Friday, August 30, 2024

Ominous Something New (Numbers 16)


Those among the readership who are in positions of leadership will know that your authority will be questionsed and tested.  It happened to Moses, it could happen to you, whether in the home, office or even at church.

The dissenting group from among the congregation of Israelites instigated by Dathan and Abiram wanted to know who had sent Moses to be over them.  The test for this proof was "something new" so all Israel would know in definite, undisbuted answer.

The something new was terrifying.  Consequences for defying those in positions of authority were severe.  In this case, the ground opened up and swallowed the defy-ers alive.  It wasn't just those named men but their families, homes and possessions, all gone.

This showed that ultimately, 

"these men have despised the LORD" (Numbers 16:30 ESV).

It is a serious matter then, even in our day and age to question the authority of leadership.  The New Tesatment has some guidelines such as, 

"Rebuke not an elder, but entreat him as a father..." (1 Timothy 5:1-2 KJV).

There is leeway to confront if need be but not in defiance.  Also, 

"every charge must be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses" (2 Corinthians 13:1).

Attitudes and motives count.  We wouldn't want an ominous something new to happen to us.  It could cause trouble not just for us as individuals but have repercussions on our family and others.

Father God, help each of us to see when You put someone in authority over us, that we need to respect that position even if we don't like it or the person.  Help us remember that ultimately it would be defiance of You.  Help us to discern when and how to confront when a leader is not fulfilling his or her duties in a God-honoring manner.  Give us the right words, attitudes and motives.  We ask in Jesus' name, amen.

                                                          ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on Numbers 16 especially vs 30 ESV.

Sing, Lord I Need You, along with Matt Maher.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Obey, Honor, Serve (1 Samuel 8)

 Samuel grew up at the temple under High Priest Eli.  He became a prophet.  During his tenure, the Israelites decided they wanted a king instead of the long line of judges (& prophets).  They wanted to be like all the other nations.

BUT God was already their king!

Samuel said, 

"NO way!  This is NOT right!"

BUT the people insisted!

God told Samuel to let them have an earthly king.  However, it came with a warning and big price tag.  Such a king would cause them lots of trouble.

Such kings demanded taxes, to keep giving him their hard earned food; sons and daughters to work in the palace and fields.  They could not go home.  Nevertheless, they chose Saul the Benjamite to be their king.  King Saul seemed to have been a 'dream boat'.  He was very tall and handsome, a head taller than others.

At first he was a good king but pride raised its ugly head and King Saul disobeyed God in three major ways.  He got impatient and offered up the animal sacrifices that Samuel had said to wait for him to officiate.  Only Levite priests were allowed to do this, therefore Saul, despite being king, was unauthorized to perform the offering.

Another time in a battle, Samuel had told King Saul he had to destroy all the enemies and their animals.   This was what God had instructed.  However, King Saul kept the enemy king alive and some of the best looking animals to sacrifice.

Samuel told King Saul, it's wrong to disobey God's orders.  King Saul's motive was that, these are good, unblemished animals, and therefore, he would sacrifice them to God.  He totally disregarded God's will thus disobeying Him.

Can you see how off-base King Saul was becoming?  His pride and arrogance was blinding him.  We too need to be careful as it is more important to obey and honor God as it is He who made us.

He is our Creator and sustainer and He has the right to ask us to do this or that.

The famous verse comes in here in which Samuel said to Saul,

"To obey is better than sacrifice..." (1 Samuel 15:22).

The third disobedience happened after Samuel the prophet had died.  King Saul was in a delimma and wanted Samuel's advice.  What was he to do since Samuel was gone?!

His plan was to go to a medium which was absolutely forbidden by God!  King Saul desparately wanted to talk with deceased Samuel but God's Word tells us NOT to try to talk with or consult with the dead (see Leviticus 19:31 and Isaiah 8:19 ESV).  

Why didn't King Saul inquire of the Almighty living God directly, instead?  

But he was so out of sync with God he got it deplorably wrong, disobeying God yet again.

In these three instances we see King Saul rejected the Word of the LORD.  The LORD then rejected King Saul from being king over Israel.  The house of Saul would end with Saul.

He did not honor God so God did not honor him.  As believers in Jesus Christ, we need to take heed and be careful to honor God every day in our thoughts and behavior.

King Saul had actually started well but he ended badly.  Let us always obey and honor God throughout our whole life.

God our Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to love Him back.  To show our love and gratitude to Him we can obey Him, thus honoring Him.

Leaders among us in church settings need to be extra careful to follow God's heart.  Not such an easy task but those in spiritual leadership roles, whether in Sunday School or the pulpit need to be in tune with their Savior and build that relationship with the Lord, staying sensitive to God's word and the Holy Spirit's leading.


