Friday, September 13, 2019

Bible ABCs - Quietens the Heart

She had just lost her husband of many years and as she trudged up the path to the house to face the silent room, she struggled, a solitary figure, to walk strong and steady on her elderly limbs.  

Up strode her granddaughters, one on either side, gently linking arms with her, lending her their more youthful energy, strength and compassion.

Her confidence and dignity boosted, her heart nudged with an infusion of comfort, she marched the remaining gauntlet up the steps and into the quiet shelter of her home "cocoon".

She knew where her husband had gone-to be with Christ and was happy for him-but now she was alone.  Her earthly 'consort' gone. 

Wait;  alone?  Alone, yet not alone, as demonstrated by those granddaughters.  It was more than that though.  She turned to the Lord for her strength, confidence, trust and quietness of heart.

"...In quietness and trust is your strength..." (Isaiah 30:15 NIV).

There she found peace.

Hannah of 1 Samuel 1 & 2 in the Bible, barren and not bearing any child any time too soon in the foreseeable future, knew where to turn.  She turned to her heavenly Father, God, and poured out her soul's distress and desire.  God heard her, so did Eli the priest who eventually blessed her with the benediction, 

"Go in peace" (1 Samuel 1:17 NIV).

Trusting, Hannah was able then, to wash her face and eat something.  God did grant her, her request and Samuel was born as well as subsequent children.

In John 20:19 & 21 NIV, Jesus is quieting the gathered disciples, calming their fears,

 "Peace be with you!"

A few months back I was at a funeral, and I'll never forget it as I have never, ever done such a thing before but I think it is a wonderfully, sympathizing practice and blessing to bestow upon others.  At the end of the service, the MC suggested each person go around the room, even to those we did not know, and say, "Peace be with you!"  

What calming, comforting words especially when they are God's Words.  Turn again and again to God's Word and scout out for the words that will soothe you; find peace for your hearts.  When we do so, we will find that quietness that builds trust in the shelter of God's wings and word.

"Peace be with you!"

                                                    ~ERC  September 2019~

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