Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Prayer - Smile of Content

I like it, Father God, when Psalmist David says, 

"I will sing to the LORD, for He has been good to me" (NIV).

It makes me smile because I know You have been good to me too.  In fact You have "dealt bountifully with me" (ESV) over the many years of my life, continuing even until now.

In sorrow, I confess of my complaining, of grumbling and murmurings of discontent.  With Your help, Father, I'll see instead, Your goodness and blessings in my  life and count them.

To focus rather, on Your unfailing love and trust in You  so my heart will rejoice and sing praises of Your salvation and goodness and Your forgiveness.  Help all of us look to count and give thanks; one by one for all the goodness You bestow upon Your children, including me.

A joyful song of praise upon lips curved upwards, in grateful smile mode; that smile of content .

Thank You, Abba Father.

In Jesus' Name we praise You.

                           ~ERC  Originally Prayed March 2020 - Blogged April 2020~

 Based on Psalm 13

Johnny Appleseed Song

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