' mouths.  I will pray that you will be wise and ponder on the differences and come to a decision to acknowledge there is a God and that you need Him in your life. People can claim that this is all hogwash, but what if it really is true (and it is)?  Then what?  What will you do about it?  I'd rather be safe than sorry.

It is best to but our hope and trust in God rather than people or ourselves.  In God we can put our 100% trust.  He will bring us (all those of us who have been pardoned by God through Jesus) safely Home to be "with Christ" in His good time, whether through death or by rapture, together with all the saints of God.   I'm very much looking forward to that.  I pray that all who read this will have that same confidence.

"Life at best is very brief,
 Like the falling of a leaf;
 Be in time, Be in time."
       -author unknown-

Don't wait til it's too late to accept Christ.  Come to Him today.  He is real.  He'll meet you on your deathbed, if you get that chance.  He will surely meet you otherwise; let it be for "happily ever after" in Heaven with Him for all eternity.

                                                        ~ERC  2016~

Thursday, December 8, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 17

Just where is it that we go; where is that location of our 'after life' on earth?  Curiosity is spiked and we all want to 'know'.  Here's a blurb from the authors of The Eternal Journey, Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D., who write about Near Death Experiences (NDE) and the people who have had them.

From the book Page 127...

"Many of us have grown up with the idea that there is a heaven above with pearly gates and winged angels and a hell below with lakes of fire and brimstone.  But these ideas are not confirmed by those who died and returned to life.  Not only were their perceptions about the spirit body significantly altered by their experience, so were their ideas about the afterlife."

>  As always we need to go to the Holy Scriptures which are able to make us wise and measure up what we read about, hear about, etc, with God's Word.

The Bible does describe hell as a place that is a "fiery lake burning with sulfur" (Revelation 21:8).  What people have seen or not seen we cannot refute.  We can philosophize in order to harmonize with Scripture which being God's Word we cannot ever, ever refute.  So what people saw or didn't see or what they thought they saw, we have to remember again that Satan is always the deceiver and knows very well how to masquerade as an angel of light and distort truth.  What a person then sees with the spirit-eyes may be an illusion of truth but is actually a lie produced by Satan or one of his emissaries.   Thus, and again, look into the Scriptures to see what God has to say.

The writers of The Eternal Journey say that the ideas of the fire & brimstone (sulfur) were "not confirmed by those who died & returned to life".  However God's Word says that there is such.  Who are we going to believe?  The God and Creator of the whole wide universe, or those of His creation, however amazing they are?  Believe God and get prepared to meet Him and so have everlasting life with Christ in your afterlife.  I want to meet you there too.

The writers, later on in the book, talk about "The Realm of the Bewildered Spirits" where there were accounts of seeing "evil spirits" and having "frightening" experiences" (page 222) and "reports of hellish or frightening NDEs" (page 223).  Thus, what was/wasn't seen/experienced, was not all wonderful nor pleasant things.  The afterlife, then, can be either pleasant or frightening.

God's Word portrays Heaven or what is described as "The New Jerusalem" as an awesomely stunning place (Revelation 21:22).  Those of us who belong to Jesus Christ will have the privilege of reigning with Him there.  We will be with Him, forever; "should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

Those who have not accepted God's gift of salvation do not have their names in the Lamb's Book of Life and therefore will "perish", alive, in that frightening everlasting living death (Revelation 21:8, 27).  

The solution to be sure a person ends up in everlasting life with God in glorious circumstances, despite what any NDE could 'reveal', is to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, once and for all time and eternity.  Come to Jesus without delay.

Admit you are a sinner.  

Admit God is righteous.

Repent of and confess your sins to God.

Ask Him to wash those sins away with Jesus's blood.  His death and resurrection insure that the penalty of your sin (perishing in Hell for ever) has secured your pardon if and when you accept His free (to you) gift of salvation.  His pardon is there ready and waiting for you.

"The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23).  

"The blood of Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin."  (1 John 1:7).

Jesus will do that.  Thank God and Jesus for the cleansing and salvation.

