Monday, September 9, 2019

Bible ABCs - Purifies the Mind


"Scrub harder!"

Before going into any operating room theater, one must SCRUB

One must "purify" oneself with a thorough scrubbing of hands using special soap and water and even a scrub brush to clean out any debris that might be harboring under those fingernails.  You gotta do that for a couple of rounds.  At least, I had too.  It was so long ago that I had to do that though,  I may have forgotten a step.  Nonetheless, I think you get the idea.  On top of all that "detoxing" of hands, one must don rubber gloves.  These to protect the patient from contamination but also so the surgeon and assistants do not contract any contamination from the patient.

Bring this regimen into the spiritual arena.  The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians,

"Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God" (2 Corinthians 7:1 NIV)

What is it that contaminates our bodies and spirits?

Colossians 3:1-17 NIV has a list of some:

"...sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed..." (vs 5)

"...anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language from your lips...lying to each other..." (vs 8-9).

How do we pick up those "toxins"?

Perhaps by the company we keep or the movies we constantly watch that condone filthy language and sexual immorality, among other things.  Sometimes our own defiance may allow us to engage in these things.  When we submit to our Heavenly Father, constantly guard against them and choose what we will or will not engage in; we will help ourselves to purify our minds and bodies.

When a person will read God's Word, they will also purify their mind.  When the mind is purified, then the body will follow suit;  mind and actions/deeds will please the Lord.

We are told in Ephesians 5:26 NIV that Jesus Christ,

"...loved the church and gave Himself up for her to make her Holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word..."

Reading God's Word, whether we understand it all or not will help to cleanse a person, especially when they read and heed what is said.  If we are constantly digging into God's Word it will be in our minds and help to fill it with God's good message.

For the past 32 days I've been reading at least ten chapters of God's Word daily.  It's a bit of a stretch as it takes about an hour of time.  Sometimes I let the downloaded version of the Bible "read" it for me especially when driving along in the car.  In the book entitled Total Surrender, Set Apart for God by Dr. John W.  Mulinde, I just finished reading, he says to saturate yourself with God's Word.  To him, reading the Bible should be,

" in a systematic and purposeful way, to know God, to know His story and to see God's perspective from the Jewish history.." (Chapter 9, page 125).

When we "read in bulk"  we may not always understand all we've read but it will help us know things from God's point of view. Who knows?  Someday, the parts you didn't understand will suddenly spark to life in your knowledge as the Holy Spirit teaches you and/or as some preacher expounds on the passage.  One way or another, it's not going to harm you any.

The crux of the matter is that we do become purified!  Of course, not just reading will do it.  You must 'do it'; obey it, put it into action.

Although the following was in the context of putting on the whole armor of God, I want to relate it to purifying.  The 40-day fast and prayer 2019 booklet I have that is put out by NECF  Malaysia, mentions that believers in Jesus Christ are...

"...responsible for putting on..."

the whole armor of God.  However, I want to correlate it with becoming  purified in our minds and bodies.  We, as children of God, need to be holy as God is holy.  Yes, as the NECF booklet further mentions,

"...We are declared righteous by God in the gospel..."

We are made 'righteous' in God's sight by our salvation through Jesus Christ.  Another term is "justification".  That was/is God's sovereign action bestowed upon those who have accepted His gift of salvation.  Yet, there is man's responsibility part too; also known as "sanctification".  The booklet goes on to state,

"...and we are to live out this righteous declaration with righteous actions."

We still grapple with our deceitful nature despite having the Holy Spirit indwell us.  We need to be on guard against what comes into our minds and dwells in our hearts.  It will either make or break us, so to speak.

Let the fear of God live in our hearts and minds.  Hide God's Word in your hearts so you will not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11).  As you do so, greater purity will come.  Your spirit will be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit's convictions and your heart more willing to choose God's way.  All this can be achieved out of growing reverence for God and wanting to please Him.

Let God's Word purify your mind, body and actions.

                                                      ~ERC  September 2019~


Total Surrender, Dr. John W. Mulinde, copyright 2017, Published by WTM Malaysia

A Lifestyle of Holiness, 40-Day Fast & Prayer, by NECF Malaysia


Oh, Sanctify Us, Lord  Tune and lyrics very succinct to the topic above.

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