Because God is our Creator and Jesus is our Savior.  Therefore we must always obey Him.

So doing, may well put us into conflict with society's norms.  The Israelites wanted to be "like all the other nations".  No doubt as human beings we want to 'fit in' but we need to first and foremost have our allegiance to God our Heavenly Father and His Word.  Worship and follow only Him; in so doing we will honor Him.

We will learn to trust and have faith in Him because He is the only true God.  We serve Him by obeying Him.

"To obey is better than sacrifice" (1 Samuel 15:22)
                                                        ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on 1 Samuel 8:1-21 and Kawan Grace Resource P4d Lesson 4 - The People Want a King

Sing, Trust and Obey, along with the VagleBrothers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Doing God's Will (Hebrews 13)

 Whenever we feel like we've bombed out in our Christian living and that we've really made a hopeless mess, the mess of all messes and things are hopeless, through repentance, we can actually have a new beginning.  A new beginning to make things right with the Lord and others as needed.  Then we can pick up the pieces and continue doing God's will.

I don't know how many have the You Version of the Bible on your phones (and no I'm not adverstising here), but I have this on my phone.  It's great accountablility to being sure to read every day.  There are occasions though that I read  from my actual hands-on Bible and get to feel the literal pages of God's Good Book.  YouVersion will then remind me to continue my streak or else I'll have such a number of streaks to start counting all over again.  So I pick up and continue, creating a new streak of days.

The reminders can be annoying at times, for sure, especially when I really have read God's Word, just not from the Bible phone app.  Our living for Christ on a daily basis can be something like this.  We may falter and fail, but we can pick up and begin again creating a new streak of living for Him, doing His will.

Some may ask, 

   "What is doing God's will??

Well, when we do good and share with others, sacrificing our time, energy and even our allowance and more, God is pleased.  When we obey and honor our parents and leaders He has placed over us in positions of authority, God is pleased.  When we learn new skills, skills and talents that help us in the Great Commission and to live holy lives, teaching others about Jesus, God is pleased.  God's will has been put into action and it pleases Him.

God's will is good, pleasing and perfect (see Romans 12:2).  The results of doing God's will are that we won't simply follow whatever everyone else in the world thinks is ok.  

For instance, when they think gambling, slander, adultery, lying, drinking, abortion and more are ok, what will you think?  What will you do?  Test it by reading God's Word and Holy Spirit's guidance, asking yourself the Question, 

"Are they good, pleasing to God and perfect?"  


"Based on God's Word would I have a clear conscience if I do this or that?"

May the grace of God be with you all, blessing you and keeping you.  May you always hang tightly to our unshakeable Savior, Jesus Christ and depend upon Him all the days of your life until He comes to bring all His children to His City of the Living God, to be with Him forever.

Heavenly Father, I appreciate You and all You've done for me.  Help me in the days and years ahead to learn what Your will is for me and to do it, so that I may please You with the way I live my life.  May I be forever faithful to You who are so faithful and unshakeable to me.  In Jesus' name I give You my thanks and praise.  All glory be to God. Amen.

                                                       ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on Hebrews 13:15-16, 20-21 and Romans 12:1-2.

Sing, This is the Will of God, along with Forever Be Sure.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Clear Conscience (Hebrews 13:18)

 I don't know about you, but when I want to swim in a pool, which ahem, is not so often, but when I do, I like to inspect it first.  I think, "Hmm, what is the cleanliness quotient level at?"

"Is there any algae or fungus-like growth around the sides of the pool; are there leaves, grass or other debris floating in the water or even a cluster of frogs' eggs attached to the pool wall?" I ask myself.   If the pool is well cleaned, the aqua-marine colors reflected from the sky will look very clear through sparkling clear water.  That is a very inviting prospect into which to dive and splash about.

Having a clear conscience is like that water in a sparkling clean swimming pool.  When the conscience tells us we are doing something wrong or right we can address what needs the attention.

The writer of Hebrews asked his readers to pray for him on this account.  He wrote about his desire to...

"...have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way" (Hebrews 13:18).

This involves holy living.  As a child of God in His unshakeable kingdom we need to reflect His righteousness, like the clear pool water reflects the beauty of the sky.  When we read the Word of God - that double-edged sword - the Holy Spirit will convict us in our conscience as needed, reminding us of God's way.

For example, the Holy Spirit may call our attention something like this,

"Hey, are you being obedient to this?" Or, "Are you deliberately sinning?" Or "Are you doing good and sharing with others?"  How about, "Are you remembering to sing praise?"

