Monday, September 2, 2019

Bible ABCs - Orders Our Life's Steps

Ever have the frustration of bowling?  That ball just will NOT keep a true and steady knock-out course down that alley towards the pins!  At least, not for a perpetual, beginning novice such as me.  More often than not, that ball will, wobble-wobble into the goner-gutter.  Needless to say, bowling is not up my alley and therefore I only attempt it once in a very blue moon. 

One time though, I was in a bowling alley where there were some sort of guards lining each side of, and the whole length of, the alleyway  preventing the balls from going into the ditch!  That was supposed to aid children.  Now that is a wonderful invention I think, for a more assured score!

That is exactly what God's Word can do for us too when we read and take heed.  Look at what the Psalmist discovered and asked for by his obedience and prayer;

"Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me" (ESV)

"Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me" (NIV)

God's Word directs and keeps our steps steady.  Isn't that grand!

We can keep on the right path without going "into the gutter" when we allow God's Word to order our steps.

Our steps, not the whole long "alleyway" in one go but step by step coverage.  When we depend upon our loving, Heavenly Father, we can stay the course and keep on track; sure and steady.

God promises this.  Isn't that portentous!?

Sin will not be able to get a stronghold, let alone a foothold in our life.  This we can humbly ask our Father too, to keep us.  We do fail but when we consciously seek Him and depend on Him, living to please Him always,

"He will not let your foot slip-He who watches over you will not slumber..." (Psalm 121:3 NIV)

And so He orders our life's steps according to His Word.

                                                             ~ERC  2019~

Step by Step as sung by Michael W. Smith and published by Peter m

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