Thursday, April 23, 2020

Prayer - Rest In God

Ah LORD God, thank-You that my soul can find rest in You; in You alone because my salvation comes from You and Your Son, Jesus Christ.  You are my Rock, my Salvation, my Fortress.  I can cling to and trust in You and never be shaken because You are that strong, secure One.

Father, people try to take advantage of Your people.  They try to pull them down because of their integrity and righteousness or just because they trust in You.  They delight in telling lies about Your people because they even have that deceitfulness about them; blessing your people to their faces but cursing them in their hearts or behind their backs. Despite all these people who make accusations against Your children, trying their best to topple them down, may Your children find rest in You alone.

Father, may our hope always be in You because You are the Rock of our salvation; our Fortress.  Again, when we cling on to You we will not be shaken.  Your word says so.  

Help us to keep this in mind always.  You are my salvation and Your children depend on You because You are our mighty Rock and Refuge and we can trust in You at all times.  We can pour out our hearts to You.  We can rest in You.

Often there are things in our lives we don't dare to tell other people, because we are ashamed, or they might become angry or it might embarrass us.  However, we can pour out our hearts to You, O God, because You listen, Your ear is always open to our cry.

We thank-You that we can also take refuge in You whether we are, in the eyes of society, low-born or high-born; whether rich or poor or "just a breath", of little consequence.

Indeed, sometimes we don't even see ourselves as much more than "just a breath"; feeling insignificant.  Even those who think they are something, those who think they are high-born, may they realize through their arrogance, chip it away to realize that, yeah, in many ways we are, "just a breath".  

When we compare ourselves to You, Who comes from, in terms of our human thinking, eternity past, and You are going to be there throughout eternity future, and that this time we are in, how old is the earth?  Not much more than 5000 or 6000 years old, since the Creation, since that beginning of time.  Time being just like a parenthesis in Eternity; like a drip in a bucket to You or a little breath that we can take.  I know we can hold our breath but when we don't, a breath is very short.  It can be very small and seemingly insignificant but when we have many breaths altogether we have a living being.

Nevertheless, Lord, when we focus only on the "one breath" it's not long; it doesn't take long and to us, our 70 or 80 years of Earth-living breathing is also, 'but a breath'.

Help us therefore, Father, to put into perspective, 'us':  human beings and You the almighty God, the Eternal One.  May we ponder on the fact that we can truly trust You.  That we can put our confidence in You, pour out our hearts and souls to You because You already know it all anyway.  You are omniscient and we shouldn't forget that.

Lord help us to be aware when someone is trying to extort us yet may we not put our hope nor set our sights on increased riches. Help us not to set our hearts on these things nor to take pride in stolen goods.  Hah!  Hopefully none of us steal anything anyway, for that matter.

Help us not to take pride in riches, not to set our hearts on them because they easily fade away.  They are truly "just a breath".  Riches come.  Riches go, as easy as anything.   So, Lord, help us not to rely on riches.  Yes, money is useful, in fact, a necessity in this world so we can eat, have shelter and clothes.  Help us not to be greedy for those things nor obsessed with them.  Instead, may our greed, so to speak, be to trust in You with our whole heart.  

This, because You are strong, you are the One who is loving.  We know that You will reward each one for what they have done:  whether we belong to You, we will  be rewarded for what we have done with good motive, for your glory and honor and those who do not know You, Lord, it is very, very scary because Your righteous judgement will come upon them.  That judgment for their sins; for the rejection of Your Son Jesus Christ and the salvation of their souls.  Oh Lord, You do not want to see anyone perish, but yet when people harden their hearts, and become as stubborn as a mule and bray insistent, "No, no, no's"! to You  it's so seriously solemn and heart-breaking especially when it's one of our relatives!  

Father, I ask that anyone reading/praying this prayer themselves, will put their names in the different places, saying "Lord, help me, Roxanne or Randy or Ben", whoever, Father.  May each one realize they will have to account for what they have done in this life.  That the good deeds do not outweigh the bad deeds.  

Father, they may be very good-living people which is a very good thing.  However, it is not enough.  Let them know this.  Help them to wake up before it is forever too late.  Give them that "last chance" before eternity future arrests them, when they will then sleep the sleep of the dead.  The perishing.  You do not want them to end up in that eternal living death of "perishing" for ever in Hell which you have NOT made for them.

Hell was made for the Devil and his minions (Matthew 25:41).

Lord, those who do not repent nor accept Jesus Christ will be put there too.  That will be eternal devastation for that person.  Lord we do not want that at all.  Father, let all who read/pray this prayer, come to rest in You, Almighty God.

I implore You in the Name of Jesus and by the power of Jesus blood, Who shed His blood for the remission of those sins which separate your human creatures from You.

                               ~ERC  Prayed Feb 2020 - Blogged April 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 62.

Song, Rescue the Perishing, written by Fanny Crosby - Acappella Christian Hymns

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