Giving the Lord praise is a type of sacrifice - did you know?

When the Holy Spirit convicts our conscience, then we have the choice to do something about it.  It's like when you get out the equipment to clean the algae and leaves from the pool.  When we repent of and confess our wrongs (see 1 John 1:9), our conscience will become clear.

Let's pray for one another to have and maintain a clear conscience and to live honorably in every way before the Lord, the Righteous One.

Father God, I humbly bow before You, seeking You, asking You for the Holy Spirit and Your Word to keep my consceince clear to live an honorable, holy life.  I want others to see You through my clean, clear living that will invite others to come to Jesus and into Your kingdom that cannot be shaken.  I ask in Jesus' name, amen.

                                                     ~ ERC  May 20924 ~

Based on Hebrews 13:16-18 NIV.

Sing, Beauty of the Cross (Preston Wood Choir), with Worship World.

Friday, August 23, 2024

The Living God's City


When the dark of night settles in, in a rural area or even in a city when the power goes off, and given a cloudless night, look wa-a-ay up at the sky.  What do you see?  A bright shining moon?  Twinkling stars, or perhaps even a shooting star?  The Northern Lights?

It can be most amazing to see; even breath-taking.  Just think, that's just like the bottom of heaven.  Imagine what it must look like above, to be in God's heavenly city!  It shines with the glory of God, like a very precious jewel (see Revelation 21:1).  

The great streets of the city were of pure gold (see Revelation 21:21).  It must be so glorious!  BUT, the best part of this city of the living God is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb, Jesus our Sacrifice who is there (Revelation 21:22-23).  No lamps or lights are needed because Jesus is our Light.  There, there is absolutely no need to depend upon generator sets nor of city electricity.  Isn't that a wonder! 

Earthly cities can be destroyed but God's city - the heavenly Jerusalem where our Lamb and Light is, will endure forever.  It's unshakeable.

The Israelites of the Old Testament (OT) had an earthly city called Jerusalem.  It got destroyed in 587 or 586 BC, and again in AD70.  It did not endure despite being rebuilt.  Even today it is under attack.  Not so our Heavenly Jerusalem.  All followers of Jesus Christ can look forward to going there and being forever with Jesus, our living God in His forever city.

Remember kingdoms come and kingdoms go but not the kingdom of God as it is unshakeable.  The Kingdom of God is the kingdom that cannot be shaken and the one all who believe will receive.  Let us be thankful to our unshakeable living God and worship Him in reverence and awe.  He must be truly breath-taking.

Will you come and go with me to this city of the living God?


"Oh, Lamb of God, I come...I come just as I am because You have made it possible."

Lord God Almighty, it's exciting to think of going to Your astounding sounding city of the Living God.  Come soon and bring all of us who have trusted in Jesus up to Your Heavenly Jerusalem which endures for ever.

In Jesus' name I ask, amen.

                                                  ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on Hebrews 12:22-29 and 13:14 and Revelation 21.

Prayfully sing,  Just As I Am, along with Charles Szabo.

Book Review - Beyond Ivy Walls - By Rachel Fordham - Publication Date: 13 August 2024

 Beyond Ivy Walls has been such a pleasure to read!  It's been one of those late-into-the night, page-turning reads for me.  Such good, clean fun and amusing comedy coupled with feathers and letters and mysteriousness, kindness and compassion.  Oh, and wrapped in an envelope of unconditional love and romance that crept up and slowly burst into unsuspecting flame, without being cringy.

I believe that the Discussion Questions at story's end will help a reader or readers' group sort through some of the issues that presented themselves along the way.  

A very satisfying read for me, thus I give the author a 5-Star rating.  I hope to read more from Rachel Fordham in time to come.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                               May 2024

Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Read review on Goodreads

Book Review - Baby Animals Trying - By Aimee Reid - Publication Date: 1 August 2024


Very cute illustrations, but this goes without saying actually, since this book is about baby animals and their beginning endeavors at life.  I found the script  to also be offered in a gently educational, almost subtle manner and feel this work for young children will be of great interest to them.

There's a range of animals mentioned such as:  foals, elephants, seals, honey bears, orangutangs and many more, which will keep any child enthused.  It would make for a pleasant reading session and time to connect with one's child, I'd say.  

At book's end, are further short blurbs about the various animals named within the previous pages.  These, perhaps are extras for slightly older children who can read and are keen on learning more about these babies in nature.

Together, author and illustrator have created a beautiful and enticing children's non-fiction book - at least in my humble opinion, they did.

I give this book a 5-Star rating.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                               April 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.