Thursday, April 16, 2020

Prayer - Struck With Terror

David was so keen for others to experience God that he asked the LORD to,

"...not let mortals triumph..."

"...strike them with terror..."

and to,

"Let the nations know they are only mortal" (Psalm 9:19 & 20 NIV).

Not sure what happened in David's time to shake the fibers of the nations up into terror, but we all know what it is nowadays:  COVID-19!

Heavenly Father, God, may the nations turn to you.  May they seek You.  May they fall down on their knees and plead with You, in sincerity of heart.

Indeed, there seems to be many instances of this happening.  What a wonder You are Father!

No, I do not enjoy the misery of others!  In fact, it is all a travesty.  We implore You Father to stem the tide of all this deadly virus. And when it is all over, may the peoples of the earth still seek You.  May they not be angry at You for letting this happen.  I believe that You are just as deeply saddened over the state of mankind at present as we mortals are.

Therefore, Father, I ask that Your Holy Spirit continue to work mightily among the nations.  May their seeking of you not be short-lived once everything is going good again in the "new normal" flow of life. May all the nations and the individual mortals that make up the nations let this "terror" bring them to You and to Your Son Jesus Christ to be saved from a fate worse than COVID-19; that terror of eternity without You.  A terror of an everlasting suffering in the torments of Hell, separated from You with absolutely no chance of ever coming to You ever again.

This is so very solemn.

To strike someone with terror doesn't seem like a very nice blessing to confer upon anyone, even your worst of enemies.  However, Father, may the current "terror" drive people in droves, to fall at Your feet, to humbly accept Your offer of salvation and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives.  May Your infinite love and goodness be like a magnet and draw these souls to Yourself.

Then they will have forgiveness of sins, everlasting life and the many benefits of being Your child (see Ephesians chapter 1 for some of them).  Someday, if COVID-19 takes their life, or some other equally life-threatening disease or fatality, they will go straight to be with You.

Oh to be with You, forever, in Your presence.

What a consummation of a wondrous blessing that will be!

In Jesus Name I give You praise.

                                                         ~ERC  April 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 9:19 & 20.

Jesus Paid It All sung by Kristian Stanfil

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