Read God's Word and obey all its teachings and be baptized (Matthew 28:19, 20).  Jesus will be with you for the rest of your life on earth and then heaven in everlasting glory and bliss.  Now I know and my curiosity has been satisfied.  Has yours? 

I want to include some of the lyrics for a song written ever so long ago by a lady named Fanny Crosby.  I found it in a biography of her life and hymns, written by one Bernard Ruffin in the book entitled, not surprisingly, Fanny Crosby-The Hymn Writer

From Page 78...

"We are going
 We are going
 To a home beyond the skies,
 Where the fields are robed in beauty
 And the sunlight never dies
 Where the fount of joy is flowing
 In the valley green and fair,
 We shall dwell in love together,
 There shall be no parting there."

For those of us who belong to Jesus, these are comforting words.


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 16

Would a loving God really condemn a person to Hell?  What about the person who commits suicide?   Read on and see what you think.  Included here are some excerpts from the book The Eternal Journey by Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D. about Near Death Experiences (NDE).

From Page 125...

"Evidently the God of anger, vengeance, & wrath is not the being that most people meet in the spirit world.  Instead they meet a kind, gentle, loving being with a keen sense of humor, understanding, & infinite patience.  It is also quite obvious that besides the five senses, individuals take with them their emotion, expectations, desires, & temperament.  It takes time for many of them to adjust to the next life & to the new needs of the spirit body." 

"Not mentioned here, but included in a number of accounts, was the fact that addictive needs associated with alcohol, tobacco, & various drugs persist beyond the grave but cannot be assuaged there.  It is also clear from many accounts that suicide will not resolve problems.  Joan Forman, in summarizing information gleaned from those who had committed suicide, suggests that individuals who are now in the spirit world because they killed themselves discover that they have solved nothing.  The same set of problems that drove them to the act is still present..."  Nevertheless, Ritchie is convinced by what he saw during his NDE that in spite of what they did, the Being of Light still loves & understands & will not "condemn them to Hell." 

>  I cannot accept this.  #1 it's reported that Ritchie says, he "is convinced" however that doesn't mean a sure thing.  He is a human being.  We must recall that these are "experiences" not the doctrine & teaching of God's Word.   So let's be a bit more specific...

Yes, if that "Being of Light" Ritchie saw was truly God, then Yes, He loves & understands but that does not mean He will not "condemn them to hell."  Always measure up to God's Word, not someone else's impression.

Yes, if the person who committed the suicide, or whatever, belonged to Jesus Christ, then God's grace still covers this person's sins; even the suicide.   (See more about suicide from Part 3.)  Once we have received God's offer of salvation we also have received "everlasting life".  how long is everlasting life?  It's forever.  No end.  God gives good & perfect gifts (James 1:17) & He does not revoke them.

So you may ask, "Is suicide a sin?"  We know from Exodus 20:13 that one of the Ten Commandments is "Thou shalt not kill".  Therefore to murder &/or commit suicide (murder of self) goes against God & His command & therefore is a sin.  The punishment thereof is going to hell.  God's Word tells us in 1 John 3:15 " murderer has eternal life in him".  And Revelation 21:8 "...murderers will have their place in the fiery lake of burning sulfur..."

This may seem harsh and uncaring but let me finish all I have to say...please hang in there.   Please also don't think I'm trying to shove Scripture at you.  I just want to let you know God's view.  The facts of what God has to say.  He says it all in love to you.  Please read on.

However, yes, there's a "however"...if the person contemplating (or even one who attempted and was rescued) suicide has declared him or herself to be a child of God, that person needs to be encouraged to examine themselves.  Read 1 John 3:4-10.  This talks about "practicing sin" (KJV) or "continuing to sin" or one who "keeps on sinning" (NIV).     "No one who lives in Him (Jesus) keeps on sinning."  And "no one born of God will continue to sin".

