Saturday, April 11, 2020

Lord's Day Devotion - He's Alive, Shout for Joy!

This weekend is known as Easter Weekend.  On this Lord's Day, we remember Jesus' death and resurrection for us, like we do on any other Lord's Day.  Sometimes on other days of the week, we exert our privilege and right to do so too, as often as we wish.

Well, in some ways, it might be the same; however...perhaps you have some bread and wine prepared in the inner sanctums of your home during this world-wide, locked down, quarantine time.  The Bible says, "where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20 KJV).  Jesus, our Redeemer, is with us whether we are at church or at home.

We can still remember Him. 

Let us meditate on some verses before we give thanks for the BREAD…

Sing, “Up from the grave He arose…”  What a joyful event!

Let’s read Psalm 98:4-6 (NIV) which expresses some of what we might feel  regarding Jesus' work on the cross,

“SHOUT for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song…make music to the LORD, the King!” 
 and our Savior…

 Let’s pray.

Father, we come to You with joy in our hearts for Jesus is no longer dead and hasn't been for about 2000 years;  HE”S ALIVE forevermore and we are FORGIVEN!  Our hearts truly do shout, “HOSANNA!” and “HALLELUJAH!” and “PRAISE THE LORD!” all in one breath.  

You have worked salvation for all of us who have accepted Your Son Jesus Christ as Savior.  We now thank-You and joyfully partake of this bread.  The bread being symbolic of Jesus’ broken-upon-the-cross body, to help us remember, often, that body of Jesus which was broken for us so long ago.  

Thank-You, Father,  so much for this sacrifice.  Jesus’ death and resurrection have brought us victory.

Thank-You Jesus, and it’s in Your holy Name we remember what Your compassionate, unfailing love has done for us.


Let’s all partake of the bread in unison.

Before giving thanks for the WINE…think of this,

Most remember that the children of Israel were slaves in Egypt but God was going to rescue them…

Let’s read Exodus 12:12 & 13 (NIV),

“ON that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt.  I am the LORD.” 
Now listen to verse 13, in particular…
The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you…”
Let’s pray, giving thanks for the WINE.

Heavenly Father, You told Your people to go home and shut their doors, til Your fury had passed (Isaiah 26:20).  So the children of Israel put the blood of the sacrificial lamb upon their lintels and door-frames.  They shut themselves into their homes.  The angel of death passed over those homes with the blood properly applied.  Then Father, You delivered them with Your almighty hand.  They had been afflicted but You rescued them.

We, too, have been afflicted with our sin but You sent Your Son Jesus Christ, Who took all that affliction upon Himself.  All the fury of Your wrath against sin was laid upon Jesus.  He took all that punishment for our sin.  Our Lamb of God, who took away our sin because He shed His blood for us.  We, Your children, have the blood of Jesus, which washed away our sins, upon our hearts.   When You see that blood, You turn away Your wrath from us.

We praise You Father God, for Your rescue plan; for Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Praise God, Jesus is alive!

We take the cup of wine in remembrance of Jesus sacrifice for us, with humble gratitude and thanksgiving.

In Jesus Name we give thanks.


Let’s all drink of the wine together.

                                                           ~ERC  April 2020~

What a mighty God we have.  Close your eyes and listen to the following song.  

 He's Alive - David Phelps - Gaither Vocal Band

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