Romans 8:38-39 teaches us that nothing can separate us from God's love.  So there is hope for the person who has attempted suicide.  We also have 1 John 1:9

 "If we confess our sin, He is faithful & just & will forgive us our sins & purify us from all unrighteousness". 
 In this we can say that this child of God will NOT be condemned to Hell."  Praise God's Holy Name.

Let it be said again though to anyone contemplating &/or who has already attempted suicide, that it is sin.  Where there is sin there is condemnation & God's wrath.  Please be reminded that God does love you and He is the One to decide when to bring you back to Himself.

Life can be very tough but God says His grace is sufficient for us, His children (2 Corinthians 12:9).  You may think I don't know what I am talking about.  I have been in deep ebb many times.  Cry out to God for His presence to be with you in a tangible way.  Tell Him your depths of sadness & trials.  Beg Him to make a way for you to overcome.  It is not easy but it is not impossible.  Remember His love cannot be separated from you. 

 "Call upon Him in your day of trouble.  He'll answer you."  (Jeremiah 33:3).
Just knowing about these things could help.  God says to us in Deuteronomy 32:39 (NIV), 

"See now that I myself am He!...I put to death, & I bring to life..."   

1 Samuel 2:6 (NIV) also informs us:  

"The Lord brings death & makes alive; He brings down to the grave & raises up."  

These are God's prerogatives; not human beings'.

I'm NOT scolding anyone who is so sad, stressed or troubled.  Please, please, seek God.  He loves you.  Let Him bring life to you.  

Jesus came to "give life" so that you can have "it more abundantly" (John 10:10).  It is Satan who comes to "steal, kill & destroy" (John 10:10).  Choose life with Jesus.  Resist Satan.  He's putting thoughts of death into your mind & heart.  Resist.  Submit to God  & choose life.  I know living situations can be awful, let God help you & give you peace despite it.

I have to tell those of you who do not yet know Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior that to commit suicide-the "other side" is going to be a million times worse.  You've already read the verse from Revelation earlier about the "fiery lake burning with sulfur."  There will also be 'weeping & wailing & gnashing of teeth"  and "outer darkness" (Matthew 8:12; 13:42; 22:13; 25:30 and Luke 13:28).  Not a nice place.  Alone & isolated.  This will be the place of eternal death.  Forever.  

Come to Jesus Christ instead before it is forever too late.  Seek God.  Get help from professionals who can help you.  I do not purport to be a professional in helping someone.  I can only ask you to search for God, for a pastor &/or a doctor who can help you to learn to want to live and to see life in a better way and give suggestions on how to make your situation better.  This I plead with you to do & pray that you do.

Come to Jesus.  It is not a magic wand though to take all your troubles away but He can help you through & to overcome.  Please come to Jesus.  He'll love you to the depth of your being.  He accepts you as you are in whatever circumstance you many be in.

The quotation from the book mentioned that mostly the NDEer doesn't meet the vengeful, angry God, they mostly see the loving, caring side of God.  Well, God is just and holy and that is why He has wrath at sin.  As to why people meet the loving, caring God, I cannot tell you God's methods as His thoughts are bigger than any of ours, but I suggest He wants you to come to Him and having an NDE is 'another' chance to do so.  Come to Him today whether or not you've had an NDE.  Don't delay.  He loves you and wants you to be with Him forever in time to come, no matter what you have done. 

                                                            ~ERC  2016~

Friday, December 2, 2016

On the Doorstep, But Don't Get to Enter-Part 15

OK...this one is about the five senses and what becomes of them during a Near Death Experience (NDE).  This is related to us by authors Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D. and Harold A. Widdison, Ph.D. in their book The Eternal Journey.  Although I read through that book with great interest, I note that some of what is said does not always measure up to God's Word.  Surprisingly, some let's see what's in store for this episode...

From the book, Pages 115-116...

"New Abilities:"

"It was like I had increased awareness.  On earth our body has five senses but over there I had more than five senses.  Part of the expanded awareness was the ability to perceive thoughts, to peer into the souls of all living things, and to communicate with them."

"Others reported the law of gravitation had no hold upon them; they could move about without the slightest effort & with great rapidity.  Also, they were aware of pure knowledge; they could understand many things.  One person discovered he had tremendous mental agility & , in addition, was able to see in every direction at the same time.  A man recorded in his account that his vision was incredibly more powerful, & one woman recalled that her senses had no limitations-she could look anywhere & everywhere."

In regards to sight, the book offers the following news:

"...of the five senses, hearing & sight are the ones most commonly mentioned by individuals who have had an NDE."

The authors gave the example of a blind woman who could see but when reunited with her body was blind once more.

About hearing, they say on Page 118...

"-individuals can hear the doc pronouncing them dead...but "once they meet spirit beings, they report that communication is not through voice but mind to mind...spoken communication unnecessary.  This might seem to indicate that hearing is a physical attribute & unnecessary in the spirit world..." 

About touch, they say on Page 120...

"A 38 year old woman saw a deer, which she felt lick her face.  A young boy met a deceased pet that licked his face & hand.  A 4 year old boy told his parents that he felt a warm hand on his shoulder..."

About taste, also from Page 120...

"...Evidently food is not required by the spirit body for survival, but it exists for the pleasure of taste & to help new arrivals to adjust..."

In regards to breathing, Page 120...

Someone with cystic fibrosis had an NDE &

"was ecstatic that he could breath for the first time in his life without pain." 

In regards to emotions, Page 120...

There were both heavenly and earthly emotions described: 

 "joy, acceptance, amusement, indignation, crying & temper tantrums"!

>  We are well aware that in heaven the Bible tells us in Revelation 7:17 and 21:1-4, God will 

"wipe away every tear from their eyes" and "there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."  (NIV)

This is truly great!  We followers of Jesus Christ can look forward to this wonderful time of peace & joy.  It will be wonderful for all those with earthly physical challenges such as those who are blind or have cystic fibrosis and other such hindrances to overcome.   Thus, I am not too sure that the emotions of "indignation, crying & temper tantrums" can be legitimately included in that which will be experienced in the place "with Christ".   I believe that the experience of the NDEer may have been fouled up by some minion of Satan.  Or perhaps the person was able to see the Hades realm.  We have to once again remember that these are experiences, and not the gospel truth or sound doctrine; always measure everything up to God's Word.

I just want to include here that God is very much aware of our tears and grief and trials on earth.  There are many Bible verses in regards to this.  Have a look at the website that shows theseSo it is no wonder that when we are with Him forever, He wipes away our tears and brings us eternal joy.

As to the idea of "heightened awareness", God's Word says in 1 Corinthians 13:12 that 

"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face.  Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

Things will definitely be clearer and I believe the NDEer has that privilege of these things even on the short term glimpse.  I would hope and pray that they would have seen so clearly that they, each and every one of them, and those of the rest of us who haven't had such an encounter that they 'come back' & report to, would come to Jesus and accept His offer of salvation.  He gives freely.  In time to come, those of us who have received His salvation, will indeed be able to see all things clearly and have that "pure knowledge", as alluded to by the NDEer, permanently, for all eternity.  Praise His wonderful Name.

As for gravitation (I don't know) but for the moving about with rapidity, take a look at Part 14 of this series.  We do know that there are Biblical accounts of those who went against the law of gravitation.  Think back to the Old Testament story of Elijah who was "taken up" in a fiery chariot, to heaven  (2 Kings 2:11) and in a whirlwind" so may not technically be in the anti-gravity law category.  However, we do know that in the New Testament, that Jesus was "taken up before the very eyes of the disciples"  (Luke 24:50-53).  There was no wind or chariot mentioned.

I can't wait to be "with Christ" when my time comes.  To be able to feel, see, hear and etc with greater awareness and enter into all the joy in the presence of God, will be worth waiting for.  However, my focus would be on Christ, Himself who 

"...loved me and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:20).

He gave Himself despite all my imperfections.  He is the One who gives acceptance and accepts us 'just as we are'.  He is the One I want to be the most aware of and exchange thoughts with;  I look forward to that.

                                                               ~ERC  2016~